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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. My biggest pet peeve is people who hog two or more parking spaces. It drove ne nuts even before I started driving!!!
  2. It was still an interesting show, and they did the right thing by addressing the elephant in the room (or not in the room, as it were). I'm glad that Elaine especially was able to talk uninterrupted about her feelings. Once a fifth co-host is selected, Sheryl should move over to the center spot. She is now by far the longest-running cast member and deserves it.
  3. Two words that still strike fear, nausea and boiling rage for SVU viewers: Dale Stuckey. *runs screaming from room*
  4. They could have Georgie drive the geezer bus after his selling Sheldon's old tests and blackmailing Mr. Givens about his affair with the librarian is revealed. 😉🤣😂
  5. Though we do have Kathleen to thank, indirectly, for Elliot's mom to come on and show us the picture of him as a carrot. 🥰
  6. I've liked the first couple of episodes, but I'm not crazy about the one continuing arc thing. It's making Elliot a cross between Dr. Richard Kimble and Adrian Monk.
  7. Kathleen? Yes, she did eat the show. It's the same actress playing her now, too!!
  8. Chris Meloni really did slide right back into Elliot's shoes. I always thought of Stabler/Benson as Siamese twins, never as a romantic pairing, but the chemistry between CM and MH is still there. MH has been phoning it in for so long that it was nice seeing her back with her best acting partner. No one has really challenged her since Raul Esparza left. I agree with everyone else that the diner scene with Stabler and Fin catching up was the highlight of the episode. The references to Cragen and Amaro were great, and I'm glad we had the brief flashback of Olivia with Kathy in the ambulance in labor with Eli. It reminded me yet again of how much better SVU was when it was a true ensemble and not the Saint Olivia Show.
  9. So did I. Those kids are really growing up fast!!
  10. Ana!!! No Princess!!! YAAAAAAAAAAY!!!
  11. We know that Meemaw's activities include bowling, salsa dancing, water aerobics and karaoke with June. Let's just hope she doesn't lead any of those poor, unsuspecting seniors to the casino!! @MollyMelrose, save the seat next to you because I want to go, too!! 😉😎😂
  12. Are they waiting until all the hosts have been vaccinated before they go back to the studio? At least three (Whoopi, Joy and Ana) are fully vaccinated. I do think that they'll be without a live audience for a while. My oldest nephew has had zoom detention. I have no problem believing that MM would have had detention herself back in the day. Too bad ABC won't give her more!! 😉😝😂
  13. He was doing zoom school before it was zoom!!! 😂
  14. Marla Gibbs AND Diane Ladd were on the "geezer bus" with Meemaw!!!! 😊😎🥰
  15. Wasn't the woman talking with Becky in the laundromat the same actress who plays the chain-smoking, hacking-up-a-lung church secretary on Young Sheldon? Also, what happened to the dog after the first scene?
  16. I thought I read a press release saying that Molly was going to work at Wellman, but that was obviously a red herring. Once we learned what had happened to Molly, I expected it to be a suicide. Thank goodness that wasn't the case.
  17. I thought flights were nonrefundable, period. Then again, I haven't flown since 2007. Things may have changed.
  18. Mary has been in more episodes than him at this point. No one mentions DJ even in passing. Did he join Jerry on the fishing boat? 😉😝😂
  19. I almost bought Jackie's lie, until I remembered that Beverly Rose was still in the crib when Becky started drinking on her bed and the scene faded to black.
  20. Agreed. I get that this show has positioned Darlene/Becky as the Gen X Roseanne/Jackie with Ben as Dan. Still, it would be nice to see more of the characters have more to do. For example - WHERE IS DJ??? I get that due to COVID-19, logistics are not what they would usually be. Maybe some people are staying away due to health concerns for themselves and/or family. I just miss the ensemble feel all the incarnations of the Conners and their world once had. The show just feels very claustrophobic. Let's hope that once the pandemic levels off, the show will improve. Maybe they should hire a few new writers, too, to freshen up the proceedings a bit.
  21. She and her sister (played by Mara Hobel of Mommie Dearest fame) were raised by a single dad. I guess he remarried at some point.
  22. That was awesome! I loved Darlene and Molly making amends - and we got a flashback scene from the original show!! 😊
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