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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. Yes, a thousand times, yes. They know how to charm, coerce and twist everything you say/do to their advantage.
  2. Agreed. I think that the Zoom shows suffered mostly from bad connections, as almost all shows that went remote did at the beginning. The content itself wasn't bad. It was fun when Sharon, Carrie Ann and Eve would show off their pets, for example. I wonder if the hosts/staff wish they'd stayed remote. The View is still remote and they're #1. That show's only real, recurring issue is Meghan McCain. This show's problems are numerous and who knows if they'll even be back for a new season at this point.
  3. Thanks for clarifying. I only see the closing credits before The View starts.
  4. catlover79


    He's been calling her "The Race Lady" on air and online and she clapped back on her show last night. Google their names and you'll find the video clip from last night's show. It's so worth the watch!!!
  5. The Talk has been back in studio since September and they still don't have an audience. Is Wendy the only daytime host now with an audience (albeit limited and distanced)?
  6. Is this a "if a tree falls in the forest" type question? 😂
  7. catlover79


    I love Ali, but I can't unsee your description. 😝😂
  8. catlover79


    Joy Reid's smackdown of Tucker Carlson was EPIC. Every time she called him "Tuck'ems", I completely lost it. It was glorious!!! 🥰🤣😂 Speaking of glorious, I'm happy for Steve Kornacki. As Ali Velshi once said, the man is a machine!!! 😎😊
  9. Yes, and we all know how much she loves to rant - ahem, talk. 😝
  10. Maybe phoning it in was the wrong way to say it. You're right that her enthusiasm is forced. For the first time, it is clear that Sheryl doesn't seem to enjoy what she is doing. If the format we've been seeing since March 2020 is claustrophobic to we the viewers, it must be almost unbearable actually putting the show together.
  11. Thank you, @rmcrae. Jerry is an engaging and versatile actor, but when he is just himself he is too much for me to watch. He just makes me nervous. I have to cut Sheryl some slack. She's a comedienne by nature and used to performing for crowds. The lack of a live studio audience has to hurt more for her than the others. I think the toll of these past 14 months has worn on her more than the other hosts. Elaine and Amanda haven't been on the entirety of the journey with Sheryl. It's a shame to think of how both internal and external circumstances have imploded this show. No one's happy and I can't even blame Sheryl for phoning it in.
  12. Sending you virtual hugs, @tinkerbell!! It's weird, because my job is considered essential and I was part of the 1A group that got vaccinated early - I've been out there, and now that I broke a bone in my foot I've barely left the house these past two weeks. I do feel isolated (and I'm an introverted homebody by nature) and afraid to go back to my regular routine when the time comes. Whoopi and the rest of the cast have been at this for over a year, so I can only imagine how daunting returning to the studio and eventually an audience must be. Good on Sunny for shutting The Princess down as best she could. Not only is Sunny a lawyer and a doctor's wife, but this disease is personal to her. She lost her parents-in-law to COVID-19, and from what I can gather she loved them very much. I don't blame her at all for being upset.
  13. Knowing her, both - and at the same time!!
  14. Hmm, doesn't sound like I missed much!!
  15. I didn't realize (or maybe I forgot) that this series was largely made pre-pandemic: https://www.everythingzoomer.com/arts-entertainment/2021/05/01/the-story-of-late-night-new-cnn-series-history-evolution-talk-show/
  16. Did they touch on the Duggar situation at all? We were preempted today in Cleveland due to an address by the governor - which is rare for a Monday. I don't feel like watching it On Demand and sitting through ten billion commercials.
  17. What's the over/under that The Princess gets a timeout tomorrow? Not that it will do any good, it never does. Whoopi said something in today's show about not being comfortable going outside yet, despite being vaccinated. I really can't blame her.
  18. Jaywalking was always good for some laughs. I think my favorite one was Jay asking one woman who lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue...crickets. She did however know the answer to his next question, which was "who lives in a pineapple under the sea?" 😝 The bit that got me hooked was Headlines, for sure. Jay even released several Headlines compilation books, with the proceeds going to charity. I started watching Jay post-Helen Kushnick. That woman sounded like an absolute terror, from all I've read and heard about her. They touched on her briefly in Episode 3 (which covers 1980 to 1991), and I'm sure much more will be said about her in Episode 4. Dave Berg, one of Jay's producers, wrote a book a few years back and said something to the effect that everyone walked on eggshells whenever she was around. Once she was finally fired, people started to relax more. By the way, here's an image of Dave Berg's book. It's an excellent read and goes in depth about the process of booking guests, producing skits, etc.
  19. Yes, definitely check it out!! I was a tween when Carson retired and the "late night wars" began. I remember hearing about it in general, but not the particulars. I became addicted to Leno in early 1996 and stuck with him until the end - twice (2009 and 2014)! That's high school, college and beyond!! It was such fun to see a taping of Leno's Tonight Show in summer 1998 when my family vacationed on the West Coast. One thing that still strikes me funny is how tiny the sets look in person as opposed to TV. They look like miniatures of the sets!! I now have the plastic coffee mugs with The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and the peacock logo that we had originally purchased for my grandparents in the NBC gift shop. Great times!!
  20. What's also great is that prolific writer Bill Carter (author of The Late Shift and The War For Late Night) is one of the executive producers of the series. He's also one of the interviewees.
  21. In most cases, I'd agree. I am 100% behind booing The Princess!! 😉😝😂
  22. WHAT????? Does she (or her "people") even hear how ridiculous that is? Good grief.
  23. I actually found Episode 3 ("Eyes on the Throne") On Demand. It covers the rise of Letterman and Leno, the fall of Rivers and the meteoric but brief run of Arsenio. I just found it fascinating. Some of them actually - literally - threw stuff at the wall to see if it stuck. 😉🤣😂
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