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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. My arms don't look flabby like my upper thighs. I can wear sleeveless tops OK. My tummy region isn't flat, with just a little loose skin. I don't think I look too bad, considering I'm pushing 70. I'm all about being comfortable these days!
  2. I'm partial to tankinis, with a short swim skirt. My thighs never recovered from a large weight loss in my late 50's, so I like more coverage there. I'm sure breaking free from her teenage self in lust with Kootie (🤮) has a lot to do with Christine becoming daring in middle age, since she grew up in polygamy, with no dressing sexily in her younger years. If she's comfortable and pleasing herself (and her man,) it's all good.
  3. That plate of food "courtesy of Plex-Ass" looked like yuck. So Jillybean's pissed because her downline is a bunch of slackers? I too hope they quit on her, especially Heidi's mother. It would serve that ungrateful harpy right. It is definitely shameful she so obviously favors Janessa. Those unfortunate other kids, especially her "girlies." ☹️
  4. I hate the changing 2 X a year, too. Pick one or the other, and leave it alone! Of course, I hated it more when I worked. I have a hard enough time sleeping as it is, and I had a very boring job. I almost nodded off a couple of times. November weather is depressing. Gray, rainy skies, cold, and less daylight. At least it's not snowing yet here. I had help last winter with shoveling, which I really appreciated, from neighbors.
  5. I'm sure I wouldn't be that magnanimous in that situation.
  6. I hope Crybrows is defrauded when she sees this "pitcher." 😜
  7. While it's nice to see them enjoying themselves, the fact that they shill that overpriced crap is a bummer. Ah well. No one is forced to buy it, I guess.
  8. Hundreds of men? It is to laugh. If anything, a couple dozen of men just released from jail may have had an interest. Crybrows was never a hottie, unless some loser was desperate.
  9. Thanks. I must have missed the movie. I'll have to watch it!
  10. Poor Widdle Kootie! He can't believe how hated he and Crybrows are. He's as dumb as a fence post. I'll try and listen to a bit of it later. @Orcinus orca, I hope I don't get sick!
  11. Those two toxic shitheads have no shame. How sad for Truely and Ysabel to know they'll never be valued like DABSA.
  12. I would hate to have to dill with that kid. She's just like Kootie, and he's stuck with her 24/7. 😝
  13. I pity the people that end up with Crybrows as a mother-in-law. That is, if she ever lets her spawn get married.
  14. So Avalon and her brothers have a new grandpa! I wonder if Kootie even cares. Probably not. He's saving his cool grandad stuff until Uh-ROAR-a and Breanna start pushing out babies.
  15. Did I see it on Reddit? It was somewhere, I know I saw it.
  16. Does she actually use an ironing board? I don't believe I've ever seen or noticed that! What a weird woman.
  17. I believe Day-Un was doing some of MSWC's work. Christine was giving it away or including a piece of joolry for a while, with her LuLaRot sales. Sobbyn tried to guilt Janelle into working on "plus-size" clothes, but I'm pretty sure that never happened. Janelle called it a hobby business. Sobbyn also guilted Meri into not going back to college, to help her (what a fool.) Sobbyn told Kootie she couldn't have another baby unless she had "help" (slave labor) to sell that overpriced crap. What Sobbyn wanted, she usually got. Moving to LV and then Flagstaff was orchestrated by her.
  18. Ysabel is a gorgeous young woman. I still get steamed when I think about Kootie doing absolutely nothing to support her or help with her aftercare. I admire her for her seeming acceptance of the situation when she visited him during the Christmas season. I'm not so sure I would be as forgiving toward that shitty parent.
  19. I have to say it again: Sobbyn proved she's every bit a snake in the grass with that reptilian print top. She dresses like she's a hundred years old, and she isn't aging well, either. Lying liar says she misses the big family events, yet says a reunion won't happen because some of the OG 13 (ya know, the ones Kootie doesn't give a shit about) would cause trouble. Kootie calling her the love of his life was just another jab at the wives and kids he's either pissed at, or ignores anyway. Those two toxic people get worse with every season and every episode. I wouldn't be sorry if that ugly as mud house goes into foreclosure, without the worker bee wives to share the cost. Meri re-upping her lease, and acting like she's in middle school with "just Jenn" make me think she's truly taken leave of whatever senses she had. Cringeworthy. What a shitshow.
  20. Hi! Just chiming in to say: Sobbyn has finally showed her scales as the snake she is! That top is all kinds of fugly! I'm sure I'll have a lot more to say tomorrow. Have a good night, all!
  21. Isn't Hobby Lobby in the same wheelhouse? There's one of those in my city, but thankfully, no Chick-Fill-A. They show commercials, so who knows if they will be here. Am I the only one who thinks those fakey face thingies on kids' pictures are dumb?
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