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Everything posted by catlover79

  1. I remember his feud with Roger Clemens in the 2000 World Series, and laughed when the two of them were named the starting pitcher and catcher in the 2001 All Star Game. I said they put the "battery" in battery. πŸ˜‚
  2. He had only stopped driving in 2014!! https://www.telegraph.co.uk/film/trainwreck/norman-lloyd-interview/ Mr. Lloyd had remained good friends with his St. Elsewhere co-stars Ed Begley, Jr. and Howie Mandel. Both of them considered him a true mentor and friend. RIP Mr. Lloyd. πŸ™β€
  3. Yes. Sheryl clearly adored her dad and I too love when she talks about him.
  4. It is when The Princess isn't on, or when you reach for the mute button as soon as she gets going. I wish the ladies wouldn't handle her with kid gloves all the time - and I have a feeling they'd like to be more forceful with her but the executive producer won't let them. I hate that she gets away with everything and never faces any lasting consequences. Honestly, my six-year-old nephew has more maturity and common sense than MM.
  5. That was Byron Allen, who was barely out of his teens when he made his first Carson appearance. Not long afterwards, he became a regular on another NBC show - Real People.
  6. Doesn't the ABC News Division have medical experts on their payroll? Can't any of them offer a rebuttal to MM's irresponsible messaging to the viewers? Why IS this show in the News Division and not Entertainment like it used to be? The mind boggles.
  7. Too bad no one on the show has put a clock on the bottom corner of the screen when The Princess begins her ranting and raving, and when her time to speak is done, there's a loud BEEP. Then when she tries to keep speaking, her mic is silenced. Wouldn't that be nice? She's done with masks? Good luck with that going to public places that still require them. She is a living, breathing stereotype. She is the embodiment of a "Karen". Good grief. 😑 No, she'd blame it on Dr. Fauci!!!
  8. Or someone like Brigitte, whose kids range in age from toddlerhood to over 30!! 😳
  9. Sara does look best in solid colors - especially green and blue. I can't wait to see the new season of The Chase.
  10. Ana seriously made me laugh today with her tales of her "Cuban man and 5 pound dog". Al actually said that 2020 was the best year of his life despite having undergone two major surgeries AND COVID-19??? The ladies' reactions were priceless.
  11. Well, we now know that Ana is ready for sure to let Al and Chacha fend for themselves for a few days, hop the next plane to NYC and hug all the gals. Sara's already in the studio and has been for months. Whoopi isn't comfortable with the idea of leaving home yet, and I would assume Joy feels the same way. Sunny, I don’t know. Meghan would most likely want to go back. That's the vibe I'm getting.
  12. Two days in a row with no Meghan and with Ana? Really???
  13. @ebk57, there are a couple of Soul! episodes up on YouTube as well as a Mr. Soul documentary about its late host (it was produced by his niece) on the PBS website. It was definitely an ambitious undertaking, especially since it aired on public television.
  14. Actually, Episode 3 is already available On Demand. At least it is via DirecTV, which is what I have. My grandmother was a huge Carson fan - and even owned a couple of his comedy albums. When he retired, my grandparents just kept watching Jay until they passed on. The writers and researchers really did their homework on this miniseries. I am recording it all and plan to do a big binge watch once it all airs.
  15. With CNN running its miniseries about the history of American late night TV, I decided to reread the story of the "late night wars" again...
  16. I'm usually not a fan of that look myself, but I think it works for Sara.
  17. Yes. He's the outlier. Good for Shepard Smith for saying ENOUGH and moving on to CNBC.
  18. Well, she’s being sarcastic and facetious when she says it. Actually, of the four ladies on today, the only one younger than Ana is Sara.
  19. Maybe teenagers and people in their early 20s can pull that off. Not a 36-year-old mother. Grow up, Meghan.
  20. Agreed, agreed, agreed. I find it to be a hurtful term. Meghan has called herself a Christian, but she does use that word an awful lot!! πŸ€”
  21. Speaking of old, I always crack up every time Ana (who isn't even 50 yet) starts a sentence with, "I'm so old, I remember when..." πŸ˜‚
  22. @TheGreenKnight, I hope we get that dinner party soon!!! I know Sara has especially been looking forward to it. πŸ₯° @cslustig, thanks for that article. It was glorious to watch them unload on Fox "News". If The Princess was watching at home, I'm sure steam was coming out of her ears. 😝 It was also nice to have just four on the panel today as each one got more time to give her take, and it felt more like a real conversation than something beamed out on national TV. It truly was a wonderful show today, and a fitting way to end the week. Kudos, ladies. πŸ₯‚
  23. YAY!!!!!! We get to hear INTELLIGENT conversation, for once.
  24. I absolutely loved Sara's look in yesterday's show:
  25. Exactly. People watch in spite of Meghan, not because of her.
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