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Everything posted by Anela

  1. Re: the spoiler - I know! It's ridiculous. I almost went into a rant, but it's the same old crap. I still can't get over Fitz letting her father go free, after he killed his son.
  2. That's what I think, too. Another flashback waiting to happen.
  3. I share way too much at times. You didn't overshare. :) Losing a parent does change you. I have unresolved issues with my mum, who died eighteen months ago on the 24th. We had a great relationship for years, but there were major problems in the last few years, that I will never understand (and a few childhood things). We were slowly fixing things when she died. I was on Kevin's side this episode. I wanted just this sort of therapy session with my family, in recent years, but they wouldn't go. Trying to sort out things before they got worse. It's hard being the one that gets blamed for things, and being treated like a fuck-up, as they continue to contribute to you being one, or you get blamed for their shortcomings.
  4. I wouldn't have been able to resist entering at least one of the rooms, either. Most people I would pass, but my parents... that would be the most difficult.
  5. If this is the case, then I might be done with the show. Shonda did this in another of her shows: made both parents of one character, these psychopaths. I'll see how far they take it.
  6. I see it a lot online. Me, too. Late last year, I happened to notice that I hadn't been asked about my accent for a while, and then ended up in a situation (two weeks ago) over a twenty-four hour period, in which a lot of people asked me about it. People do tend to be cute over it, though, like the judge.
  7. I'm using mine right now, because I need to wash the IP, but I'm here to watch it.
  8. Of course she was alive. His poor "friend". Going to this length to get back at Olivia? the preview said something about - nope. Never wanted anything like that. i don't know why Shonda has to destroy her best female characters. She breaks them down and changes them (mostly). This woman becomes one of the most powerful women in the world, and they made her a monster. I'm having trouble with the forums.
  9. I thought Tahani handled herself beautifully, as well. It's sad when you come to a realization like that, but it's freeing, too. It's just so sad that it's her parents who treated her that way.
  10. I didn't think you were saying that. I was just stating what I knew and didn't know.
  11. I don't hate Chloe. I'm watching this for the first time since 1998 or 1999. Started recording them off Pop TV.
  12. I remembered that Versace was murdered, and I remembered cunanan's name, once it was mentioned, but didn't recall that he'd murdered five people.
  13. Yeah. We were lucky the bed fire didn't get very far. My mum accidentally started it (she smoked, and wasn't well). I heard her fall over in the hallway downstairs, veered off into the kitchen to see if something was burning, only to realize that it was coming from the bedroom on the lower floor. I heard our little dog jump off the bed, as I shot down the stairs and into the bathroom to drench a huge towel in water, then managed to throw it over most of the bed. My sister folded the quilt over onto it. We were incredibly lucky. Had I not been out of the shower (I'd just got out), or if I'd been out of the house... I don't want to think about it. I was shaking when I called my dad. I see people burning things on dishes, like affirmations, or "releasing" things as a ritual, at times, on TV/in movies, or I see it recommended online. I tried that a couple of times, and each time, I did it in a huge cooking pot that I sat in the bath, and I had the shower running in order to put out flames if they grew larger than the pot.
  14. When I lost my mother, I was the same age she was, when she lost her mother. I remember that coming to me as I was rushing around the hospital corridors.
  15. I'm the same way, although I leave my IP plugged in a lot. I've left it cooking a few times when we've left the house, but once I panicked over it. I'm always moving things off the burners, and I used to want try to make sure that I knew where the animals were, preferring that they were in my room, so that I could try to get them through the window, in case of emergency. I have Worst Case Scenario brain. We have had a very small fire, and a bed on fire before, which I put out (it wasn't mine). I couldn't watch the house go up in flames, in this episode. I was crying too hard, and walked away.
  16. I was just a little bit older, and I loved Kate's flannel jacket that she was wearing. I miss the 90's. :) And being so young. I hate Titanic, though. The movie. I was annoyed by it, and only teared up at the end, as it was sinking, and we saw what happened to people - the poor who were locked in, and not allowed to escape on life boats. Ugh. I didn't care about Jack and Kate. I hate love triangles, so the main part of it being taken up like that... anyway, we watched it on video tape, because mum wanted to watch it, and the VCR kept messing up, popping it out every two minutes, so we had to keep pushing it back in.
  17. The actress just had another baby, just before Christmas. I think it's about six months until they start filming the next season, so maybe they just wanted to give her an "out" if she didn't want to come back. I haven't watched most of this season, but started again a couple of weeks ago, when the family was in therapy. I was stuck away from home, and came into it halfway through. I sobbed through this entire episode, because Jack reminds me of my dad in ways. He's still here, but my mother isn't. I can't believe I cried through this whole hour, and that they left the part I wanted to get over with, until the freaking Super Bowl!!
  18. Thank you. :) I liked the part of the museum they were in. "First man to send a picture of his genitals, unasked" and "first person to say they need a vacation from their vacation".
  19. Where was the portal going? I missed something, and came back to see them in front of it, and jumping. I like that Michael sacrificed himself for Eleanor, but I was thinking they could have jumped together. Unless he needed to close the door. My DVR cut off as he turned around, so I missed the end. I'm glad that wasn't it, though and that it's on again next week (I googled that).
  20. Who/what did Liv shoot? When she said to rest in peace? My cable was out for a long while, so I missed the part between that, and I can't remember where it went off, actually. I remember Huck telling Abby something about a pin, but think that came later. And before that, when he told Abby he thought Liv had done something to Quinn.
  21. Oh, I forgot to say that I loved hacker intern!
  22. I read an interview with Ellen, that said they get 200,000 new viewers every month, on Netflix - watching the pilot, at least.
  23. I have experience with something as a kid (strangled), and also someone attacking me as an adult, and telling everyone how abusive I am. A female member of my family. It's awful to have people turn on you like that, and I wonder why they would even believe it. So I loved it when Meredith told Jo that she knows who she is, and they hugged. I rolled my eyes when they got Jackson and Maggie showering, and only wearing towels, in the same room. It felt like a teenage girl wrote it. Maggie looked beautiful, but I don't want them to go there.
  24. It reminds me of when another show acted like a character was dead - removed his name from the opening credits, and everything - with no actual confirmation that he was gone. A few episodes later, it turned out he was under a dumpster, but they stretched it out so much, and most people had guessed at that point, what they were doing, and they/we were pissed. Then the character was killed off in a later episode.
  25. I missed about twenty minutes, because my power went out in the living room, and the cable box took ages to come back on. I was waiting for Quinn to come out of the bathroom, or something, and tell Charlie to stop. If she isn't dead, I wonder who the woman was that they blew up.
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