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Everything posted by SuprSuprElevated

  1. I know what you're saying. In a less clinical sense, I don't know how any of these people are able to view these episodes; watch themselves abuse alcohol, without sprinting to a 6 or 12 month rehab program. I am not a teetotaler, and I have killed some brain cells in my life, but these women are on a whole other level.
  2. I agree, but for some reason, I always feel like Luann is merely uttering platitudes. I just don't sense sincerity. Luann seems to bend whichever way the wind is blowing; if sympathy for Sawnya was the thing, okay, but if "the girls" were going in for her, then she'd be right there too.
  3. She (Carole) behaved similarly vs. Aviva and vs. Luann when she was feuding with them. It's ironic isn't it? That she turns to Twitter like a certain someone whom she detests turns to Twitter. A certain um...NY real estate developer. Here I am, relating.
  4. I'm on board with all of this. Please tell me though, that they won't work her pregnancy into the script. Pulleeze
  5. It's actually marketed as the "Hampton Jitney". https://reservations.hamptonjitney.com/hjmobile/
  6. Yeah. I'm not one to jump on the "privelaged" train, but if I were, she would be my WANTED poster subject. It would almost be forgivable if I thought for one minute that she was ignorant or tone deaf. Ramona knows exactly what time it is, but continues to manipulate people to serve her. On those rare occasions that she gets push-back, she throws up the "oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know!" bullspit. I think she's mostly despicable.
  7. Though I get Dori's frustration/anger with Sawnya, she should look at this photo, and know what it looks like when she goes off. People will just shut down, and your point will be totally missed. Calm down Dori! Take a Xanax!
  8. Biggest merge issue I experience is when approaching a work zone. Signs indicating a slowdown to 45mph with clear "DO NOT PASS" zones leading up to it. These asshats will zoom through the DNP zone so as to get ahead of semis through the work zone. It's insane and maddening. No zippers, buttons, or snaps involved.
  9. It's rare that I'm bothered by someone who bathed in fragrance, but it happens. In my experience, it's almost always what I would call an "old lady" scent...usually a heavy floral. I'm more bothered by cleaning products and cooking food in offices. That pine scented and orange scented crap makes me crazy. Cooking popcorn in an employee microwave? Just say 'no'.
  10. It was funny though, how Luann hesitated, and initially tried to qualify the "you were right". It came out something like "you were sort of right" or "you were mostly right", I can't exactly remember how she said it. Then finally she just came right out with it. "You were f*cking right."
  11. Join me over here won't you? I've been waiting for all of you for several seasons now.
  12. To be fair, he's had all of about 5 minutes of screen time, so I don't think we've really had a chance to see it yet.
  13. I would have needed oxygen had I golf-carted 26 miles. Just sayin'.
  14. Sort of furthers my opinion that these women have little to do with each other outside of filming for a paycheck/exposure. If I only saw a castmate for 4 months or so every year, and didn't have a strong personal relationship, I probably wouldn't trouble myself with navigating through a nightmare of traffic, etc., to show up for a faux support session. Tinsley was probably genuine in her goodwill, but she is the newest cast member, and may have seen it as good camera time. That Sonja couldn't stick her head out the window doesn't really surprise me, though had she thought about doing it bare-breasted while slinging Mardi Gras beads down to the crowd, I'll bet she would have. There's a missed opportunity she's regretting today.
  15. Either someone on a high rung has developed a fragrance allergy, or someone on a lower rung is giving HR a run for their money.
  16. I see. Well, I guess I didn't realize that tickets were required to attend. My marathon experience is limited to ... well, I've covered that haven't I? ?
  17. You have very firm definition standards. He's hella fine! I'm really surprised that he isn't a very busy, in-demand model, with little time for litigation.
  18. I wasn't aware that one had to be "invited' to a showing of support. I missed the passage from Emily Post, where she suggested that one send engraved, linen invitations to stand at a finish line and yell "yay Carole!" Lu's bs propriety exclamations. I wonder if she sends signed Thank You notes to her conquests. If so, she's undoubtedly one of Vista Print's most valuable customers.
  19. We could use an entire Traffic Pet Peeves thread, lol. George Carlin said it best in a comedy routine. I'll paraphrase; "if you're going slower than I am, you're an idiot. If you're going faster than I am, you're a maniac." Pretty much how I feel.
  20. Well, the good news for Tamra is she's assured of at least another season's storyline. If I were Eddie, I'd hire a food taster.
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