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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I remember Jay had Mavis on as a guest in early 1997 about women and the Taliban. It was the first time I'd ever heard about it. I remember she was very passionate about the subject. Dave Berg, one of Jay's producers, wrote a book several years ago about his experiences on the show. He mentioned how Jay's mother's fear of losing money (and both of his parents coming of age during The Depression) impacted Jay. Jay bought his house outright, didn't buy anything on credit or even invest in stocks. It really is a fascinating account of working in late night TV - how guests were booked, working under original executive producer Helen Kushnick's reign of terror, putting a show together during the writers strike of 2007-08, and so on. Here's the cover:
  2. I'm probably the only Jay fan on this board!! But I felt bad for Conan about the debacle in 2009-2010. I was never able to warm up to Letterman - his humor was always too mean for my taste, but I picked up on his attitude towards women and it was a real turnoff. According to Bill Carter's Late Night books, Dave cheated repeatedly on his first wife, and he cheated on Merrill Markoe (his original head writer and the creator of bits like Stupid Pet Tricks) with his now-wife, Regina Lasko. Markoe had left the show to salvage their personal relationship. So he definitely had a track record.
  3. That certain facial expression - she always looks as if she's smelled stinky fish. It's especially noticeable when everyone else is smiling and laughing.
  4. I bet she regrets it every single day!! The Princess has truly become Whoopi's cross to bear.
  5. This article from 2010 rightfully called out the NBC suits. Yes, we did indeed get another book out of the fiasco!! https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/01/18/AR2010011803528.html
  6. We all know how infamous her father's temper was, so I guess it isn't surprising. What is surprising to me is that ABC gives her pass after pass after pass. She never learns.
  7. What can't Jon do? He can sing, dance, compose, play...and is possibly the most joyful person I've ever seen on TV. 🥰
  8. catlover79


    Philip Rucker was just on with Brian Williams again, and his dog was still barking. 🤣😂
  9. I'm sorry, but if Jerry or any other man is added as a permanent co-host then I'm out. This was always a show for women presented by women.
  10. catlover79


    She's there right now!! 😊
  11. Before 2020, this is the only instance I can think of when a late night host performed with no live audience and in casual wear:
  12. Exactly. Yes, it was The New Yorker and not CNN that he was working for when he did the act, but CNN bringing him on like that tarnishes their image with some viewers. What kind of message does that send? Again, maybe Ana doesn't want to say too much because of her own employment with CNN. But I think her saying that he didn't mean to hurt or harass anyone is too trite.
  13. You all know I love Ana, but I have to disagree with her re: Toobin. Maybe she doesn't want to say too much because she also works for CNN, but I think it's wrong to write off what he did as "a mistake". It's irrelevant that he didn't intend to harass anyone. Like Joy said, he could have waited until his Zoom meetings were over. Missed Sara, did not miss Meghan. Next?
  14. That sounds great - and fun! I will look that up. 😎
  15. I think it's great that the "elders" are still active in various mediums - Jay has his car show on CNBC, Dave has his Netflix specials and Conan has his podcast (and upcoming HBO Max show). I wonder how Allen, Paar and Carson's shows would have been if they'd had today's technology. I got a real kick out of Steve Allen's son recall his dad's tenure. "The only person in America that hated those stunts was my mother!" 😂
  16. That was a spoof of the ending of The Breakfast Club. Too funny. 🤣😂
  17. catlover79


    The other night, Philip Rucker, Pulitzer Prize-winning Senior Washington Correspondent for The Washington Post (in the words of Brian Williams) apologized to the panel for his puppy barking loudly in the background. He too looked a bit embarrassed. 😂 I get a kick out of those moments. Ari Melber just had his first two in-studio guests on tonight. It was a great sight. Speaking of Ari Melber, his incessant quoting hip-hop lyrics is driving me up the wall!! Once in a while is OK, but every night??? 🙄
  18. Good for you!! I cringed at the way he talked to Nicolle Wallace. He's always struck me as a dirty old man. UGGH. 🤮
  19. She may have meant another breed of cicadas. The cicadas that come every 17 years and are currently wreaking havoc are called Brood X. Whoopi's been verbal about her fear of bugs for years. There was an interview with Jay Leno that I saw her do in the late 1990s where she mentioned being in the Caribbean filming a movie and the bugs were everywhere. Her reactions now were the same as they were then!! 😂
  20. It's nice that Craig reserved his jokes for the ones who really deserved it: the NBC executives. Oddly enough, years earlier, Jay had made a joke about the NBC network executives that came out "nitwit" executives instead. I'm thinking Freudian slip. 🤣 Dave's humor was a bit too mean for my tastes (again, YMMV). Still, I melted earlier this year when he surprised Drew Barrymore on her birthday show. He pretended to be on Zoom and then came out from behind a curtain. I laughed when he pretended to have technical difficulties and said, "I'm not a cat!!" 😂 It was a very sweet episode, and very emotional but in a good way. They easily could have made another episode or two of this show. I would have liked to hear more on the process of booking guests remotely this past year, but I digress.
  21. Is anyone else irritated by seeing corporate logos on the pitching mounds? It was bad enough when they were advertising on the foul poles. At least the cameras aren't on the foul poles 95% of the time. I think it's really tacky.
  22. She actually said THAT? I didn't see the interview. I turned the channel after the first 5 minutes because that's all I could handle.
  23. Hey...what gives? No Ana???
  24. I am going to miss his "welcome to...A Late Show!!" 460 days without an audience? Wow!!
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