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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. She looked like she was ready for the beach!! 😊
  2. *small voice* I did! But, I liked Conan too and feel he was set up to fail by the NBC suits.
  3. Not to mention that screeching voice. If her shrieking gets gets even higher, only poor dogs will be able to hear her. UGGH.
  4. @whydoiwatchtv, you summed up perfectly how I feel. Thank you. 🥰
  5. Last night's episode featured lots of neat clips, like Conan's audition and some of Jay's from his first year. The latter especially because Jay had it put in writing that all the episodes with Helen Kushnick at the helm would be kept out of syndication. She was the EP his first year before she was fired and Debbie Vickers took over (and would remain Jay's EP right to the end in 2014). I was a bit disappointed that they didn't go more into the Kushnick Reign of Terror, but if you read Bill Carter's books the whole story is there. On a happier note, it was so great to see Kevin Eubanks being interviewed. Branford Marsalis leaving and Kev being promoted to bandleader in 1995 was one of the factors of the show turning around and going to #1. Jay had the chemistry with Kevin that was lacking with Marsalis. It was also great seeing the infancy of Conan's reign in the 12:30 slot, and what he and Andy Richter had to say about the horrible reviews they got in those early days. Imagine if he had gotten the ax back then. We wouldn't have had If They Mated, In the Year 2000, Celebrity Seeeee-crets and so much more. This episode was set up nicely to what will be dealt with in the next episode - Jay vs. Conan.
  6. Wasn't it rich when The Princess called MTG "a crazy person"? They're practically the same person!!!
  7. She's getting MORE time to rant after commercial? No, Whoopi, no!!!!!!
  8. Plus, how can you not love someone who started his own personalized cue card company during lockdown? 🥰
  9. No, you're not a lone wolf here. I don't want a permanent male co-host, either. Jerry seems like a really nice guy, but his frantic energy makes me nervous. It's exhausting watching him. Maybe it's my sensory issues kicking in whenever he's on. This has always been and supposed to be a show for women by women. That is, if CBS doesn't cut its losses altogether.
  10. Not only that, but she'll STILL talk over Joy, Sara, Sunny and Ana. None of these ladies have spoken publicly about this imbalance, but I would be steaming if I were them. Still, I loved the not-so-veiled barbs Ana and Sunny threw The Princess' way on Friday. One of my friends (a Black woman) admitted that she no longer watches the show solely because of MM. Also, people here have mentioned other factors as to the drop in ratings...people are going back outside the home to work, the weather is getting nicer and people want to be outside, etc. Hopefully the producers and ABC will do some real soul-searching to see if MM is really worth keeping on the show. To me, she’s an albatross - and I only see it getting worse when they go back to the studio and in front of an audience.
  11. Probably. They're two peas in a pod. 🙄
  12. Does anyone know how far the ratings have dropped since January 4th aka The Princess' Big Return?
  13. Definitely. Too bad ABC doesn't feel the same way and continues to give her a platform. 😡
  14. The Indians' Franmil Reyes just injured himself swinging and missing a pitch. It looked like he hurt his side/ribcage area. Not good. 😳
  15. I'm really happy for Corey Kluber, who won two Cy Youngs for us in Cleveland and battled through two absolutely miserable, injury-filled years. He never even got a no-hitter here (though he came very close a couple of times)!! He's a great pitcher and classy clubhouse guy. You are lucky to have him. Is that a rhetorical question? 😉😂
  16. I cried watching Lady Gaga recall her assault: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.cnn.com/cnn/2021/05/21/entertainment/lady-gaga-rape-oprah-interview-intl-scli-wellness/index.html
  17. Does this mean Ana will be on Thursday since they're off on Friday?
  18. Very true. Ana even brought up the large age difference between her and Al (22 or 23 years, I believe), but she was well into her 40s when she married him.
  19. @RealHousewife, in my case, I highly suspect the woman was bipolar. That's my gut feeling, and I am not saying that she or MM have it. It makes for a very uncomfortable working environment, which is why I feel for both the other ladies on the panel and the crew.. @bannana, here's my shout-out to Ana and Sunny:
  20. MM reminds me of a woman I once shared an office with. I always had to walk on eggshells around her because she had a terrible temper and one never knew what would set her off. She scared me, and all these years later I get a visceral reaction watching MM rant and rave. I wonder if the other ladies are keeping quiet because they are still remote, but it could be a major problem when they all get back together in the studio.
  21. What I hate is that these strong women, even remotely, have to walk on eggshells due to The Princess. Whenever she's not on, the ladies appear much more relaxed and can have a civil discussion. They don't always agree - I remember a while back when Sara and Sunny had a heated exchange about one topic - but they don't take those differences of opinion personally, and then they move on to the next topic. I guess what I'm trying to say is I really want to hear what Whoopi, Joy, Sara, Sunny and Ana have to say about current events without The Princess having a shrieking meltdown and cutting in on their time to talk. She sucks every bit of oxygen out of the room. Ana is a conservative Republican who can at least give her opinions without screaming at her co-hosts and taking offense at every narrative that doesn't align with her own. It really bugs me that MM is always given carte blanche on this show at the expense of the other ladies. I cringe whenever certain delicate matters like 1/6, hate crimes and the like are brought up because I know she is about to implode. I'm actually glad they are not in studio because that temper of hers actually makes me nervous. I'm afraid that at some point it might get so bad that she might actually physically go after someone - either on the panel or in the audience. She's never going to change, and I really wish the producers and ABC would own this.
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