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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I'm not going to comment further on the culture appropriation discussion, as it has all the earmarks of going political, which is not allowed here. I read everyone's responses.
  2. I would agree with you for the most part here, with the caveat that I don't know anyone who would consider a 20-something day stint in rehab a sincere effort.
  3. Please don't be offended. Just a lame attempt at humor.
  4. Yes indeedy. Unfortunately, right into rehab.
  5. It's interesting that both of Emma Kenney's characters, Rosanne's Harris and Shamless' Debs sell or have sold stolen merchandise on line.
  6. You're welcome! For this pic, you could probably even go to 25%. So funny. Our squirrels entertain us a lot. They're very smart little creatures.
  7. Yeah, somewhere there is a scale of bad that puts assaulting a police officer below shoplifting toilet paper. She openly stated that she didn't intend to go to therapy, only AA.
  8. I'm looking at those photos, and you may trust and believe that my rosy behind would move in there before you could say Rocco or Frenchy or grey gardens or whatever. I don't get all the townhouse hate here. It's beautiful.
  9. I don't want to harsh your mellow or anything, but could it be a breast cancer awareness thing? Just askin'...
  10. I didn't remember, and I'm the one that posted the story originally, lol. So then JL released that as well. Oh Jeff, you're such a dick. Can you imagine the crap he'll do when he splits from Gage? Epic.
  11. I also like Jeff Lewis, almost inexplicably, but this was a nasty move. I'll never believe that Shannon was unawares, so foolish on her part also. David's anger, though justified, doesn't belong on Twitter or wherever this tirade took place. Three adults, three bad acts, three children damaged.
  12. Getting On was a great show on HBO. Sorry it ended, she was fantastic.
  13. 2-1/3 ringers with the obligatory ice skating contingent (giving TH 1/3) cuz she got chubby. Football players are always popular with voters fsr, KAJ will be awkward and gangly most likely. Hard to say what Damon, Arike, and Anderson will bring. I'll watch until I determine that it's unwatchable.
  14. The real question: Has she gotten any intelligence enhancements?
  15. DWTS Twitter feed, with photos of pairs twitter.com/DancingABC
  16. Still takes cash. Write-off simply means that taxes are different/less.
  17. Not the same unit, hence the different wood colors. Pretty representative though.
  18. Amen sis. I guess seeing these shows which are filmed so far in advance of the actual viewing confuses my timing. I seemed liked that was a whirlwind "romance" that was over before it started. Two years is short, but I really thought it was less than that.
  19. Thank you! I didn't think I was crazy. What's this nonsense with Luann talking about her "two years" blah blah blah with Tom?
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