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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I liked the comment about the beer, too. I got the reporter mixed up with the writer, name-wise, yesterday. Whoever the reporter is, I love him. I can't believe I've forgotten his name, and I wish that Freddy hadn't beaten him up. I hadn't thought about Frank setting up Claire. I had the more obvious thoughts of her getting the Vice-President spot, getting elected, and then finding a way to "accidentally" bump him off. I want more time spent on the reporter. I'm checking out half the time this is playing, and I'm going to have to go back and re-watch parts of it. When I first tuned in a couple of years ago, I was hooked.
  2. I was wondering if most of them are in on it, as well. They went too willingly to that van.
  3. I can't believe I actually like Caleb now. I'm tired of trying to guess who's behind it, just like several people here. I don't think about it for the rest of the week. I just want them to get a move on, and stop with the twists.
  4. I didn't like the way Conway and his wife used his kids - not at all - but what did I miss? How are Claire and Frank going to destroy them? I brightened up when I saw Janine and Tom. I like them.
  5. When I heard that certain characters would be seen again this season, I was hoping for all of his skeletons to come tumbling out of the closet. I was only half paying attention, and was thinking about watching it again, but if they're only here for hallucinations, then I won't bother.
  6. Yes, this. What the hell? Poor kid. I liked his mother more than the other characters. I actually understand that. Her character just lost her mother, as well, and they've just seen their city bombed to hell. It's not like zombies can't cross borders, so they'll be fine wherever they're going. That said, I'm afraid I really was rooting for the zombies, last night. When Nick was stupid enough to swim into the shipwreck, I wanted the zombie to eat him.
  7. I wasn't surprised by the shooting. I haven't read anything about the season, but as soon as I saw the setup, with the angles on him, and his security, I thought it was the perfect setup for a shooting. When that woman started to tell him he should resign, though, I thought she was going to do something.
  8. Yes!!! I couldn't imagine the new season without her.
  9. I just watched part of this, forgot that it was on (on-demand) after I switched my headphones off for the commercials, and then remembered it just before it ended. That guy hung himself in his cell? I hate Olivia now. She is now showing herself to be just like her father.
  10. I heard that there was a shocking ending, so I was saying, "oh, no" as Nina woke up from that dream, and was then walked down to that room. I wasn't expecting her to just be shot in the back of the head. :/ What bothered me even more, was that guy, just walking over to his desk, and checking his watch, not at all bothered that a woman was just shot. I know she was a criminal, but... so cold. I liked Elizabeth bowling, and joking with Paige. I was nice seeing them all get along, and happy for a little while. I missed what others have commented on: Elizabeth telling Philip to take the kids, and be Americans.
  11. I read on the twitter of the new guy (the "knight") that he was already filming.
  12. I'm trying to stay mostly spoiler-free, too, now that we've reached Negan (up until now, I've been waiting for people to show up, after comic fans have thrown out who might be showing up next, and in their excitement, let other things slip). But I have a question. When I googled to find out more about one thing in particular - I think it was Carl - I read something about him meeting a girl in a jail. What with some people still thinking that Enid is with another group, and working our group from the inside, could she be this "Lydia" that I've just read about again? Or do you think she will show up later on?
  13. I would tell them to eff off if they wanted their supplies back, for the same reason given by someone else above. They can't have dealt this long with Negan, and not known that his men would hugely outnumber them. I'm not going to keep trying to guess who died, either.
  14. Did they actually mention them not surviving? That bit with the dogs was my favourite part of the series, ever, I think. :) I would like to know what happened to the Morales family. I was going to say that it's a shame they didn't stay with the rest of them, but what am I thinking? The Governor, Termites, and now Negan.
  15. I remember that. It was on youtube a few years ago, but I don't know if it's still there. I watched it in my teens, and it scared me. haha! I only said, "was" because the show is over for now. :)
  16. Was Eric, Aaron's boyfriend? I liked the slow build, as they realized they were cornered and being hunted, as well.
  17. There isn't a new episode thread.
  18. I kept thinking of the Hunger Games, too. I don't think I could take that. We're only just a day and a half past the finale, and I'm already seeing comments about what's coming, on facebook. I might have to duck out of the groups on there - I don't mind a spoiler if I seek out a thread myself, or the occasional slip-up here, but people are commenting about things I hadn't heard anything about, until the last few days.
  19. I think it was Glenn, just because this guy comes across as the sort of dick who would tell someone they're safe, "the first one is free" and then kill them anyway.
  20. Hopefully! I started to watch it, but I've had a very bad/disappointing day, and I'm not in the mood to hear them all talk up the show, so I left it for another day - if I even finish it. One thing is for sure: I won't be talking about their cliffhanger for six months. With all of the comments about J.R. I keep picturing *him* underneath a dumpster. That gave me a chuckle, at least.
  21. I was worried about the horse, too. I don't know why so many people love Negan (before he appeared on the show). He's just openly an a**hole, unlike the Governor, who took a while to show people his true colours. I thought it was chilling, the way they had all of the roads blocked. Making that poor man an example - although if he was the same man as the one that was thrown off the bridge, I would have gone back to the road where I'd originally encountered them. I hate these people, and normally pacifist me, wants to see them all meet Rick's version of the bat. Glad Morgan shot that guy. That ending was *sick*. :( I wish I hadn't heard that.
  22. I don't know who that is. I'm halfway through the episode now, so I guess he shows up soon.
  23. I haven't watched it yet. I fell asleep before 5pm, feeling totally exhausted, and opened my eyes and rushed off the couch to make sure it was recording, just in case I do want to watch - then fell asleep again. I've already seen who was on Talking Dead, which makes me think that it was Daryl. (Heard about the cliffhanger, on facebook.) Unless they deliberately brought him on TD, to throw people off. I did think I saw Morgan shooting a gun, though!! To protect Carol.
  24. This is what I was just thinking, as well. Then we get to watch her punish herself for not being there, next season, which would leave me not wanting to tune in at all. I'm also still pissed over their fake-out with Glenn - I didn't want him dead, and hoped that he really was under the dumpster, but their waiting several weeks to let us know anything at all - ugh. Toying with people, by removing his name from the credits.
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