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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Another show that never got a chance was Christy, which lasted 20 episodes and ran on CBS (sporadically) from spring 1994 to summer 1995. Kellie Martin played the title character, a young woman of privilege in 1912 who arrives in the Smoky Mountains of Tennessee to teach in an impoverished mission school. Tyne Daly played her mentor and Tess Harper a local woman who became her best friend. The show was filmed entirely on location in Tennessee, not far from where Catherine Marshall's novel was set (which had been based on the life of her mother). Despite drawing the most viewer response of any show in the network's history up to that time (in cards and letters, as this was pre-Internet), I think what ultimately doomed the show was a changing of the guard at CBS. The president of the network left and was replaced by *shudders* Les Moonves. (The first of many reasons to dislike him, but I digress.) Still, the show still holds a special place in my heart because it was the last thing my grandmother and I bonded over before her passing in spring 1995. Even when we couldn't watch together, we would call each other during commercial breaks and discuss what had happened in the episode thus far. She was distressed when the show kept being put on "hiatus" and would always ask me when it would be back. Again, being pre-Internet, there was no way of knowing what was going on except for an occasional blurb in the TV section of the paper. Today, I think Christy would have had a much better chance of making it. Twitter campaigns alone would have kept it in the public eye. It would have fit perfectly on the Hallmark Channel. Too bad a lot of the channels we have now weren't around in 1995.
  2. You had a kindred spirit in my grandmother. She loved all three of those shows and was so disappointed when each one was cancelled.
  3. Joseph Bottoms has always excelled at playing villains - especially that of slimy lawyer Kirk "The Jerk" Cranston on the long-defunct NBC soap opera Santa Barbara.
  4. While I feel bad for PW getting thrown under the bus, I just never warmed up to Peter Stone - either here or on Chicago Justice. I don't know if it's due to the writing of the role or the way PW played it. I just never warmed up to Peter. Anyway, I wish PW nothing but the best in his future endeavors. He didn't deserve to get such a bad exit on SVU.
  5. Ironically, I watched a rerun of Maude the other night and Herb Edelman guested. Even then, he and Bea had sparks. I wonder if she recommended him for the role of Stan.
  6. Am I the only one totally annoyed by Higgins? He is easily the most painful part of the show. Also, what's up with the abbreviated opening?
  7. Hilarious! It's easy to see where Seth got his comedy chops. I loved his jokes about Billy Joel from a couple of weeks ago - "Today is Billy Joel's 70th birthday. His party will be at 9 o'clock on a Saturday." "That's right, today is Billy Joel's 70th birthday, which means he's finally old enough to be MOVIN' OUT!!!" 😂
  8. "Married to the Job" became one of my favorite episodes. It was great seeing all the Kendas providing commentary. Kathy even had a bit part in another episode where she was playing a character. In the episode "Gut Instinct", she played a customer in the golf shop. Her screen partner was none other than Mrs. Carl Marino, who played the cashier in the golf shop. I honestly thought they would go another two or three seasons, but I agree with Joe's comments about taking the show out on top. Knowing that he has another development deal with ID makes me feel better. I think he is also writing another book.
  9. Gee, if they were going to throw PW/Peter under the bus, couldn't they have found a halfway original way to do it? It was Barba Exit 2.0. What a waste. It doesn't really matter who is the "showrunner" as long as Mariska is around. We all know who is really in charge there - too bad her ego has taken the show down with her the past few seasons. How I miss the days when SVU was really an ensemble show. I miss Munch, Fin, Cragen, Huang, Warner, etc. so much.
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