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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Same here. Maybe you and I should get together, do all those things, and tweet the video to MM. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  2. My guess is that she wants it. She wants to go out and party, gamble and drink herself into oblivion.
  3. Yup, where was that cop when in my rush to get to work was clocked going 77 in a 60 and wound up with a speeding ticket for $180? 😝 Nothing was damaged, I was completely sober, but it was my fault for speeding. But then, I'm not a wealthy golf superstar.
  4. That's what we always said about the crumbling Municipal Stadium in Cleveland - which had been built on a landfill!!!!! 😳😝⚾️
  5. I thought she was no longer involved with the show, period.
  6. True - and the last time The Princess was in front of a live studio audience was a much different time. So much has happened in the past year, and viewers aren't willing to cut the same kind of slack they might have pre-March 2020. ABC doesn't seem to understand - or care - that the majority of the show's audience watches in spite of MM, not because of her. I don't know ANYONE who watches because of her. Congrats, @Haleth!! Is this your first grandbaby?
  7. Agreed about Monk. I could easily see him never wanting to marry again, and I'm glad they never even attempted to go there with Sharona AND Natalie (though it was implied more than once that Natalie had a bit of a crush on her boss).
  8. Yeah - wishful thinking. Still, she’s gotten used to running off her mouth in a small studio by herself. It will be a rude awakening for Mean McCain when she's back in the ABC building with the rest of the cast and the live audience.
  9. Maybe the viewers need to start writing to the show's sponsors to complain about The Princess. If the sponsors actually watch her and see what we see, they can complain to ABC. If the sponsors are unhappy and ABC sees dollar signs potentially going bye-bye, they'll think twice about keeping her on. Why does she get to talk on (and on, and on) and monopolize everyone else's time? Why doesn't the producer just cut off her mic and let Sara or Ana or whoever give her opinion in peace? What makes her so special that everyone else has to walk on eggshells? MM is a bully and should have to suffer consequences for her words. Her rudeness to Sara is especially infuriating, because she says nothing to deserve it. The ladies will have to come back together at some point to do the show in the studio again, and I don't think The Princess' attitude will fly with the live audience. I also don't think Whoopi, Joy, Sunny, Sara and Ana will be as restrained with her in person as they have been remotely. She's always been a colossal pain, and I don't think everyone realized how much until she came back from maternity leave. MM has been causing trouble from the first day she came back. At the rate she's going, she's going to pull a Sharon Osbourne and won't be able to backtrack it. She never learns. It's sickening.
  10. Have we heard anything about a new co-host yet, or are we just going to learn who it is when the next new episode airs on Monday?
  11. Chris is even more snarky when he shows up as a guest on Seth Meyers. It's great. πŸ˜ŠπŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  12. OK, I didn't know that. Thanks!!
  13. He's nothing but an entitled, enabled, overgrown frat boy who wouldn't be where he is without Papa's money and connections.
  14. Dearest Meghan, How can we miss you if you won't go away? Sincerely, catlover79
  15. Sheryl speaks: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/sheryl-underwood-breaks-silence-sharon-195514964.html
  16. I don't understand why the Dodgers didn't get it, since they were set to host it last year and couldn't.
  17. You forgot "cancel culture" and "both ways". Other than that - perfect!! 😊
  18. Sunny really should trademark her famous phrase that begins "the disgraced, twice-impeached, one-term..." She said it again today and I just laughed with glee. πŸ˜ŠπŸ€£πŸ˜‚
  19. Did anyone see the footage of the Rangers' home opener? I don't want to go into forbidden waters, so I'll just say I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. This does not look good.
  20. Sunny was on fire today. I loved her swipe at The Princess. 😊πŸ₯°
  21. Oh, last week was so nice not having to hear that whining, shrill voice. Good on Whoopi and Sunny for their swipes at The Princess today.
  22. I'd feel the same way if I was stuck with The Princess. 😝
  23. I guess I have to eat my words!! πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚
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