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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. The blouse may have been cute on Sara, but it is so wrong for Sunny.
  2. Hopefully, she gets sent to the timeout chair tomorrow and we have a nice Joy/Sara/Sunny/Ana show!!
  3. Yes, she should - but so should the producers.
  4. Yes, Sunny looked wonderful in that blue ensemble today - much better than the pioneer getup they had her in yesterday.
  5. If she doesn't want to talk about the topics at hand, she should call off. I would have much rather heard from Ana anyway.
  6. Thank goodness Ana is on tomorrow. I'd love to hear her take on this nonsense.
  7. I love Sara's sarcasm, delivered with her usual good humor. "I went to DC. Was that the VIP package?" Sara, don't ever change!!
  8. It sounds like you are getting ready for The Princess Drinking Game!! 😉😂
  9. All I can say is - GO SUNNY!!!!!
  10. Consider the director of the movie that got Mr. Brody the Oscar - Roman Polanski. I rest my case!!
  11. On the opposite side of the country, the Padres are in a similar situation: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcsandiego.com/news/shock-and-disappointment-padres-fans-react-to-stunning-covid-19-news-impacting-players/2603122/%3famp
  12. So how do you really feel, @GHScorpiosRule? 😉🤣😂
  13. That's why you could literally see her feathers puffing out like a peacock. Ugh.
  14. Yes!! Or when Ving Rhames gave fellow nominee Jack Lemmon the GG that he (Rhames) had just won.
  15. For me, it's native Clevelander Ms. Berry giving him a knee somewhere south of the border. 😉
  16. To bring this TikTok video back to the show, I was annoyed that while Sara and Sunny got to comment on it, Ana got cut off. She had just opened her mouth to speak when Whoopi announced they had to go to commercial. When they came back, it was VYD. 🥱
  17. I looked it up - they were born in 2005, 2009 and 2012. So, they're definitely old enough to be aware what's going on, hear people talking, etc.
  18. I doubt he's changed at all. He's pushing 50. Leopards don't change their spots, especially as they get older.
  19. Well, the Girls in reruns would surely get better ratings for NBC than the Globes. 🥰
  20. Just out of curiosity, what was the movie? 😂
  21. Some of us women also have personal experience with sexual abuse and have good reason to be afraid. While I agree that not all men are creepy predators, I think you are making some very broad generalizations.
  22. She also conveniently forgot that gas prices were so low this time last year because of the lockdowns. Essential workers were basically the only ones out on the road. Now that more people are back out there working, gas prices have gone back up. Of course The Princess wouldn't get this. Yeeesh.
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