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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. May have happened, may not have happened, but I wouldn't be surprised if yes. ramona-singer-was-the-pushiest-wife-at-premiere-party
  2. It's true! That irritates me to no end. Why do I have to input all of that info, if I will be repeating it to every.single.person I interact with? Arrggghhh! I'll say it again, computerized call routing was the beginning of the end of society as we knew it.
  3. I sort of find it sad that a brand can be positively impacted by being exposed on a show like RHO. It says a lot about our celebrity-obsessed society that we will consider purchasing based on recognition alone. The Kardashian phenominon is the most glaring example of this obviously. I would agree with Heather's business partner, and I would have tried valiantly to keep her from signing onto that project, probably at my own financial detriment. Why I don't live in Manhattan, with interns and drivers and umbrella holders I guess.
  4. Or, like most successful shows in this modern era, 5-6 seasons and out.
  5. Only funny because it's highly likely, lol. With Nene fu**ing Leakes as head judge, because Fashion Police you know.
  6. https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2018/04/bethenny-frankel-boyfriend-dennis-shields-in-trump-tower-fire/
  7. It's Radar Online, so judge how you will... https://radaronline.com/exclusives/2016/11/nicole-curtis-custody-battle-son-ethan-rehab-addict/
  8. She should totally become a Starbucks barista and write lewd comments in folks' lattes.
  9. I love how the ER nurse says to Yevgeny, "let's get you cleaned up". Obviously, that was a necessary plot element to facilitate him getting into scrubs, but where in the free world does that happen? Totally unrealistic. Those ER workers would have ushered him to the waiting room, where he would sit in bloody clothes for however many hours he chose to sit there. I realize Carrie totally psyched out Frannie's Principal or whatever he was, but having already spoken to her b-i-l, wouldn't he have called the police to sort it out before allowing Carrie to leave with her? So many conveniences with the writing on this show. I'm in agreement with those who see the Frannie thing as nothing more than an annoyance at this point.
  10. @BookWoman56 - First place I checked, Wayfair.com, put twin beds in the search bar, and many, many styles came up. Wood, metal, upholstered. There were transitional, contemporary, etc. Don't think you'll have any trouble.
  11. Thanks for the opportunity to insert one of my all-time favorite memes.
  12. I thought of that. I sort of hope not to be honest. I fear what they would do to it.
  13. Hate may or may not be the right word, but it does appear that she burned that bridge. Regardless of what I think of AC's humanity, he is shrewd about reality television, and if he thinks money can be made by Jill's return, it's possible I suppose.
  14. All the way to the bank. The ink alone that she receives across the media spectrum will keep her in Louboutins.
  15. While I would agree that Kathryn appears to have issues, I can't diagnose them as I'm unqualified to do so. I also believe that TRav is unbalanced. The brief interaction that was filmed with his father was rather illuminating imo. One of Kathryn's biggest problems is chronological. She got knocked up at 20 or 21 years old by a moneyed narcissist. She's now 24 or 25, with a maturity that hasn't reached even that age. She was playing socialite (there's that word again) housewife at the age of 22, without benefit of being either. Add alcohol or whatever drug she was abusing, and there was zero chance of maturation. Her best if not only chance of normalcy will never be found in Charleston or with this television program. If her family has any influence with her, they should be doing anything they can to get her away from there. We know that Bravo and Andy Cohen will do their yeoman's best to keep her in the ring with the mud.
  16. I would love it if every time the word socialite is used to describe Tinsley (or anyone else for that matter), it were replaced with the word unemployed. A factual replacement that invokes an entirely different image. Hate that word. Socialite.
  17. I'm sure you guys all know this, but Matt Roth (Fisher) an Laurie Metcalf (Jackie) were married irl from 2005 to 2014.
  18. It really is an incredible amount of scrutiny for what I thought was one dirty drug test? Plus with TRav's drug dealing background, the irony is ironic. I suppose he never inhaled. Note - don't get me wrong, I don't think that substance abusing parents should get a pass, it just seems like she is really being made to jump through hoops, whereas his documented, filmed, alcohol abuse misuse is basically ignored. ymmv
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