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Everything posted by HoboClayton

  1. That sucks. I was hoping Jana would get married some day.
  2. Dr. Phil has weight loss books? What's next? "Marijuana! The Gateway Drug to the Highway to Hell?" By Whoopi Goldberg?
  3. Caitlyn? Shut your hypocritical, privileged ass up. Jed? Speaking to Caitlyn- "I wanna vote for you, you ever think of running?" Double shut the fuck fuckity up!! Could not turn the channel fast enough. I was hoping at least Joy would call Caitlyn out a little on her bullshit, but. I'm just seeing them all kiss her ass. Can't sit through another segment of that.
  4. Hey, they mixed it up a little! Trailer, trailer home, trailer park, trailer park house.
  5. I really enjoyed this series, and found myself thinking much differently about both actresses. I went in thinking this was going to be campy fun, which it was. I was not expecting it to make me as emotional as it did. The last 2 episodes left me so sad for both of them, but, especially Joan. I thought Susan and Jessica did fine in the roles. The standout acting wise was Stanley Tucci. He is just fantastic. Dominic Burgess was also great as Victor. And Jackie Hoffman blew it out of the water as Mamacita. Between Susan and Jessica, I will have to put Jessica slightly above Susan, acting wise. I really felt my heart ache for her. Such a sad ending, and terrifying to think of some day being in the same situation. ETA: The Roast of Bette is available on You Tube. I have seen it before, but, will give it another watch and pay more attention to her facial expressions.
  6. Oh I think Bea and Rue totally broke during the herring war. You can tell when Bea looks up at the camera and they decide to just roll with it. But, I do agree that they were supposed to laugh. I'm not really disagreeing with you, I just think they were laughing out of control, but, stuck to the scene. So funny. Betty, as always, is a pro. Andy, I think they broke a little in that scene as well. They just keep it together enough so that it still works.
  7. Bwahaha! That Billy Bush video. What. A. Tool. I do generally like Warren, mostly. I think she came off today as spastic and oh golly gee willickers. Oh, and buy my book.
  8. There we go. I think I got it now.. Having issues because it's from Twitter. But it's a picture of Donald Trump blowing his brains out.
  9. She was the last person alive born during the 1800's.
  10. This is a local commercial. Such rage. Over and over again. Constantly.
  11. Lithgow was great in Dexter. Very creepy, and believable.
  12. I'm hearing some meh's.. But episode kept me hooked. At the end, I thought it had went by way too fast. This series has made me bounce like a lunatic back and forth about my feelings about Crawford. Craziest eyes ever though.
  13. Dear Jackie can shove her opinion up her ass.
  14. I'm seeing girls holding up bikes. Flip flops really? And yeah... If fabric gets caught up in that chain and you are going at a nice pace. You will be flying through the air really quick. I never wore a helmet (early 90's) though I should have, was in too many wrecks. But, even if my mom made me put it on before I left the house, that thing would have ended up in a bush somewhere to retrieve when I was done. But, I'm not seeing bike riding. Are the boys teaching the girls?
  15. I wanted to be a grim reaper like George from Dead Like Me. Still out in the world, "living." I wanted to live in Hilda and Zelda's house from Sabrina the Teenage Witch.
  16. I wanted to slap Blanche at the end of that episode. Becky dumped that tool and came to make amends with Blanche, and that meanie face wouldn't even let Becky have a piece of cheesecake! For God sakes, they acted like she was a bedridden monster.
  17. Woah! Seeing her age threw me off! I then went to their site and it said she was in her senior year in 97?!?! I don't know much about any of these families, but, find them morbidly fascinating. I was class of 00, I cannot look at Jill and see a peer at all. Definitely looks straight out of the 80's! I have no room to talk though. 80% of my outfits look like I'm going to a Smashing Pumpkins concert in 95.
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