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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. I do remember Kootie saying in an earlier episode, that Sol was his shyest child. He's the seventh son, which is supposed to mean something special. Ari is Kootie all over again, much more than I suspect Sol will ever be. Leave it to Kootie to try and make Sol into what he wants, not what Sol is supposed to be. Poor kid.
  2. Maybe, but I searched for GS mini, specifically. A lot of celebrities play full size Taylor guitars, and they are even more expensive. Regardless, that is still an expensive gift to give Jill & co. JMO, of course.
  3. I looked it up...retail on the cheapest new one that I saw is $599. Who in their right mind with that kind of dough do these people know? Who says grifting doesn't pay? DGIH. Appalling!
  4. Is the brand of the guitar noticeable on the headstock? Mr. X is a guitar player, and I'm curious as to the worth of it.
  5. I feel you, Gram. I have to have them every 5 years because of family history. That prep sucks with a capital S! I hope you're taking it very easy today and however long you need. ❤️
  6. Back to smug. Why does she think this look is attractive?
  7. Ah, how sweet. Two asshole men commiserating with each other, spouting a bunch of misogynist bullshit. That Tender Binkie Sucker (thanks @Joan of Argh) is obnoxious as hell. Kootie in female form, with bad teeth and a PEST (Sobbyn telling Kootie not to use that word was absolute nonsense, proving that Sobbyn can't face the truth and lies about everything.) Sobbyn has mind-fucked her spawn, and they will never not be controlled by her.
  8. My neighbors just had a boy, and he is Sage. So it's probably popular? It's interesting to see some of the names they're naming kids nowadays. What I dislike is weird spellings of existing names, requiring the child/adult to spell it for every new situation. But, what do I know? I used a popular name with a common spelling for my kid! Methinks Jessa is trying to outbreed the rest of them, to stay one of that jackass father of hers, favorites. She got a head start on Kendra, and is within reach of Anna's seven. How sad!
  9. I don't think I've mentioned her before, but Sarah of realiteasquad on YouTube has made commentary videos of Sister Wives, for a good while. If you have eleven or so minutes, the latest one, SW Janelle Worries About Finances While Robyn Spends Lavishly/Season 18 has a couple of interesting tidbits about my least favorite wife, Sobbyn, of course. I'm not on TikTok, but there's a clip of one from that platform, that I found surprising, but not rilly, considering what we already know about the McMansion and its "dreckeration." There's also a clip I hadn't seen, with Kootie and his bro Nathan, who was featured in the "guy time" from last week's episode. Poor babies, those two misogynist pigs!! 😡
  10. I'm pretty sure it was a girl, and HT commented about finding a boyfriend, to the girl, or someone else. After all, HT told Christine to "date" at the goodbye scene, that Mykelti unfortunately orchestrated. Mykelti trying to play Switzerland backfired on her. She wants it both ways.
  11. Foxglove Poinsettia Cactus Flower Morning Glory Rhododendron Dahlia Whee! This is more fun than their (yawn) vacation sounded!
  12. Didn't "the tenders" go back to the classroom? I remember Kootie being SO excited asking holy terror if she had been a pest, and copter mother Sobbyn telling him that "we don't use that word." Apparently the teacher called the same day reporting that tender terror glommed onto some unfortunate little girl and wouldn't leave her alone.
  13. Ben strikes me as the same way. Boring as hell, churning out another feral kid for the Lord. Those that called this announcement being made at the same time as sister Jill's book were right. Did the Grand Poobah give the go-ahead? It wouldn't surprise me a bit.
  14. Grandma Annie can help her. I wonder how similar Annie's polygamist old life and Christine's, are. We know that Annie had left Christine's dad by the time Christine met and married Kootie. Annie didn't go to their wedding, and was against the marriage.
  15. I remember those! My friend had an awful "pitcher" of a brown tree on a goldenrod background. Sobbyn has very little taste. Look who she ended up with.
  16. One of my dad's cousins made Christian record albums with her husband, in the 60's. They gave them as wedding gifts (I still have the ones they gave us, somewhere.) I'm not sure why I kept them, as my family didn't listen to Christian music at all, and I didn't either! Jilly must be trying to raise money for her Haiti cruise. Heaven forbid she spend any money on her children! It's for herself and HUNK. ☹️
  17. There was a story about a friend of our's brother who owed $ to the IRS, and sent them Monopoly money. He (the brother) was kind of out there. Well, it was the 70's! 😁 I too thought that Meri was incredibly selfish to get the same money as Janelle and Christine. I mean, I realize she was HBIC at the time, but her audacity floored me in the early seasons, especially. Then along comes Sobbyn, and she topped Meri in selfishness, which I didn't think was possible. And she stole the HBIC status, too. ☹️
  18. I'm pretty sure I know who everyone else is, but who is the Coca-Cola lady of whom you speak?
  19. They're disgusting! I'm a germaphobe that covers the toilet seat with TP if the dispenser is out of seat covers. And bare feet? Unbelievable! 🤮
  20. Pre-show, at least, had Meri getting the same amount to spend as Janelle and Christine. That's why she could afford better food, for one thing, even though Leon often ate at Christine's, to visit with their siblings. This was pre-Sobbyn, in the Lehi house.
  21. I think you've figured that out. Like it's such a huge dill to move a stove? 🤣
  22. All the better to make the women the bad guys, and the sperm donor look like such a diligent husband, who wouldn't dream of unloading a wife or wives. "Look, kids, your nasty mommies left me, and isn't that just awful?" 😡
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