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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. As soon as you said that, this immediately came to my mind. 😉🤣😂
  2. Yup, good on Tim Ryan from my very own Ohio. That was great. That giant story was indeed bizarre, but Evie's uncontrollable giggling made me laugh. She really does add so much to Stephen's current format. I really did not need to know all that about cicadas, thank you very much. Gross!! 😝
  3. There's a visual from yesterday's show that I can't get out of my head. It was a very sad discussion featuring the son of Andrew Brown Jr. and the family lawyer. The split screen showing this young man with the ladies on the panel - Sunny near tears, for example. Then you get to MM with that hideous, ginormous fake braid and sparkly makeup. She wasn't disrespectful that I could see, but I wish the producers wouldn't have included her in this discussion. I get nervous wondering when the other shoe will drop. Am I making any sense? I don't know how exactly to articulate this.
  4. Oh, I think Ana also just threw some shade at The Princess. This is great!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂 What is with that jacket? Lose the shoulder pads!!
  5. Methinks Sunny got in some shots at The Princess' expense there. Good!!
  6. Jimmy has a limited studio audience. Seth doesn’t. But, yeah. NY is set to fully reopen at the beginning of July, so they should probably have a full audience by the end of the summer.
  7. I was a bit surprised that they didn't discuss the 1/6 Commission, but maybe they will tomorrow. Thank goodness Ana will be there to counter The Princess' nonsense.
  8. Besides, Sara is 43 (44 in September). Women can and do still deliver babies at that age. The Princess again shows not only her hatred but her ignorance as well.
  9. They could, but they won't. Sickening. 😡🤬
  10. I bet Sara is extremely grateful!! 😝
  11. Sara is in LA right now taping the new season of The Chase. If Meghan is back in NYC, then they are not in the studio together at this point.
  12. "Unserious!" "I got lots!" The Princess' mangling of the English language is pitiful, to say the very least. She was so snobby and rude, lording her "many family and friends" who work on Capitol Hill. "I think I know more about this than you, Joy!" Good on Joy for finally pushing back on MM and calling out her hypocrisy.
  13. On a happier note, I LOVE Sara's look today. Again, she looks so much better with her hair not pulled back.
  14. Yet again, The Princess can dish it out but she sure can't take it. GO JOY!!!!
  15. Yeah, please? Hopefully while on the air? 😂
  16. I really don't know. I guess it's like actors who lose themselves in a role. What I found interesting was the clip of Dave telling Oprah in 2013 that Jay was still the funniest guy he'd ever known. It's a shame that their friendship seemed irrevocably broken after 1993...as did Jay's and Conan's after 2010. Still, I place more of the onus on the suits at NBC.
  17. It seems that the audience loved the same qualities about Dave that the suits hated. Actually, I read that Dave was really shy, almost painfully so, when not in front of an audience and also very insecure. Many shy people are mistaken for being rude, stuck up, etc., so I'm not surprised that Dave would be among them.
  18. I don't know what look she was going for, but it was the headline/photo juxtaposition that I just found hysterical!! 😂😂😂😂😂
  19. I just found something hilarious about an article on Salon. The headline and the photo they chose to use right below it...let's just say I almost spit out and choked on my drink at the same time!! 😝🤣😂 Meghan McCain: Marjorie Taylor Greene makes Republicans look like "psychotic barbarians"
  20. catlover79


    I know what you're talking about. She was interviewing someone on her Saturday show and I noticed her hostility to the guest (I don't remember who he was, either). I was a bit taken aback. Before that, I never had a problem with her. I thought her reporting on the insurrection - literally when she was in the middle of it - was top notch.
  21. In fact, Just Shades has linked the YouTube video of Dave's classic sketch on their website!! 😂 https://justlampshades.com/pages/the-brand Here's the link for Just Bulbs: http://www.justbulbs.net/ As far as I can tell, the only thing that's changed about the stores are their locations. They are both still in NYC, but they moved from the spots they were at when Dave visited them. It's interesting how attitude boiled down to who got Johnny's job. Jay was the one who visited affiliates, was considered the team player at NBC and was very amiable while Dave was seen as rude to the higher ups at the network. They touched on Helen Kushnick in Episode 3, and it will be interesting to see how much more detail they go into her in Episode 4. According to people interviewed in The Late Shift - she wasn't just hostile. She was a downright terror. It was implied that she might have had a mental disorder (to me, it sounded like she may have been bipolar).
  22. catlover79


    Did you see him grilling the former T**** cabinet member last night? He was on fire. It was glorious!! On a happier note, congrats to Katy Tur on the birth of her daughter!! It's nice to have a bit of happy news like that.
  23. I just read a headline that referred to Schroeder as a "male Karen". Of course, MM is a regular "Karen".
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