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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. It's sad to see "upward mobility" ditched, in favor of keeping one's children even more ignorant and isolated. Control freak parents that won't let their adult offspring run their own lives, piss me off. Jill is a prime example of this.
  2. I missed that! Thank you. 😊 Double the grudge, then.
  3. Why not just "Calvin"? It's certainly better than Sturgeon (Spurgeon.) 😄
  4. Did Mykelti come up with that saying? I doubt it. Cute kids, though. I love the blond one's expression.
  5. I heard it was Hunter, too. He's been on Crybrow's shit list for not jumping up and down when Kootie announced Crybrow's pregnancy with Sol. Crybrows holds grudges and never lets them go.
  6. I'd like to hear the OG kids' take on these Tell-Nothings. Kootie, you're never going to make Crybrows anything but despised by most everyone with a brain. Yourself, ditto. Go away and have fun driving each other nutso.
  7. One of my favorite episodes, for sure! Crybrows had a fit about snow, too, or was that another episode? It's been a while. Counselor Crybrows can go suck an egg. She's the worst!
  8. Might it be Dupuytren's contracture? Mr. X has that in his family.
  9. Crybrows tuned into that, and has used it to her supreme advantage.
  10. Oh, yes. Kootie wasn't in the right "headspace." That was a new word on me. Where did she get that, I wonder? Certainly, Crybrows is just too well-adjusted to need therapy. It's all those pesky sisterwives that are cray-cray, right? Right? Kootie has had Crybrow's hand up his ass "since Day One." He wouldn't know what to do or say without her, and it shows.
  11. Dumb-ass Kootie rilly thought Crybrows was a hot commodity. I wonder what bullshit she's fed him, to keep him kissing her ass and letting her control his every utterance and every move.
  12. 1,000 times YES. Make those liars try to lie with everyone there to hear it, when it's said. Face your accusers, it's only fair!
  13. Janessa still with the filthy rag. It's probably washed as often as DBD's clothes, once a month if they're lucky. Ew.
  14. I am so sorry to hear this. No words.
  15. I hadn't heard what was going on, can someone update me?
  16. Did anyone notice Crybrows showing off her rings when wiping fake tears? Why do I think she's acquired the diamond because Christine got one from David, and she's been jealous of Christine "since day one?" Of course, Crybrows had to show off her matching horse ring that Kootie has, too. Dog-kicker animal hater Crybrows wearing a horse ring? 🙄
  17. Meri has enough sycophants that will keep her sitting financially pretty for years. A book would be icing on the cake. I doubt she'd fess up truthfully anything to do with the catfish. She wants the sympathy of her army of skanks.
  18. I love that Janelle laughed more than I've ever seen her do before, when Kootie tried to embarrass her. Can you imagine what Crybrows would do if Kootie had done that to her? 😝
  19. The "Diesel Jeans Model" has not aged well. That hatefulness she harbors toward others, has not helped her. Crybrows got what she wished for, and instead of making her happy, she constantly wears a frown, and spews venom. Karma's biting her in the butt, and it's high time!
  20. It would be fun to listen to one of Christine's and Janelle's conversations, comparing how awful Kootie and Crybrows are, off-camera.
  21. I read somewhere? that the man is her sister's husband. Nathan? The one that Kootie drove around with in one of this season's episodes, that had a wife leave him. These men that collect wives as trophies, UGH! They deserve to be left in the dust.
  22. To quote a line from one of my favorite 80's-90's sitcoms (Roseanne.) "Who gets drunk and cuts this family's hair?" 😜
  23. Word salad is right! Spin it, Crybrows. You're the final authority on plural marriage, yes? 🤣
  24. You quoted me, and that was another poster disagreeing with me. 🙂
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