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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Which makes the fact that the show is under ABC's NEWS division all the more absurd. 😡
  2. RIP Mr. Williams. He was great. I liked him in everything I saw him in, particularly as a rather sinister character on the original L&O.
  3. Joy: "I didn't have a discussion with Standards". Methinks The Princess wants to add Hall Monitor to her vaunted credentials. Oy.
  4. Oh my goodness - THOSE PANTS!! 😳
  5. I recorded the entire thing, so this week I will do a giant binge watch. @Annber03, tell your mom she hit the nail right on the head. I hadn't thought of Nixon and "sock it to me", but she is absolutely right. It was kind of surprising to learn how much Colbert struggled his first year at CBS. I had no idea that the network was considering flip-flopping his timeslot with Corden's. I'm glad Chris was brought in - and we can still hear his laugh in the supply closet with Evie!! Yes, major props to the hosts, sidekicks and crews who have helped get us through - especially since March 2020. I DVR Fallon, Colbert and Meyers - Fallon for his lightheartedness and the other two for their rapid-fire political humor.
  6. Yes. The first season was nine episodes, giving each of the three Jeopardy GOATs three episodes to play in. I don't know how the trajectory will work now with Mark "The Beast" Labbett joining the show. The new season premieres tonight. Sara really does a good job as the host. Plus, they really pull out all the stops for her hair, makeup and wardrobe. 😊
  7. What is your favorite Sara moment? Mine has to be when they discussed the Jeffrey Toobin scandal. Sara's helpless giggling was even funnier next to the stoic Sunny and Whoopi. 😂😂😂😂😂
  8. @ForumLou, I like your descriptions. Very accurate. I would just like Meghan to stay in the woods and not shrieking on my TV!! 😝
  9. As usual, Dr. Fauci stays above the fray. He's rubber and The Princess is glue. Every insult she levels at him bounces off him and sticks to her. He's spent the majority of his life in public service and helping people, while she...takes selfies.
  10. Yes, and her temper and entitlement was there for all to see long before ABC hired her. This should have been a red flag: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcwashington.com/local/natl-meghan-mccain-a-real-brat-at-dinner-report/1874806/%3famp
  11. Unless they have a standby guest on retainer. 😂
  12. When was the last time he appeared? Was it last September when he and Keke Palmer popped up to wish Sara a Happy Birthday?
  13. Which is why ABC needs to let her go. Buy out the rest of her contract, whatever needs to be done. Not only does she spew hate and mistrust, but misinformation. It's a very dangerous game.
  14. Get ready for another MyFather tongue bath on Friday!! 🤮
  15. Remember early this week when she was babbling something about wanting to march in a pride parade and all that? She got slammed from both sides: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.comicsands.com/amp/meghan-mccain-pride-message-hypocrisy-2653213005
  16. Didn't she also call him a "fame whore"? That's especially rich coming from The Queen of the Selfie. 🤮
  17. Apparently, Sinead O'Connor canceled at the last minute so they had to put someone in there.
  18. See, everything that was great about yesterday's episode is in perfect contrast to today's. When The Princess is away, everyone on the panel is relaxed, happy and laughing. There's actual give and take in the discussions. No "you're wrong, Joy"! Honestly, she is the perpetual wet blanket who ruins everything. Even remotely, the ladies have to walk on eggshells around her. No one should have to work like that, and I don't care what line of work a person is in. We all know that The Princess inherited her temper from her sainted father. That makes me worried for when everyone is back in the studio. She flies off the handle so easily that I fear she may actually go after someone physically - be it cast, crew or even an audience member. I'm also really tired of her irrational hatred of Dr. Fauci. ABC, it's way past time to cut your losses. Please, don't bring her back next season!!!
  19. Here's the latest on Bob Brenly: https://www.espn.com/mlb/story/_/id/31561273/arizona-diamondbacks-analyst-bob-brenly-takes-voluntary-leave-absence-undergo-sensitivity-training-comment?platform=amp
  20. I boo her every day!! 😉🤣😂
  21. After you read that, read the "sequel" - that focuses on Jay vs. Conan:
  22. Isn't Craig Ferguson the first late night host to have been born outside of the USA? Of course, the current Late Late host, James Corden, was born in the UK. I never watched Craig Ferguson - I was always watching Conan's Late Night, but I had always liked him on the Drew Carey Show.
  23. I cracked up when Sara said the President sounded like a school principal at a school raffle announcing prizes with the vaccine incentives. I hadn't quite thought of it that way! I got my doses in January and February as part of Phase 1A (health care workers), but I would have loved to be vaccinated at the ballpark because I love baseball so much. I agree with the ladies that we shouldn't have to basically bribe members of the public to get vaccinated with incentives, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
  24. THIS is the show I like right here. All of the ladies laughing, joking, having fun and listening to each other. With The Princess absent, everyone gets more time to talk and they can actually finish what they are saying without being interrupted and talked over. They all seem so relaxed and that comes across to the audience. Why can't the producers/ABC understand that?
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