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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Amen. It'll be worse when they finally go back into the studio and rejoin Sara (who has always been there). I hope she will stay emboldened enough not to let The Princess get under her skin.
  2. Too bad that can't happen for all of us every time she opens up her trap. 😝🤣😂
  3. Great point. The only discipline she ever seems to get is a day off now and then after saying something especially offensive. I wish one of the other ladies (or guests, for that matter) would simply say, "you are NOT the only conservative woman on TV. You are NOT special." Again, it should be interesting once they finally are all back together in the studio. I have a feeling that the other ladies aren't going to put up with all this nonsense anymore.
  4. You could add Ana (who must be shocked that she apparently doesn't count as a conservative woman in the media) in the Latina category as well.
  5. Is it just me, or does The Princess take up twice the time as everyone else ranting and raving? Sunny and Sara both gave their opinions and MM took up more time than the both of them combined!! She'd better live it up now because I don't think the other ladies are going to be quite so accommodating once they get back into the studio. Too bad we can't see their faces when MM goes into one of her rants. You know that they roll their eyes as much as we do!! I love Sunny, but her hairstyle today - just no. The shade of pink Sara was wearing looked great on her.
  6. I LOVE how both Stephen and Evie are bursting with parental-like pride for OSCAR WINNER Jon Batiste!! Melts my heart every time. It'll never happen, but I would love for Stephen to have Tucker Carlson on just to heckle him. We all know Stephen would mop the floor with him!
  7. I didn't even know he had one!! 😝
  8. Sara, moreso than any of the other regulars (with the possible exception of Ana), seems to be the embodiment of what you see is what you get. She seems comfortable in her own skin...very genuine. Sara has grown so much in this past year. I hope she continues to hold her own once everyone else rejoins her in the studio.
  9. Plus, we see Georgie in headphones a lot - so maybe he really only plays it loud when no one else is around.
  10. OK, I did not need to see them all doing Da Butt!!! Where's the brain bleach??? 😳🤮
  11. I couldn't have said it better myself. 👏👏👏👏👏
  12. Another day, another stupid hair-don't for MM. The bun itself wouldn't have been so bad if not for that ginormous headband. Good grief.
  13. It couldn't happen to a nicer guy. Congratulations, Jon!!! 😊
  14. Because that would make sense!!
  15. I am so sorry. What a nightmare!!!
  16. Noise-cancelling headphones are a godsend!!!
  17. I think we can all tell by now which jokes are the Scollins jokes. 😉😝🤣😂
  18. I was also happy when Sara mentioned that kids have always part of efforts from the Depression to WW2, so why should this be any different?
  19. I'm sure she can, but does she want to? Hmmm...🤔😉🤣😂
  20. That's what I believe, too. I don't think Joy was being malicious. I still think "Bruce" sometimes, and I'm over 35 years younger than Joy!
  21. There's a scary thought. 😉😂
  22. Sunny is now fully vaccinated. Sara recently had her first shot. It looks like we are getting closer to Joy's lasagna dinner!! 😊 Can a return to the studio be coming soon?
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