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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. Paul Dano is interesting casting. I still remember him from L.I.E. Dano certainly came a long way from that role. He was kind of billed as the next River Phoenix at that time.
  2. R. Kelly was one 90s artist I was always meh about in terms of music and performance. I was just not connected to his music at all and I actually preferred other 90s artists besides him. He was not something that must be on my playlist. He was talented, I give you that. But his music was too samey and repetitive for me to become a fan. I like some of his songs, but I could never get into his music at all. He was not something to make me a stan. And this is from a kid that grew up in the 90s.
  3. It's interesting as to how the SNL spoof with Keenan is what brought to light about R. Kelly when they were so many other skits before that. Aries Spears played R. Kelly in a music video spoof of his music with underage undertones on Mad TV. Jordan Peele played him on the show as well, but more of a scary predator than Chapelle or Spiers.
  4. Greenberg.....😤what a.....I have no words at all. So glad he was called out because of that journalist. That dude is a hero. That hairstylist's story was so unsettling. Boy, talk about graphic. Wow.
  5. I feel pity for R. Kelly because of the abusive childhood he endured for so long at such a young age, but if that same person lays the abuse on other young girls, he doesn't deserve sympathy at all. Not from me. He knew what he did was wrong and all the people involved just turned a blind eye to the almighty dollar. He and his inner circle should be held accountable for that.
  6. 1991! I was 8 playing NES, SNES, and arcades games at that time. This guy had a system more complex than MJ. He was doing it half my lifetime for years. It wasn't like it was a secret or anything, but the longevity of it shocked me. It was there.
  7. Robert Lynch

    Cats (2019)

    What makes it worse is that it has the Spielberg touch, which makes it all the more forgettable even if he only executive produced the film. Spielberg hasn't had a good film in God knows how many years.
  8. The only thing I remember Anne Rice say she didn't want a 17 year old actor to play Armand because she feared they'll age out the parts if the series did continue beyond seasons 1 or 2. My best guess is Timothee Chamalet or Ansel Elgort, though Timothee did a good job in Call Me By Your Name. I could see him playing that part as well. Both have youthful faces. Armand is a very difficult character onscreen, despite describing him as a young beautiful 17 year old Russian. Sometimes I see either Finn Wolfhard or Timothee Chamalet. It's hard to explain. Well, I wish Anne luck on this. We will wait and see.
  9. Wow, Larry David. Am I the only that noticed that he didn't even acknowledged Lizzo's presence when she is either trying to hug or speak to other cast members during the goodbyes?
  10. Pedro Pascal was awesome in Narcos and GOT, so he will be awesome as an 80s bad guy as well. I never noticed his own parents were political refugees. He also has a very young brother that attended Juilliard and I think has starred in a couple of Narcos episodes himself. I think he is an actor, too, but not like the range Pedro has. I wouldn't have thought they were related, but they are. Just one of the interesting things about Pedro.
  11. That's one busy 13 year old kid. Is there anything he can't do? He gets murdered in Doctor Sleep. Curses in Good Boys. So many things. I wish him all the luck in the world. He was pretty funny in his first voiceover as Robin.
  12. That's Jacob Tremblay voicing Robin. Yes, the kid from The Room!
  13. Never seen so much made up words in my life. Slock rocket! What the heck?
  14. She could also bid for The Mayfair novels instead for television adaptation.
  15. Reminds me of a time when Aaliyah was casted as Akasha in late 2000 or early 2001. It was the old forum days. Every fan of Anne Rice argued about her skin being too dark and not alabaster as was the description in QOTD recalling Akasha looking Arabic or almost Greek. While Aaliyah was not a strong actress, I didn't like the whole her skin should be lighter discussion or whatever was the hate going on during the production of the film. It just seemed ridiculous back then.
  16. Barry just needs to go far, far away from this show and never return at all.
  17. Yeah, Evan did a quick change in character this season. However, I detest the change in Louis' character. The writers are trying to make him another Jessica clone and that makes it bad. I understand to make one person equal to the counterpart, but that just really makes no sense. Louis was always a nice guy, so why make him like the wife? No sense at all.
  18. Not surprised. I had a feeling it would have happened.
  19. It is ending, though. They are getting less episodes here. My prediction is that it will end on February 2020.
  20. His best role was in Victor/Vitoria. I don't think anybody could have played that part at all. He was great in that as well. That laugh at the end was the perfect way to end the movie.
  21. I need a lobotomy after that. Reminds of that Twilight Zone episode where the whole thing the man had was a cookbook.
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