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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Whoa. Still, it's true. Fallon is fun to watch for me to get jokes on lighter topics, but he is just way too OTT and has been for the past several years. I give him and his staff credit for being the first in the late night game to go back in studio and then with an audience, but sometimes he looks like he needs to be on Ritalin. Say what you will about Jay, but he kept his Tonight Show classy. Back to Stephen, of course Jon would be the first guest back in the Ed Sullivan Theatre. Would we expect anything different? 🥰
  2. I'd watch that, "Cicada, Cicada" and "Tiny Secret Whispers" in a second. Maybe if they generate enough revenue for NBC, Seth can get them to pay for the Hammer sample. 😉🤣😂
  3. As the daughter of a teacher, I was offended when Jenner said that Newsom wasn't "for the kids and was for the teachers union". Since when are teachers against the kids? If Jenner had said school superintendents, that would have made more sense. In any case, UGGGH.
  4. UGGGH. I'd rather see a cicada in office.
  5. I agree. I like hearing the laughs of his crew and seeing Wally!!! 🥰
  6. Colbert goes back to the Ed Sullivan Theatre with a full audience on Monday. I don't watch Kimmel and Corden, so I don't know about them. I don't know why Seth doesn't even have a limited audience yet.
  7. BINGO!!!!! 👏👏👏👏👏
  8. I know - but at least she (Sunny) asked it.
  9. I'd rather watch the segment about cicadas again!! At least that was entertaining. I'm glad Joy and Sunny weren't afraid to ask tough and important questions. Also, I'm glad Meghan's hair, makeup and clothes were normal looking. She looks so much better without those silly hairpieces and extensions.
  10. I did LOL when Meghan mentioned being hit by a cicada and Baby Liberty thought it was hilarious. 😂😂😂😂😂
  11. It would be funny if she couldn't get a filter off and whined, "I'm not a cat!!!" 😉😂
  12. I totally want Seth to get his Hammer sample. Better yet, why not just book Hammer himself and he can inject the chorus in while Seth talks. Sorry, Wally!! 😉🤣😂
  13. Yes!! There was a magazine spread a few years ago with all of the current late night hosts:
  14. Thanks for the laugh; I needed it!!! 🤣😂🤣😂
  15. I think that's called biting the hand that feeds you. What's her leverage? Chickens coming home to roost, anyone? 🙄
  16. Exactly. My grandparents traveled extensively and made it to every continent. If The Princess had done that, she'd be bragging about it until the cows came home. I don't buy it, either. 🙄
  17. Hey, anything that will give her a timeout and off my TV is fine with me!!
  18. I don't remember that, but I have no doubt that she would love that show and then try to deny it. 🙄😝
  19. You just said it all, my friend. 👏👏👏👏👏
  20. Did you see his GMA interview with Michael Strahan earlier this year? I think that was the interview that really made some people uncomfortable. I'm with Ana and Sunny - I hate the term "cancel culture" and am absolutely sick of it. The only time I want to hear the word "cancel" is if a TV show or event is canceled.
  21. She really needs to stop trying to use metaphors, because no one can understand what the 🤬 she's talking about. I wish I had that screen cap of Whoopi's confused face, because that's us!!!!
  22. I think you just answered your own question!! 😉😝😂
  23. Agree with Sara and Sunny wholeheartedly about the Chris Harrison situation.
  24. Thanks for clarifying. I wasn't watching his show from its beginning, so I didn't know.
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