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Twilight Man

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Everything posted by Twilight Man

  1. I think I will also just pretend that was the end of this show. (Evil Rumple appears) ER: Now just hold on there, dearie. You can't just pretend that the "TRUE" end of this show will never exist. Me: Really?? You mean like, the final season of "Scrubs"? ER: Well, I suppose "that" show was a special circumstance. Me: And the last season of "RoseAnne"? ER: Well, "that" was just an obvious choice. Me: And the last season of "Lost"?? ER: Trust me, dearie. It will do you good to just pretend that whole SHOW never existed. The last time I tried to comprehend that show, I couldn't blink for a week.
  2. With the Charmings and Emma leaving Storybrooke, Regina and Rumple decide to open a medical school, where several new recruits decide to ................. No, Ok, then ............... After the Charmings and Emma leave Storybrooke, a suave newcomer named Alan Shore comes to Storybrooke, where he then proceeds to turn the entire town up-side-down by ............ No, OK, then ......................... After the Charmings and Emma leave Storybrooke, a young farmer named Sam Jones decides to come to Storybrooke, where he ....................... (that actually lasted for three more seasons!!!!) No, OK, then how about ................ Once the Charmings and Emma leave Storybrooke, Regina and Rumple open up a bar called Rumple's Place, where the laughs never .................. (that lasted for four!!!!!!!) OK, how about ............ Once the Charmings and Emma leave Storybrooke, Regina and Rumple decide to invest in a Miami hotel that is up for sale, but it turns out................... No, how about ....................... Rumple and Regina form a rock band and then they .................. OK, then, I give up ...............
  3. If you liked Empire Falls, Luck, and Midtown, then place your bets on ____________.
  4. There was that one time when Leonard was dating Raj's sister, Priya, who was living with Raj. Raj and Leonard decided to switch living quarters temporarily (after Sheldon constructed a "temporary roommate agreement", of course). Raj not only did not seem to mind; he performed "above and beyond" the requirement for being a roommate that Sheldon was considering making the switch more permanent. For a man who hates change, that's saying something.
  5. I should definitely start a YouTube channel called "Three Years Too Late". Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to go Tebow in the food court at the mall.
  6. That's right, folks!! DC is creating it's own streaming service. In addition to Young Justice S3, that live action Titans series that has been shipped around for a year or two (or three) and eventually, when Cartoon Network decides to stop showing it just once every couple of weeks, Justice League Action will probably show the rest of their episodes on here as well. Not to mention reruns of Arrow, Flash, Supergirl, Constantine, and much much more!!!
  7. Obviously this thread has surfaced due to the big news - REBOOT!!! I loved the cartoon. I loved the gameshow - DO IT ROCKAPELLA!!! (I even watched the other gameshow.) I even had several of the computer games (the original, the USA version (with special guest Lynne Thigpen), some weird grammar game). I am so pumped that Carmen Sandiego is returning. Now how about a live-action kids' movie already??
  8. It reminded me of Grace always calling Alicia and the phone would (as well) go "Hey Mom, Pick up the phone!! Hey Mom, Pick up....."
  9. He could have gone over to you-know-who's cartoon and accused him of stealing the painting. After getting into another fight with him, you-know-who would have said "Look, I may have stolen a lot of jokes from you and your show, but I didn't take your crappy painting." That would have used up enough time so we would not have needed the bumpers at the end. Ah Yes, McDLT. "Keep the hot side hot, keep the cool side cool." You then are supposed to bend the styrofoam container so that the top half flips over onto the bottom half of the burger (which I could never pull off). McDonald's eventually stopped using Styrofoam containers for ALL of their burgers (They had Styrofoam containers for Big Macs, Quarter Pounders, Filet O' Fish, (You may want to stop clicking on these links, Lisa) McMuffins, McRibs, you name it) because people naturally complained that the stryofoam would be in landfills forever. They renamed the McDLT the "Big N' Tasty" (I'm not sure if they still sell that or not). Anyway, why am I not surprised that Krusty probably STILL uses Styrofoam containers. "Hey Hey!! I paid good money for these Styrofoam containers. I'm going to use every last one of these. The hell with the environment."
