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Robert Lynch

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Everything posted by Robert Lynch

  1. I was bawling my eyes at that scene. It reminded me of my Puerto Rican mother's grandfather and what he went through at that time. He was seventeen when he entered WWI. I can't imagine what he did and he was pretty young. Mind you, he lied about his age and the rest is history.
  2. Let's hope next episode is better than this.
  3. I had a feeling they were going to end it.
  4. She was so pretty in the 80s and 90s. When she has done to her face is so sad.
  5. That's why I like Schitt's Creek so much better. What suffers in most shows like The Goldbergs, Fresh Off The Boat, and Modern Family is that they make the character or characters pretty unsympathetic that it becomes a choir to watch all of a sudden. It is not that all shows are like that, but there is a trend when characters argue over stupid things and gets away it because of a plot device. It is so annoying.
  6. Georgie resembles so much of a young Patrick Swayze it is almost uncanny. I think it is the hair. Funny thing is that both actors are from Texas.
  7. 97 and still kicking ass. The man is a bigger name than all of them in the room.
  8. And I always wanted to see this band. I am glad for others like you that saw their last hurrah as a band. I always liked their music. Screw cancer!😥
  9. R. Jelly girlfriend returns home to parents
  10. Clip of Mario Lopez and Elizabeth Berkeley in Saved by The Bell revival
  11. I actually don't mind Bernie Taupin. He is just as good as Brian May when it comes to lyrics as well.
  12. I wish Harriet and Jojo Rabbit had better nominations. It seems those two films were completely ignored.
  13. That is reminiscent of the stans for MJ or those that were not fans of his. I could attest that MJ was abused and probably pimped by Joe Jackson to various shady businessmen at a relatively young age. However, MJ was an adult and lived his childhood three times. He had all resources to get him diagnosed from therapy, but the family did nothing about it. Hell, I could not blame Janet for doing things on her own and being self-made without the family's involvement. I would have done the same thing in her shoes. There is so much drama you can handle that all you could say that's enough. MJ unfortunately did not have those resources. He was doomed from the start.
  14. It's those stupid severe no bang required looks that's becoming the in thing. That was never an attractive look on women with big foreheads and those boyish haircuts cropped to the skull is a big no. While Annie Lennox and Jamie Lee Curtis could get away with it and still look better regardless, it shows that some women could not get away with the androgynous look.
  15. Is this a remake of The Faculty?
  16. Hence, the Michael Jackson syndrome.
  17. I swear if I hear one celebrity lay out their politics, I would roll my eyes at that. I'll be like, "Dude, you have maids, handlers, and live in multimillion dollar homes." There is no way you are like us, so don't bring politics to your speech. Thank your family, agents, friends, etc., but leave politics out. I sometimes fast forward the speeches because of this. I am all for their charitable contributions, but this has been like this for several years now. As sad it may sound, I think Ricky has a point.
  18. Did Selma Hayek had her boobs done? They look like huge balloons masquerading as boobs.
  19. My station seem to edit whatever Joaquin Phoenix said. It was even prevalent with Ricky Gervais' monologue.
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