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Everything posted by HoboClayton

  1. He needed a ponch to the Richard. Really though, interesting story. Hadn't heard that one before. Creepy indeed.
  2. I like the lady sitting in the back at the separate table. Her expression is all of us. Though, I don't know if she is connected to them in any way. Jackson is such a ham, I like his spark. Warm mayonnaise has more vibrance and color than these people. I see Josie hasn't developed a palate for Mexican food yet. Shudder. Could you imagine sitting down at the end of the table, and all the little stepfords turn and stare at you like that?
  3. Every time I hear or see Anthony, I am taken aback. His voice doesn't match his face.
  4. The no shoe thing gets on my nerves as well. But, come on! I'm also the type of person that you couldn't keep shoes on to save your life. And let's face it.. These kids running around barefoot is a good thing. They need all the antibodies and immune builders they can get. Walking barefoot on some woodchips is not going to kill him. And if it was bothering him, he would have raised a stink. "Sanitary" is the environment you need to be in for surgery, not in day to day living. Get dirty, it really is okay.
  5. HAHA! Oh... That picture is just precious. I think even the "Faith Riders" would kick his wobbly ass. I can see Josie raising rabid hell on one though in about 10 years.
  6. I didn't see much of Taxi. But, I do remember that God awful Dear John show that amazingly ran for 4 seasons! I have seen some episodes again recently... Ugh. I don't like.
  7. I adored Rosie as a child and thought she was so cool. Loved her talk show, it was a lot of fun. Over the years, little tidbits have came out about how nasty she can be behind the scenes. Which, is true for most people, so I kind of shrugged it off. I don't know what she is like as a mother. I know she is raising her little one now, the rest are adults at this point I think. I'm extremely worried Rosie is going to become a headline for a bad bad reason. She is consumed with negativity, and has been since before the election. Things beyond her control are stacking up, and she is also letting what's happening in the US right now consume her. She is sharing a lot of personal things on social media regarding Chelsea, mental health, and of course, politics. I don't know her, and probably never will, so my opinion means nothing. I just still have a soft spot for her, and would be very sad to lose her. I wish she would just get away and focus on happiness, and Dax. She certainly has the money to do so. But, it's her journey to take. I wish her and her family the best.
  8. Ruthie, the cashier from Seinfeld was on stage when Blanche was trying out for the play and her balloons were 'popped' Leslie Nielsen of course. Bea's real life son played the rookie cop in the hurricane episode. Meg Wylie played a few characters. Nan Martin, Beth Grant, Geraldine Fitzgerald, and who can forget Mario Lopez? Oh! And Ruby Dee, who played Mammy Watkins.. That bitch!
  9. It sounds like Meghan is almost 100% a lock to replace Jed. Which I am fine with. She can come across rather smug and snotty sometimes, but, for the most part, I tend to agree with what she says. She is smart, and I think solidly set in her views. I don't think she will back down and shrink in her seat when Emperor Whoopi tries to shut her up. I am however not looking forward to hearing about her father all the time. While I wish John all the best, I don't need to hear about him every day. Sarah seems like such a sweetheart who hasn't had her light extinguished yet in the viper pit.
  10. BBM--- HAHAHA!! I guess I would vote for Paul to win out of the three. Josh makes me physically angry, and Krampus (haha) has let me down so much. I had high hopes for her at beginning of season. Cody for AFP.. But, do not care enough to vote. Crap crap crap season.
  11. Hey y'all... Hillary wants you to buy her book. Just in case you missed it.
  12. They don't need anything else to be called a racist for, and that would do it.
  13. My dad is an asshole dog owner. He has vocal, annoying, ankle biters. I can't tell you how many times growing up, and even recently as I was visiting, my dad will have a service person in the house, and not put the dogs in a room. Here's this poor guy checking on the furnace, and he's got 4 barking dogs surrounding and jumping on him. I'm like, lock them in the room! Not everyone likes dogs! And even the biggest dog lover, doesn't want unknown annoying yappers in his face while they are trying to do their job. It's completely lost on him, and I don't get it. It's embarrassing and baffles me how he can be so clueless and downright rude when it comes to that issue. And yes, I have told him over and over again. On the other side of the dog issue, I was walking out of my front door, down my stairs and into my yard. There was a man standing there with his dog in the middle of my yard, waiting for him to take a shit. I didn't see if he even had a bag or not. So, I walk up and bend down and put my hand out palm down to let him smell my hand and said hello. This guy yanks his dog pretty hard back, and says "don't touch my dog!! he has a nervous condition!!!" Well, asshole. Keep your fucking dog out of my yard! A smug little prick if their ever was one. I know, I should always ask if I should touch someone's dog, and honestly, I'm still trying to get used to that, being around dogs, my entire life. But, I have no problem asking first, and probably should have in this case. But, he was literally, on my property, said nothing to me as I walked toward him. So, I don't feel bad. The entitlement of people blows me away. My hatred for this smug little diva is probably a little stronger than it should be.. But, damn if that didn't infuriate me. Haha! Maybe he was one of the servicemen that came to my Dad's house or something coming for some payback.
  14. More CPS talk. Most phones have long distance for free these days. Wouldn't be hard at all to make that call yourself, if you are so worried about the children. I have no doubt that David would wipe his entire family off the face of this Earth, if authorities got involved and there was a real chance of something happening. He seems like that type to me.
  15. There's a picture on Instagram of them on looks like a wagon ride or something. And they are holding tortillas. The comments are saying that the baby has a tortilla on it's head, but, in the picture I see, no tortilla on the head. So, it was probably deleted. Cultural appropriating tortillas? Trying to cook his little head to put inside a tortilla? Also, the usual moaning and groaning about the baby wearing mittens on his hands. I don't know. Probably something really stupid, like usual. I really think if the Duggars or offspring died in a house fire, people would be outraged because of the pollution they created. I do think it's funny that on their Instagram they have a link to their charity and the link says suspended. https://purecharity.com/ccsm-missions-derick-dillard-suspended/
  16. I am not generally a violent person, but, I would pay to see that little bitch Josh get every tooth knocked out of his mouth.
  17. Ok hold on... I got this one... No soda Jim Boob?? Cheap!! Is that actual fruit in Boob's bowl?!? We know he won't eat it. What is Josiah eating?!?! No wonder his ugly face is so broken out. Michelle looks hunched over, is wearing a jean shirt... 3 unused plates just sitting there!! Does that brick look like it has a black eye to anyone else?? Josiah does not have his napkin on his lap. These losers probably don't know what to do with it because it's not paper. Bland, fried, food. No wonder they are all so awful looking. Who is the extra glass of water for?! Wearing a hat indoors!? Is that a huge cup of ranch?!? Look how the light is hitting Michelle from the blinds. Bitch thinks she is saintly or something. No salsa for the chips?! Aaaand Josie might be there under the table lisping and sucking on sugar packets.
  18. Texas Chainsaw Massacre 1974 is a masterpiece. Sad loss.
  19. I love the nickname Krampus. If a poster here came up with that, kudos!! And, I am a sucker for lists so.... Oreo cookies Slim Jims Green Tea Havarti dill cheese Black grapes Dill pickle spears Peanut butter eggs Album- L7 Bricks Are Heavy
  20. Don't say fat! That's offensive. Here are 12 other adjectives to use instead.. They all, mean fat. Same message received. The designers are always 'extra'... Just all too precious. All of them. Still entertaining enough though.
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