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Everything posted by Anela

  1. It bugged me here, too, unfortunately. I hate it when other characters feel the need to talk about two people and their relationship/what they feel for each other, broadcasting it to others in the room, or just for their own amusement. I guess I'm alone in that I didn't like him pushing two teenagers to sleep together (and giving them alcohol in the first place). I didn't find it cute, I just thought, "they're kids!" Loved Steve's hair care tips. I can't believe I like him now, but he's definitely evolved. The step-brother of Max, looks a lot like Chad Lowe, to me. With messier hair.
  2. Poor cat. :( Hopper and El reminded me of me and my dad.
  3. Bye, Ivy! I'm glad Ally is fighting back. My DVR started recording at 11pm, so it caught the end, before the rerun. It started as she was bashing on his front door, and cut out just as Ivy was about to eat, so I don't know how much I missed, aside from Ivy actually dying, which I didn't need to see. I'm glad that Oz isn't really Kai's child - that Ally is just using his own delusions against him. I hope he isn't somehow playing her in return. He's treating her like his new favourite - the way he treated the reporter at first. I have a lot of trouble watching him, because he makes my skin crawl.
  4. Same here. Ditto with the superhero shows - although I was looking forward to The Punisher.
  5. Or she'll just blow out the candles, as soon as he gets home, and then walk away.
  6. People always have time to drink, though. Alcohol, I mean, not coffee as they're walking somewhere.
  7. I love that they had them dress up like the ghostbusters. I remember seeing that when I was a kid, and we watched the video tape over and over, at my cousin's house. The end reminded me of ET.
  8. Anela

    S08.E02: The Damned

    Isn't that Penelope pitstop? :) I haven't watched this yet. I just checked to see if the spoilers were true, about morales, and the deaths.
  9. And people who have committed murder, or another crime, will do the same thing. It's a wonder they don't run into each other - unless it's necessary for a Plot Twist.
  10. Janet is adorable. The part where Michael admits that she's his friend, and he doesn't want to kill her, was my favourite. I'm not thrilled with the new guy. Maybe he'll grow on me, unless they break up Tahani and Jason, and get him back together with Janet. Oh, I liked Custard's Last Flan, too. I missed the other one.
  11. Megan's little angry speech about people being flawed, is annoying me even more right now. Just because she still directed Owen to dump Amelia, without actually saying her name. People are flawed, but Ms. brain tumour needs to be dumped?
  12. They actually gave someone a happy exit!! That's so rare. No getting hit by buses or trucks - hopefully they won't bring him back at some point, after breaking up with Megan, because they figure out they're not good together anymore, only to have him hit by a falling plane or something. That is a long drive. I've only done the drive from the top of California, to Sacramento, or from Sacramento to LA, and that was at least six hours, maybe closer to eight (it's been too long since we drove that way - I used to love that first peek of the ocean). We always stayed on the freeway, and tried to not stop, unless we absolutely had to. I didn't like Megan calling Owen judgemental, even if he is. She and Teddy were judging Amelia, and his marriage to her, right off the bat. But that ending was sweet, her son was adorable. That was mature of Amelia and Owen. I wonder how long it will last - because Grey's needs to mess with their characters.
  13. I didn't think he was into it - I think he was just madly in love with his wife, and did whatever she wanted. Until this thing with Elliott.
  14. Jesus is the one who got them to kill all of the Saviours in one huge building. What's his problem now? Aside from the writers, who need to keep the bad guys around.
  15. Maybe Vincent tried being a therapist for Kai, and that's where he got his ideas.
  16. It isn't my favourite season, but this isn't one of my favourite shows, either. Hasn't been for a while. most horror movies don't scare me, now - I prefer chills up my spine, to people being killed with chainsaws. But most things don't spook me anymore. I think real life has just out-done anything on TV, for me. So Kai was getting into his brother's files. I wouldn't have trusted Vince either, after all of that. Doesn't Kai realize that all cult leaders die? I guess when you're crazy like that, you assume that it will be different for you. I liked the line, "I can't believe I was at the women's march, two months ago" and then Winter waking up, and stopping what would have been her rape. Beverly being kept working in a kitchen, would have been too weird for anyone who noticed.
  17. I was thinking the same thing. It's PEE pants. Poor FPP. I missed him saving that coward Gregory. I hope they get him out of there. I wondered, too. Pointless. It's not like they can just go out and buy more. I didn't mind the episode at first. I wondered why they were blowing things up along the road, and gathering walkers, but I saw someone say here as I was scrolling, that they were trying to draw the saviours. Rick and his scary beards. At least the new one looks clean. As everyone else has said, they could have shot him right there, but of course they didn't.
  18. I choked on something, too. When Michael put Chidi in front of that little girl, and she she said something about her dad needing a heart transplant - he got hit by a trolley. I figured he was torturing Chidi again. "Oh, come ON!" i liked Tahani's realizing she was talking for Jason, as she was speaking for him. I do that, too, at times. I liked that she left them alone for a while. I also liked Jason pointing out that he's nice to her, but she's mean to him. I like it when people actually talk. Jealous Janet was funny.
  19. When Fitz declared that his relationship with Olivia, didn't define his presidency, I *laughed*.
  20. I had decided that I wasn't going to comment anymore, if I had nothing good to say. But I took a nap earlier, and am now up all by myself, with nobody awake for me to say, "WTF?" to. So, here I am. ;)
  21. I'm watching right now. Has Daddy Pope ever apologized for killing Fitz's son? This show is whacked. And Fitz killed a judge. Now Pope is terrified of Olivia? Seriously? You don't kill someone's son, to win a presidency for your daughter, and then claim that you thought you were raising a champion. I suppose, in a few weeks, we will be back to the promise of, "someone! will! die!" or, "tune in to see who survives..."
  22. I like Palmer. I thought she was similar to Lorna (she's tough, and Riggs gets a kick out of it).
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