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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. What I'm thinking. "Say it, forget it. Write it, regret it." Forward it, change your name and go into hiding.
  2. You appear to know a lot more about the show than I do. I actually don't mind the large production numbers, and I'm not discerning enough to tell the talent level of the pros apart from each other. I'm not a big fan of what I would consider ringers. Those like Jordan who clearly have some or much dance background or experience, or the ice skater with similar experience. Don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed Jordan's dancing, but to me, it was no different than watching two pros dance. I'm more interested in seeing someone with little or no dance history developing into a decent dancer. Skaters, gymnasts etc., while maybe not having actual dance background, certainly have a level of experience with getting their bodies to perform in an artistic manner, and imo, is a short leap to being a dance practitioner. I realize that it would cut way back on the pool of potential candidates for the producers to choose from, so that will probably not change. Plus, they do want folks that are having a moment in the spotlight for the most part. I really have no interest in watching cute kids dance around. Not my thing, but we'll see how the ratings go. I don't mind athletes in a mix of people, but we'll see how that one goes also.
  3. A month? Eeks, I've got too many garments for that. I go by seasons. If at the end of winter, I didn't wear a given fall/winter garment, it leaves my closet, permanently. Same for spring/summer. I don't really have special occasion stuff anymore, so that's not really an issue. My shoes take up an inordinate amount of space in my closet, so I have to be extra brutal/truthful with myself about them. At my age, anything over a 2-2.5" heel height is unlikely to be worn again - out it goes. If the heels are scrubbed up and can't be easily repaired - out they go. The results are satisfying.
  4. I realize that my 'audience' statement read kind of bossy. It wasn't intended.
  5. She doesn't get a pass from me for this "reveal". Again, two adults can't seem to control their behavior for the sake of their children. She clearly calculated this maneuver, aided by her good buddy Jeff Lewis. Shame on the both of them. He's a parent now, and should know better.
  6. I'm with you. If these are the ideas that were chosen to breathe life into the show, they should go back to the conference room. Personally, I would prefer fewer contestants, therefore a shorter season. That may not be popular or feasible.
  7. For me, it depends on the circumstance. I wouldn't say Googled in a business letter, resume, or any formal communication, but wouldn't hesitate to use it in a casual format like a personal email, or here for example. Know your audience. By me, it's "pop".
  8. Where it went wrong was Jump Street. She threw herself, literally, into this relationship and rushed into this marriage out of some need to be coupled up, imo. It's like she needed to be "the winner" of this group of women, as it relates to having a romantic relationship. I don't think any of them take John seriously as a mate of Dorinda. Even Countesses (or is it Countessi) are flawed humans, despite their protestations to the contrary.
  9. I cannot decide which designer is being groomed for the win; Stanley or Fabio. For my aesthetic, it would be Stanley, but I suspect that the judges will opt for Fabio.
  10. Fabio's top reminded me of this Lenox pattern - Lenox Chirp
  11. I believe he's admitted to the former. I've suspected the latter.
  12. I have seen this pretty much every time I've been in the ICU/CCU waiting area of our hospital as well. I realize that the hospital is in a no-win situation, but I think it's their responsibility to fall on their sword, and limit the number of visitors that can populate, no, campout in a waiting area.
  13. That Fabio is still in the competition speaks to me about the purpose of the competition. I've always been in a bit of a conflict about how designers are judged, at least in PR world. I tend to be a more practical person when it comes to fashion, clothing, and the manufacture of it. I do admit that this is probably not intended to be a ready-to-wear competition, but ultimately, that is where the vast majority of $$ is made isn't it? Yes, the couture segment is very, very pricey, but the trickle-down to the rest of us is the meat 'n potatoes of it. For me, there will always be a conflict about artistic interpretation vs. practical wearability. Fabio may be a great garment artisan, but I have to believe that the percentage of the population that would actually wear his designs is very small. I'm talking about wearing them in daily life, not to the Met thing, or to a fashion industry event. I guess at the end of the day, there is room for both, just maybe not in the winner's circle at Project Runway. I do realize that a couple of seasons have had winners with more traditional designs, but it hasn't been the norm imo. I think that those of you who are dedicated students of fashion probably prefer the artisan end of the curve, while I, who just enjoy clothing and fashion, prefer to see clothing more wearable and relatable to me. Neither are right or wrong, just different.
  14. I noticed that also. The bewbage spillover happened when she was primarily sitting. Because stomachs 'n stuff.
  15. I may be alone on an island here, but I would rather the talent be judged, and winner chosen based on the work product and not on gender or race. I would be disappointed if women or men were retained as participants based solely on gender. That each winner of PRAS has been male is a coincidence to me, not a conspiracy. There is so much female involvement in this show, I just don't believe that it's being predestined to have male winners. The regular PR has had an even mix of winners. Project_Runway_contestants
  16. I really dislike the far majority of his things, which of course made him a shoo-in for the finale.
  17. I either don't remember this or I burned it from memory. A pox on your house for giving me the visual.
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