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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. I have another thought: WHY do Meri, Janelle, and Christine all know how to pronounce the word "picture" correctly, while Sobbyn and Kootie pronounce it "pitcher?" That just grinds my gears, I hate it!
  2. Not I, mine is all horizontal tile. Interesting layout? For those on the Duggar sub-forum Sweet Fellowship, she (Maddie) is doing the index finger shot. 😜
  3. Well, IMO it's way overdue for the toxic duo to finally get their comeuppance. They rilly do deserve each other. Misery loves company. Sobbyn's kids will never be free of her dominance and live their own lives.
  4. I'm happy your daughter now has a cat to love. I can't believe the cold-hearted people that just dump cats and other animals, to become feral (if they live!) @Gramto6, you're one of the people on this forum that I'd love to meet in real life, and Roslyn is, too. I so enjoy the comments from many here. Thank you both for caring about animals. I'm a cat (and other) animal lover, too. They bring me happiness! I was a Bob Barker fan because he always ended his show by asking people to neuter their pets. Our present cat is a shelter kitty that was adopted, and already spayed from a low-cost veterinary clinic. We love her so much!
  5. Nice picture, not smug! Hair needs a trim, and a brush, but the wind must have mussed it up.
  6. They could at least separate them a la Frick and Frack (the Duggar twins Jed! and Jer.) Jillybean wants to keep them around to be roadies on the Grift Tours. ☹️
  7. Another thought: Ari still sucking on a mouth plug, at her age? This was shown in next week's preview. What lazy parenting, there, Sobbyn! Or was it "the nanny" who was supposed to wean her off that binky, along with homeschooling "the tenders," cleaning the McMansion, potty training "the tenders?" OK, I have no proof of "what does (did) the nanny DO?" But, it wouldn't surprise me if the nanny did everything but wet nurse "the tenders."
  8. Forgot to mention, I wonder which of Nathan's wives left his ass - could it have been Meri's sister? Maybe that made Meri shit AND get off the pot, at long last.
  9. This family has never been smart about priorities. Flushing $ down the crapper for outrageous rennals, two-seater cars, expensive luxury goods, raw land with no utilities that they'll never use, endless moving expenses, pricey vacations, etc. Never mind that they had no medical insurance for decades. How Janelle (who supposedly was the bookkeeper) stayed sane, I have no idea.
  10. I'd hate to see HUNK'S feet. He's probably the type that would take his shoes off, on an airplane. P U!🤮
  11. Not we snarkers, that's for sure! I wouldn't waste my time trying to look like a wax doll. I look my age, and there isn't anything wrong with that.' No social media freak here!
  12. Isn't Kootie just terrific, spreading his sperm far and wide, and now he seems to have no use for the OG 13? Putz! If your (to me) strange belief in the afterlife is true, they will NOT be on your planet, you dipshit.
  13. Mr. X and I had a boss like that. 350 Ford pickup. He had a short man complex, for sure. 😁
  14. Sobbyn may have been afraid that one of the OG 13 that she considers undesirable (and their favorite word, "unsafe,") would have drawn one of her precious darlings' names, and gotten them something that she would consider inappropriate. Why she had to stick her nose into something that the adult children were handling just fine, I can't fathom. She's such a control freak! 😡
  15. What an absolute asshole of the worst kind. I agree, Go Janelle! You put up with this fucker WAY too long. Meri, all those toxic shitheads wanted from you, was your money. I hope you finally realized that.
  16. "Chicken Tenders" on Reddit. Is Kootie going to call them that when they're in college? Doofus.
  17. Re your last sentence...does Jill want us to imagine her and HUNK doing the dirty deed? 🤮 Sorry for the mental picture! All KINDS of SEVERE yucka-ducka. 🤮🤮
  18. Almost as bad as Kendra. Luckily, Rad Homie JereME isn't knocking up Jinger every year. Does PAC (Cade) even have a job?
  19. But, she still seems to want to be the favorite of the OG 13, and still seems to cozy up to that toxic shit couple. Go figure.
  20. Okay, this is the third Standing O today!! ❤️
  21. Standing O for this comment! I fill the same way. Will Heli-Sobbyn ever let any of those (mostly grown) kids actually grow up? Parents like this make me ill. Second standing O today! Bravo!
  22. You said it before I did. Did they think we wouldn't notice? Probably.
  23. The Thanksgiving scene at Sobbyn's house looks just like the one from 2020. Everyone's wearing the same clothes they did then, in 2021? Hmmm.
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