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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. Seriously, I wish they'd catch up. They keep going backward, then forward, then back again. It makes no sense. Does any other "reality" show fall so far behind the present year? SW is the only one I watch.
  2. Yeah, you're probably right. It was a different time, for sure!
  3. Did Meri's red top remind anyone of their high school graduation gown? It did me. My grad gown was orange, but my daughter's was red, and it just looked like that to me. @Roslyn, I love your post. Kootie is a great example of a fun-sucker! His adopted daughters and their mother just give off a gloomy vibe that's almost scary. It's just very weird, and no way would I want to spend any time with them.
  4. Correct. She's annoying the crap out of me lately, and Tony's the same way.
  5. I bought a can of Campbell's soup in the large can awhile back (on sale) and I couldn't eat it, it was so salty. And I am one who prefers a salty snack to a sweet snack. There are low-and-no sodium canned foods when one must have something premade. I hardly ever add salt at the table, just a dash for fresh-cooked vegetables. Those puffy hands look awful. Jill's so vain, I'm surprised they don't bother her.
  6. Of course, Crybrows spent all of her allowance, so Kootie couldn't ask her to help her bestie Meri. As if he would, anyway. Basement wife Christine, and go-along-to-get-along Janelle, got the short sticks, always. Why any woman with any sense of self-worth would put up with this polygamy bullshit, is beyond me!
  7. Mykelti, stop trying to make "family unity" happen! It's not going to happen, and you want nothing to do with Meri, anyway. You want to pick and choose who to be chummy with, so just accept that every other member of this messed-up family is going to do the same. Tony, quit making stupid remarks and just put a cork in it. In fact, TLC should pull the plug on this show. Kootie hasn't been interested in the OG 3 wives or most of the OG 13 kids, and has chosen monogamy, so the entire premise of polygamy is out the window, anyway.
  8. Maybe that's why they are a perfect match. I don't think either of them has any sense of humor, whatsoever. I'm sorry for all of their kids. What a joyless existence it (probably) is, for them.
  9. I read somewhere (can't remember where, and who knows if it's actually true,) that David Jessop was interested in Crybrow's sister, and Crybrows lured him away by "putting out." One of those rumors that might have happened, or may be bullshit. Kootie is far too dumb to know how she manipulates him, and they deserve each other.
  10. I wonder if binky-sucker still co-sleeps with Crybrows and Kootie? I never believed in doing that, even though we had a king sized bed then. Daughter always slept in her crib or bassinet. We could roll the bassinet into our room when needed. I too think Ari is going to give them fits as a teenager, just by the way they coddle her now.
  11. Furnace problems, bah! A company here advertised a special for $75, to check the 10 year old gas furnace that we have. So we get them over here, and guess what? It cost over $800 for a new motor or something to fix it. I just hate it when stuff breaks! 🤬 I hope you have better luck!
  12. Ah, cute doggies! Another reason why Kootie isn't happy. Crybrows doesn't like animals, so Kootie doesn't like them, either. "Gonna choose the kids, gonna choose the dogs."
  13. It must suck to be lost in the crowd as a kid, when there are so many others to compete with for attention. That said, I can't stand Mykelti any more. She said she "married (her) dad," and now she's become like Daddy Dearest herself. 🤮
  14. I've read that she does in other posts. I honestly cannot tell. ??? That's what he said. It's not the first time Tony's said something stupid. I'm glad Mykelti found humor in it.
  15. I wonder if Jilly and Hunk have ever watched Sister Wives on the map? I'd love to see them meet in the wild sometime. 😄
  16. Your first thought was my first thought. Are we terrible for thinking that? 😜
  17. To survive the childhood that they had, and to have escaped the circus that their family became, speaks well of them, that they kept their sanity. It is nice that the millennials and those that came after, can enjoy one another.
  18. I just watched on TLC go, courtesy of my cable subscription. Such a completely boring episode. Remodeling the "carriage house," what? Why is that of any interest, other than the sycophantic buyers of that MLM crap? Kootie crapping all over Janelle's new apartment, lamenting that he'll never live there? Like he ever even stayed over at the RV or her old small apartment? GTFOOH with that BS. I'll have more to say tomorrow, I'm sure. 'Night, all!
  19. I agree that the sun shining on the coldest days makes the temperature a lot more bearable, even when it's below freezing. I'm definitely a fair weather person.
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