  10. millennium said: Ah yes, "Legends of The Superheroes". I briefly mentioned this in the Batman thread a long time ago on the former forum that many of us used to frequent (Hello TWOP lurkers!). A two episode fever dream is correct. Many people still disagree; was it merely two TV specials or a cancelled TV series. Regardless; Adam West and Burt Ward return headlining a B-list Justice League. They take on a Legion of Doom where several comedians portray the villains, so naturally, one of the specials (episodes??) was a rip-off of the Celebrity Roasts that Dean Martin and friends used to have. The jokes completely fall flat, despite the actual funny comedians that they managed to get like: Jeff Altman (a funny comedian who tried desperately to get that turkey called "Pink Lady and Jeff" to fly), Charlie Callas (who quite often appeared on said aforementioned roasts), Howard Morris (Ernest T Bass from Mayberry), and Ruth Buzzi (who also appeared on the roasts still doing her dowdy spinster routine). A couple of years back, they actually put this trainwreck out on DVD. Words really fail me.
  11. I know that it has been 40 years now, and I know that I just recently saw her on TV some months ago when Florence died (another reason why I should know that its been a long time) but I still can't believe that Eve and the other "kids" are that old now. Of course, Cassidy was on that other show at the same time; he was on TV a few weeks ago saying that he is suffering from dementia now. Of course the commish shows up at the funeral.
  12. Yet another Transformers movie. Meanwhile, Michael Bay has recently announced "I'm not done by a long shot." Expect a Bumblebee solo movie soon (because everyone "demanded" that).
  13. So .......... a talking head in a jar. Seth & co. have stopped ripping off The Simpsons and are now ripping off Futurama, I see. What do you have to say about that, Seth? "Bite my shiny metal - " I had a feeling you were going to say that.
  14. I look at it like "What would Marie (Doris Roberts) do to make sure that she still is with Raymond forever and ever (and still bothering Debra)." A super powerful multi-purpose robot who can definitely outshine (pun intended) the wife at home. I'm surprised a sitcom writer hasn't come up with this premise yet.
  15. Classic Sesame Street James Taylor singing "Your Grouchy Face" to Oscar
  16. and the professor definitely should have fixed that hole in the boat by now, Gilligan!!
  17. I trust Homer has had that sign around for a long time now and this is just the first time that we have seen it.
  18. Is anyone upset that Chyler wasn't involved in the musical??
  19. As Lantern7 pointed out a few posts ago, he was a "joke" villain created by the Batman: BATB cartoon voiced by the incredible NPH (who guest-starred on an episode of Glee). Everybody loved the episode. He even has appeared in the Lego Batman 3 game now. Adding the Love Boat musical to the list. YMMV on the episode. I personally love Ethel Merman, Della Reese, and Carol Channing singing.
  20. And don't forget Xena: The Musical. but it was better than That 70's Show: The Musical and Happy Days: The Musical. Anybody else got musical episodes of TV shows to add to the list.
  21. The Sun is the source of their power, remember. It would be like throwing Popeye into a spinach field. In the comics (at the end of the Red Daughter storyline), a bad guy tried to throw Supergirl into the Sun to kill her. It just made her stronger (and p.o.'ed). The last thing you want is more Mon-El.
  22. Cowgirl hnygrl They basically turned him into Alan Harper 2.0 (Don't forget both of these shows are produced by the same company). Alan, in the first few seasons, was also quite confident that this was temporary, and attempted on several occasions to improve his conditions. Later on, the show turned him into a mooch who had no aspirations what-so-ever to move beyond his sweet setup.
  23. James " Give Metal a Chance " Durban is the new lead singer for Quiet Riot.
  24. Me Syracuse Mug Kimmel77 10 years ago, with America being in a small recession, and movie-goers being slightly reluctant to go to as many movies as before, the big movie companies decided to take classic TV shows and turn them into movies. The logic was that with the familiar characters, concept, and overall nostalgia factor, movie-goers would be more inclined to watch these movies than risk "investment" in something unfamiliar. Likewise, today, the "prime" networks (I realize not all of the above were on one of the "prime" networks) face heavy competition from cable and premium channels (as well as "live" television itself facing competition from online streaming and other sources). The solution (to them anyway) is to take movies and turn them into TV shows. The solution, IMO, however, sometimes can fall flat since you are attempting to keep individuals entertained for much longer than a mere two hours.
  25. So, Fargo: The TV show Rush Hour: The TV show Lethal Weapon: The TV show Training Day: The TV show Van Helsing: The TV show (I don't care if it sucked, it counts!!) and now this. Anxiously awaiting Fast and The Furious: The TV show (Seriously, I'm joking. If some TV exec is reading this and going "Hmmmmm." DON'T DO THIS!!!)
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