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Everything posted by Anela

  1. My dad does the dimmer light bulb thing. It drives me nuts. My nitpick had to do with them making it sound like Jess' dad only left a year or two before, when he first came to Stars Hollow. The following season, when his dad shows up, they make it sound like he left when Jess was a baby.
  2. Where is Moira going? How is she supposed to get past the guards? It looked like she wiped blood off her hand. Loved it when the butcher handed that package to June. As awful as that was, I was hoping that Janine would be free of it all. Was anyone, aside from June, actually concerned for her? And not the loss of a womb? :(
  3. I am, too. That was my favourite part, in the cab. When he started shifting around in the back, I laughed out loud. :) I wonder how they kept straight faces as they were shooting. I'd love to see outtakes.
  4. :( I was hoping it would be back next month. I'm re-watching the first season on Amazon.
  5. This was probably already mentioned, but I found The Handmaid's Tale as a "free to read" for those with Prime.
  6. I know women who are more charismatic than their husbands. My mother was one of them, although my dad is loved, too. I have left shows behind, too, although not many. The last one was the Vampire Diaries. It was so convoluted, and annoying, that I couldn't take it anymore.
  7. Death by homeopathy? I'm still watching. I can't believe that Doug is taking the blame for Zoe's death! What the hell?! Unless it's because he feels guilty over Rachel. He did murder her.
  8. Ooh! I wonder who the leak is. I'm only interested in that part of the story - that Happy Birthday card at the end, gave me goosebumps.
  9. I wish I was more into all of this. It seems to finally be building to something - hopefully it will - but with only three episodes left, I'm feeling disappointed. I was hoping that guy was really free to go. Of course he wasn't. Damn. Hopefully Leann will talk to someone, and stay safe, so that she isn't next. I'm so confused, with the rest of it. Claire is talking way too much to Tom. He looks like he's taking everything in. That was the first time they actually seemed like a couple, to me - the way they were talking. I can't remember if she talked about Frank that explicitly, with the artist from the first seasons.
  10. I hope that the reporter is going to get somewhere this time, and figure out what happened to Zoe. He already has, but I mean, I hope he starts that house of cards tumbling down... maybe with Leann's help, too.
  11. I'm having trouble with it being so close to reality, as well. I also want to see Frank and Claire have their house of cards fall down. How much are they going to get away with?
  12. I see no chemistry between either of the Underwoods, with others. They're both so cold, most of the time. I also don't find Tom attractive. He's bland - at least she and the artist had history, and I did see some chemistry between them, if I remember correctly.
  13. Right. That one guy said something to the Commander about his wife not being allowed to speak, because that's how things got out of control before: women had a voice. They weren't going to allow that to happen again.
  14. I had salt and vinegar crisps, and then ice cream. I should cook something. I keep getting ingredients for soups, and then wasting them, because I'm depressed, and therefore unmotivated. I might quickly make potato salad, using the instant pot. I can throw the eggs and potatoes in there, and then mix it up quickly.
  15. Not this time. It's definitely wallowing. Maybe when I go out, I'll get take-out, eat it at the counter in the kitchen, and then follow it up with small bites of ice cream from the tub, instead of getting a cone. ;)
  16. I'm eating salt and vinegar crisps, and watching Big Love. Might be going out for an ice cream.
  17. So, Nick is an eye, keeping an eye on the Commander? That one said something about him, and the rules. Jezebels was awful. Poor Moira pointing out the perks of being able to smoke, drink, and not having to work until late, but she's still reduced to having sex with men, and being a prisoner. The Commander talking about how they had former lawyers, and other really successful women there. :( All of those hypocrites who changed the U.S. to suit their supposed beliefs, only to be getting off on having casual sex (and watching others engage in it).
  18. Me, too. I was going to start watching it, but now I'm not so sure I will.
  19. They're both awful. I still haven't watched the new season.
  20. I put both Sense8 and Bloodline there, even though the latter definitely finished. The whole season was off, because they cancelled it, and rushed the writers. I just told them that they're going to lose subscribers if they want a higher cancellation rate. I know a lot of people were happy that Netflix made their own shows, because they thought we'd get to actually see a show through, from beginning to end, rather than have it cancelled mid-season, or before it was done. Also, people clamouring to have Netflix save a show (like Longmire), because they didn't want it to end. I'm not the hugest fan of Sense8, but I'm pissed.
  21. I love Clive. He really got into that game. :) Did they actually solve the case? I was distracted for part of it. I'll have to watch it again tomorrow. Ravi was smart, trying to stall a kidnapping. Of course Blaine screwed things up, with his potion. Weird that Major is meeting someone who could be really "off" and Liv is dating his friend. I don't like the way they just veered away from the two of them as a couple, once Major got his memories back.
  22. I noticed that when I watched it, but forgot to comment on that, and her, "Why would it be good for YOU?"
  23. My favourite part was Mad Sweeney's realization that she wasn't going to get out of the water, and show that she's "alive". That he hadn't killed her. "You're an asshole!" followed by her small smile. LMAO.
  24. ^^ Same here. Although I felt bad for John when Sally blamed him for everything, too. WTF? Not her husband, who hit their eldest son with a car? Not herself for coaching them all to lie about it. This season was mostly a waste of time. Damn. That was my response, too. That's IT? I was glad to see Kevin was caught.
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