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Everything posted by xwordfanatik

  1. Remember when Uh-ROAR-a leaped into Hunter's arms the second he came in the door (this was in Vegas; I think he was on leave from the military.) I can't stand her. Her moony eyes when she's talking or around any men are creepy, too. She's been told to kiss the ground Kootie walks on, and like a cult member, she does it without question. His OG family be damned; Kootie has a devoted cult follower in Uh-ROAR-a.
  2. Are Kootie and Sobbyn trying to make the viewers hate them more, with every episode? What a couple of shit human beings! Sure, Kootie. Keep telling us that the implosion of your OG family had NOTHING to do with Sobbyn's arrival and insisting that you spend an unfair amount of time with HER. Two anchor babies sealed the dill, and now you two assholes wonder why no one wants to kiss your asses? Read the room, jackass. You two are toxic, and poison your other relationships with your selfishness. Crawl back under your rock.
  3. LOLing at DBD eating himself into a stupor! Those poor kids, especially Renee, who's going to be stuck taking care of the others. DBD and Jillybean have no shame. Lazy, grifting toads.
  4. He will milk anything that will get him attention, so he'll be the "proud grandpa" on camera. 🙄
  5. It's mutual, I'm sure. Kootie only cares for five of his kids, and proves it.
  6. Totally agree! IIRC, my wedding was under a grand. (Of course, it was the 70's!) We got a few cash gifts, but never grifted a thing. They're grown adults with income, and they should pay for what they want.
  7. Does anyone remember how many acres that Coyote Pass aka Prairie Dog Plague is? I actually got Mr. X to watch the latest episode, and he wondered how big it was. Of course, I had forgotten. They'll never build there, of that, I am certain. It would shock me if they sold it for as much or more than they paid. Dunderheads.
  8. Sure, Kootie. The Virgin Mary aka Sobbyn, is never guilty of parental alienation, or anything bad. 🙄 Go fuck yourselves, you toxic couple. Together, you have made most of your non-Sobbyn offspring, unwelcome and unloved. Great job!
  9. I can't begin to imagine how Kootie has been so negligent of a father, that Garrison had to call and ask Sobbyn, "can we have our dad back?" And instead of telling that turd to shape up and visit his other kids, she dug her claws further into Kootie's balls, and kept on hogging all of his time for the Chicken Tenders. What an evil woman! 🤬
  10. True. Just because I don't believe in or support MLM's, because IMO they are predatory and overpriced compared to other sources, doesn't mean that everyone agrees with me. If people want to spend their own money for that stuff, it's up to them.
  11. Christine would say Kootie is a giant pain in HER ass. I hope Sobbyn is tired of him being around, because he's got nowhere else to go! 😜
  12. I agree with this. Sobbyn is the most selfish of all, even outdoing Meri.
  13. It's funny you said that. Mr. X actually broke his femur last winter, and other than the first night, hasn't complained about the pain. Moral: don't break your femur, especially after age 70. 🙂 Kootie would complain, as the saying goes, if they hanged him with a new rope.
  14. I sympathize with anyone that has had Covid, truly I do. It's the exaggerating and self-pity that people like Kootie do, when there were so many deaths and 'long covid' cases, that irks me. He clearly had means to medical care and treatment, even taking Sobbyn to the ER, so if he had a bad case, he would have been admitted to the hospital, and so would Sobbyn, or any of his kids. It bothers me that he didn't follow his/Sobbyn's own 'rules,' and yet avoided safe visits with his own children (and other wives), yet had the freedom and didn't allow it for others, to attend his buddy's wedding (and did his ridiculous dancing!) If it's true that he wasn't vaccinated, that was his choice. He's always saying 'everyone makes their own choices,' but should anyone voice any objection to HIS choices, he shuns them and shames them. Shame on HIM for that.
  15. I am in love with this comment. Man-baby's ass hurt, what a freaking tragedy! MY ass hurt from laughing it off at his whiny, puss-bag self feeling sorry for himself!! Sucks to be you, pardner. Go back and dote on those Chicken Tenders you're SO, SO worried about! 🤣
  16. From Janelle's thread: Meri said something along the lines of, 'the only things keeping me here' (in the marriage) 'are my commitment level and my daughter' (as they were known at that time.) That was in Season One, not sure if it was the very first episode.
  17. I want to see Kootie meet David for the first time. I wonder if their initial encounter was at Gwen's wedding? I can only imagine the scowled faces on Kootie and Sobbyn! 😜
  18. She literally growled when Kootie wore his Kootie-tail, and she liked his pants tight (Leo asked during a Q & A why Kootie wore his pants so tight.) Not to disparage Meri's brother (Janelle's ex) but a young Kootie wasn't half-bad looking, and I think there was a mutual attraction. It didn't have to happen often to be real to them. JMO of course.
  19. Ah, what a sweet "pitcher." Kootie and Ari, the "social lubricant," 🤮, in the fetal position on the floor, sucking their binkys! I cannot think of two humans LESS self-aware than Sobbyn and Kootie. Nothing is EVER their fault, NEVER! Gawd.
  20. When the sons-in-law are both present, do they flip a coin to see who pays? Surely Mahmo and DBD never pay for anyone, even each other. Cheapskates!
  21. Austin is surly and a lot like what we've seen of his dad. I think Joy goes along to get along with him. Poor little kids are going to be criticized for every nitpicking thing (according to Austin.) These fundie men think they are all that and a bag of chips. I'd go bonkers.
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