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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. That phrase should go on the Meghan Bingo card, @bannana!!
  2. I have a feeling that Sara was including The Princess with child star-turned-insufferable bully Ricky Schroeder when she was talking. Leave people who choose to keep wearing masks alone and mind your own business. 😡 I have a feeling that Liz Cheney will be on this show sooner rather than later. There's no one on this week's guest list so newsworthy that can't be bumped if they do get her. Hopefully Ana would be on at the same time.
  3. Not to mention that the NBC brass apparently learned nothing from the Jay/Dave mess years later with Conan. That's why I could never really blame Jay. But then, I'm getting ahead of myself. I was only a toddler when Letterman's Late Night show premiered. I obviously wasn't part of his demographic back then, but I wonder if I would have been into his show (and humor in general) if I had been older when it was first on. The "Just Bulbs/Just Shades" bit was funny. (I looked it up, and apparently both stores are still going in NYC!!) It was great that it was a woman's contributions that largely made the man's show what it was, and after she left it suffered a bit creatively. Kudos also to Merrill Markoe for breaking the glass ceiling for women behind the scenes. (You'll read in Bill Carter's The Late Shift that after Markoe left the show to salvage her personal relationship with Letterman, he'd already been cheating on her with the woman who is now his wife.) All these years later, "Carsenio" never fails to crack me up. Dana Carvey and the late, great Phil Hartman were perfect as Carsenio and Ed. I wasn't surprised to learn that Carson wasn't happy about that sketch! 😂
  4. I really felt for Joan Rivers. My suspicion is Johnny's grudge against her had more to do with sexism than anything else. If a male guest host had gotten the Fox offer and taken it (especially upon learning he wasn’t even on the list of possible Carson successors), I have a feeling it wouldn't have been a big deal. As her daughter Melissa said, Joan definitely opened the door for the likes of Samantha Bee, Chelsea Handler and Amber Ruffin. It was great that Jimmy Fallon brought Joan back to The Tonight Show - especially since less than six months later, she was gone.
  5. Yes, they do. Thanks for the link!! 😊
  6. No pressure!! Best I can figure is Episode 4 will be about the Letterman/Leno feud, Episode 5 will be about the Leno/O'Brien feud and Episode 6 will deal with COVID-19 and Late Night going remote.
  7. Agreed. I do have to side with Meghan here. My sister and her husband, both 40 and under, had bad side effects after their second Moderna shots. (My sister actually had bad side effects after both doses.) Thankfully, I had both of my Pfizer shots over the weekend when I'm usually off from work anyway. My side effects were minimal and I was fine going back to work on the following Mondays. If Meghan and/or her people wanted a little extra time off for her shot, especially with the weekend coming up, then I can't blame them. Maybe it was also under a doctor's advice. You never know. Now if there was a medicine out there that would improve her personality...🤔😉
  8. Sure thing! It's just odd to see "Letterman" here and try to comprehend that he's the same guy who now hosts America Says on GSN. 😳😉😂
  9. @Annber03 and @ebk57, here's the movie based on the book by this series' co-executive producer, Bill Carter:
  10. Yeah, but didn't he already win the WS with the Cardinals? (Not that there's anything wrong with wanting to go for another.)
  11. The "insurrectigone" video he aired was sheer brilliance. They nailed it!!
  12. With a much better personality!! 🥰
  13. Not only that, but her next husband was a pitcher in MLB - Chuck Finley. Though he spent the majority of his career with the California/Anaheim/LA Angels, he was playing here in Cleveland with the Indians when they had a physical altercation in spring 2002. It was all over the news and it was very ugly. I believe she later went public with her addiction battles, and was struggling to stay clean for the sake of her daughters. I hope she was able to find peace. 🙏❤
  14. Chris Hayes just said it!! 😂
  15. The Indians have. Last night was the first game where they all went maskless. No, I don't think the Kiss Cam will be back anytime soon (fine with me)!! 😂
  16. Because she wants to party, gamble and get drunk!! That's just too tempting to pass up a vaccine for.
  17. Agreed, though Sara does have the advantage of actually being in the studio. Speaking of Sara, I really missed her today.
  18. That's what's nice about the remote format - our ears are spared from The Princess shrieking at full volume!!!
  19. If you want to expand this, add "chickens coming home to roost", "you're lying, Sara" and "you know you missed me, Joy!" 😉😂
  20. No, she just thinks she's above the guidelines and overestimates her intelligence. I'd much rather deal with small children than The Princess. They have way more common sense!!
  21. This is why we see Ana regularly on CNN. Do we see The Princess on the ABC News shows? *crickets* MM is just insufferable. She really adds nothing to this show and I am sick of her constant whining. If she utters the words "cancel culture" one more time, I will throw something at my TV. AGGGGGH!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡
  22. Good for Ana!! Chacha would be a much better co-host than The Princess, by the way. 🥰
  23. That ending - whoa. Georgie was so sweet trying to help by fixing Mary soup. Too bad he forgot to put water in it. 😂
  24. This article is from 2019 - the more things don't change, the more things stay the same!! https://phaylen.medium.com/the-problem-with-meghan-mccain-4ca559bbffca
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