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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I would rather see her with someone new. I guess that fits with the "unpopular opinions" title. I was really put off by the affair with Logan, even though it is a pattern of her thinking she owns these men, once she's dated them. There's a reason she moved on (at the end of the original series). He said he didn't want to go backwards, to a long-distance relationship, but that's exactly what they had, only he had a fiance (and then wife). But poor Paul didn't fare well, so I doubt they would bring in someone new, unless they need Wookie guy for a paternity test.
  2. I assumed there were only ten episodes, so I was happy to find there are three more! Three episodes is my limit most days, though, otherwise I lose focus (and I already missed a few things, due to going back and forth to the kitchen, wearing my headphones). Of course Russo was the bad guy. I figured that from the first episodes, but calling his company Anvil - :) I like it. I felt bad for Lewis. So messed up. I'm glad he didn't kill Curtis, after all. I was going, "no, no, NO!!!" As that happened. I rarely yell at my TV.
  3. I'm going to have to watch this again. I've enjoyed what else I've watched, but was in a bad way when I started watching the other day. Loving Jon bernthal in this.
  4. Are they talking about an actual meat grinder? I'm not up for the torture porn.
  5. Is today, or next week, the winter finale? I'm hoping that these descriptions mean that Carl won't be killed off. It seems like that's the sort of thing they save for this time of year, isn't it?
  6. But she sought him out - she didn't wait for him to call. But he ended up still being there for her, after they broke up. He helped her to shop for a new car, then came up with something that allowed her to keep her jeep. He threw a graduation party for Rory. He was still in her life. Compared to the others, he showed her that he would still be there.
  7. I barely registered this episode, but liked the second one.
  8. One of the few times I tried, as a teenager, my mum let out a swear word in the back (she had headphones on, and it just came out, as I went over a piece of concrete in a parking lot). She apologized profusely, knowing what it was like to have someone in the car, who did things like that as you're learning, but I never tried again. I also hate it, and am terrified of hurting someone. Even the best drivers can end up in an accident, or something, and I just couldn't handle that.
  9. I didn't find it funny, either. I made a pained sound when he fell down those steps, and hit the wall.
  10. I was going to say he was the only man that she was really vulnerable around, but then I remembered she was the one to go to Max's house, and talk about getting back together. She broke down in front of Chris when they broke up, but that was mostly it. She had that one moment when she spoke about having held him in her mind, all those years, so maybe she sabotaged other relationships because of him, and he flipped out on her, so I can understand why she wouldn't confide in him again. She flipped out about Max, then relaxed, just in time for him to dump her. She started to think about them getting together (she and Chris), when he got a job, and a car, only to be told that he got his life together for another woman. She relaxed and slept with him, when he said he'd left Sherry, and he made it sound like he was ready for them to be a family, only for the whole "Sherry is pregnant" thing to happen. They all seemed to let her down. Only Luke was there, when she really needed someone.
  11. I think they should have asked Rory what she would be comfortable with, too. They were both understanding that it was weird for her, in the beginning. She was almost an adult when they were engaged, and she wasn't the type to get into any trouble (at the time).
  12. https://www.theverge.com/2017/11/15/16651136/mr-robot-digital-after-show-martin-wallstrom-kor-adana-usa-network-youtube-livestream
  13. I figured the one building was a red herring - White Rose wouldn't limit this to one building. The whole episode still gave me goosebumps, though - especially the end. Tyrell finally decides to do the right thing. I also think they told him the truth about his family, on something in that envelope. Was he supposed to die in that back room? There's no way he would do that with his baby daughter still out there. I liked Dom ignoring her boss, and following her instincts. I was afraid they would use the interference to just cut out of the episode, when Angela and Darlene were looking at each other, and leave us to wonder what happened. So glad they didn't.
  14. I thought it was obvious that she cared for him a lot. She got angry at Jess when the whole town was on Luke's back for Jess' behaviour, for example.
  15. I thought the clown toy just showed that she was over her phobia.
  16. I just read an interview where she said it should be a mystery, but also said something about raising him to be a feminist, on the right side of history. http://ew.com/tv/2017/11/14/american-horror-story-cult-sarah-paulson-finale/
  17. Oh my god. I also thought it was a quarter of a million, so I wondered what the big deal was, since Jackson's family is rich.
  18. I forgot that I skipped the last episode. I guess I'll have to watch it to see how the Italian woman ended up with Owen, the new interns, the girl who was accused of following someone there, etc. I liked the ending, and it was nice to see them happy.
  19. Anela

    S08.E04: Some Guy

    There is no shame in crying over an animal. I've done it for mine, when they've been in pain, ill, or passed away. I still cry over those I've lost.
  20. Anela

    S08.E04: Some Guy

    I'm not going to watch them kill the tiger. I want to see Carol deal with the saviours, but I think that's all I'll watch.
  21. I haven't watched for a couple of weeks, and the only good thing about this was seeing Olivia panic. Now it looks like she's going to get away with everything. None of them should be getting away with anything. I guess it's time for Quinn's maternity leave. I do not feel sorry for serial killer Charlie. Aw, his true love really carved up someone's face with whatever torture equipment he was holding as he was talking. Now that's a love that dreams are made of. :/ Marcus is still pissy about Mellie choosing the Presidency over him. I wonder what would have happened, had the positions been reversed. I'm not sure if I will watch anymore. I only watched until the end of this episode, because I wanted to see if Olivia would be caught. I still can't get over her father being unhappy with her, though! She has the power he wanted for her - he wanted her to have the White House, and he killed a teenage boy, to get her there at first. Almost all of them are greedy murderers, or sociopaths.
  22. It also bugs me when they act like they're uppity, though. If they just aren't thinking, and weren't rude about it. Three years ago, I was in a bookstore cafe with my dad. A woman was having a go at the guy behind the counter, for not having a special tea, or sweetener for a regular tea, that would be okay for person with diabetes. I almost got up and told her she needed to back off - she was loud and offensive, and called him an asshole when she got back to her table (which was next to ours). I heard him trying to be helpful, and she shouted him down. I wouldn't expect to walk into a cafe like that, and have them deal in specialized teas. She could have got her special tea from the Starbucks, that was just across the parking lot, before they came into the bookstore - or popped over for it, when she realized they didn't serve it there.
  23. Pets are also good for your health, and a dog would be a good companion for a girl grieving the loss of her father. My dad said something about our dogs helping, after losing my mother last year. And a lot of adoptions are successful. Too many dogs end up at shelters, after having been bought from bad breeders/pet stores. Rescues and shelters usually encourage meet-and-greets, with other pets and children. They don't want to adopt the wrong dog out to the wrong people.
  24. Lobster was something my parents would have rarely, so I wasn't expecting it to be hidden in that. :) Dad saw it somewhere, and brought some home for mum, and left it in a pan. I see macaroni, and think, "Ooh!" So it wasn't served. :) I just took a spoonful of what was left.
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