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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Fred Savage, Drew Barrymore, and Jodi Foster were the only child actors that hosted SNL when they were kids or teenagers. Do you think SNL would allow an child actor to host now? The only one that hosted SNL and was a teenager was Justin Bieber several years ago. You think Lorne would do that now? It seemed the age range for hosts extends from late 20s-60s so far. The oldest was Betty White. I wonder if a child actor would ever host. Fred Savage was good, considering his age and knowing that was the golden years of SNL. I liked the Church Lady monologue and that was gold. You'll think it would happen?
  2. That was shocking, considering I seen murders in horror movies that do involve kids(see the remake of The Blob). When I was at the theaters, I sat next a woman who screamed when that happened and one of the 17 year old boys in front were bawling out when that happened for 5 minutes. You could hear the sniffles and his friend was insisting to say, "It's just a movie, etc." But he was an emotional wreck. I really felt bad for him. What is interesting is that it's not the extended version shown in theater. There is actually a longer scene to that, according to the director himself.
  3. Yeah, that part made no sense. It's a neighborhood festival and people have every right to enjoy it. The end result made it worse. It's like Jessica is in the right no matter what.
  4. That pissed me off and she was awarded with bad behavior at the end.
  5. I kind of wished there was a movie going on with Catcher In The Rye, but knowing JD Salinger, it would never happen at all. Too bad. I like the 1950s setting and just to hear the music from that time period would be cool to hear.
  6. Oh, Louis. That was wrong on so many levels. Doing something without Honey's permission is not teamwork.
  7. Oh, wow! War Pigs is such an awesome song and to have the lyrics in sync with the trailer is just ingenious.
  8. And it's a Thanksgiving episode! Was the actress unavailable or something?
  9. Rhys Ifans looks really creepy as Rasputin. And I thought Rebecca Ferguson as Rose The Hat from Dr. Sleep was creepy. This is next level batshit crazy creepy.
  10. Disney category was too freaking easy. You could have done that blindfolded and not miss one wrong answer.
  11. I honestly did not know about that from Julie Andrews. The more you know.
  12. Is that the kid from Wonder? I thought he looked familiar.
  13. That is why I get pissed off at some of these former child star's parents because they rely on the breadwinner and live a lifestyle that is not their own. I just hope today's child star's parents learn to love and educate them when they have these different career paths. Sometimes a parents' love is all they need. For the record, River's father, John, begged him to quit acting and get away from Hollywood to recover from the drugs that he was abusing so much. I remember River did say he would have done that, but he had three film projects he wanted to do so badly that he never gotten to finish: Dark Blood, Total Eclipse, and Interview With The Vampire. The whole thing just makes it more tragic. There is a lot of what if moments about River Phoenix. I wondered if he would have survived the 2000s. If not for that cocktail mix that killed him, would he survived against Leonardo DiCaprio's rising fame? I think with the current administration he would have been active in social change and quit acting right there. Same with Rudolph Valentino. How would he have survived the talkies? Lot of what ifs there.
  14. Whatever it is, good publicity on Jacob's part. And now a Disney role as Flounder in the new live action Little Mermaid? He is already set. Turns out that his own father is a police detective who is always on set!
  15. They are very different in their own way of acting. I don't think there is a comparison between them. River just turned a disability with dyslexia into a ability to further his career as an actor, which is one of the most important points to make there. I still wondered if River Phoenix would have made it had he not taken that drug cocktail. I think he would have been regulated to dad type roles late in his career, possibly in films or tv shows. Possibly a Stranger Thing guest spot as an old date of the main characters' mother or playing as the father to Jacob Tremblay in most of those coming of age films, including Good Boys. I am not saying anything negative about him, but judging how Hollywood has that age thing where the actor is too old to play young love interest or a very naive good person who does good, I would bet River would have had two options left at this point of his career. Or possibly grow to be a music producer. We may never know. It's hard to say.
  16. My mother is a cat lover, so it is easy to fall in love with cats for her. My sister on the hand....that's a long story.
  17. River Phoenix is an interesting curiosity. I think Stand By Me showed River at his best. Director Rob Reiner asked River to think of an unhappy moment to make that crying scene work. It is one of those scenes you felt sorry for him and whatever happened to him then. It must have been an unpleasant experience.
  18. I lived through that moment. Such a shame. She died too young.
  19. Robert Lynch

    Disney Films

    So since this is live action for Little Mermaid, does that mean the animals/fishes are going to have that realistic CGI look that was prevalent in the recent Lion King? Not so cartoonish, but more realistic?
  20. Ewww.....Seeing those see through golf shorts on Trump.... Thanks, Oliver.
  21. There is really not going to be many episodes so I am wondering how the whole thing would end.
  22. One of the many reasons Rebecca Ferguson cried at one scene. This is why Rebecca deserves kudos here. Hard to believe it is the same actress from The Greatest Showman. Talk about talent.
  23. That why I was judging from the trailer I saw a few weeks ago. I just decided to watch The Innocents again and it is just seems so odd with that Miles casting. I heard he was really good in The Goldfinch according to some reviews, but I am wondering how he would pull that out here.
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