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Everything posted by Anela

  1. I was distracted, and didn't see them doing it in paint. That's a bugger to get out of hair (not that I've been in that same situation, I used to be an artist.) Unless he was using watercolors or acrylic, I guess. It's been a while. I need to watch this season again, when I don't have so much on my mind. I'm missing a lot.
  2. I would have been more surprised if they weren't related. I think I just watch too much TV. I'm rarely surprised, anymore.
  3. Oh, Jeri. :( I hate to see sick people preyed upon. I know she tried Jesus, this guy with the electric shock bracelets. Oh, Jessica. :( He was beating you. It was self-defense.
  4. The new rules seem to be that if they are good, they will die quickly, so don't worry.
  5. I guess that's the one where she seems to be missing a tooth.
  6. Right, I was just going to point this out. I can't remember what she made for most of the victims, but I do recall them being something associated with their personality. I also remember her "dressing up" a slice of pizza with some chopped brain, and Clive taking a bite. Ew. I think she made a latte, once, or hot chocolate, and had to point out which was hers, before Ravi drank it.
  7. She's pregnant now. I wonder when they filmed it. I wasn't that familiar with her, but looked up her husband quickly last month, as I was watching the first season of 24 (just a little late to that party).
  8. "Bite me, asshole!" #forevermood. One reason I was so glad to see this show back last week. I love how they think it's perfectly sane to beat up Malcolm, but Trish takes care of them, and they call her a psycho. I can't believe she offered that drug to Malcolm, though. No! I don't know why they couldn't leave Hogarth and the nurse as platonic.
  9. I didn't post any kind of spoiler. I speculated based on something I suspected from this episode.
  10. Last season, I asked what was keeping them from just being nuked, and people told me the government would never do that to their own people. You see how people love Liv, and Major. If they were like that, I think it would be difficult to leave them, and I would want to keep them safe. The only bad thing here was that the people who placed themselves in charge, were tainting vaccines, turning people into zombies. that's a no-no, but not all of them were in on it.
  11. I would love to have my mother back, so I disagree. And Liv's family thought she was acting weird, and were worried about her, but didn't think she was dead. They disappeared, because she refused to do something that would help to save her brother's life. I remember someone saying that they should understand what was going on now - I'd like to see them back, but I doubt we'll get them. I hate the way they keep having her and Major break up and make up, then break up again. Just stop. Make up your minds. They were so obviously still in love when he was in danger of dying for good. Either let them have that, or leave them alone.
  12. I wasn't able to focus, on any of the new episodes, due to life stuff, so I need to watch all of them again. I tried watching on the laptop earlier, as I cooked something, but missed some things, going by this thread. I did like Clive's reactions, as usual, and his slipping her chocolate tin away from her, before she could eat more of that brain.
  13. And her reaction to the crying baby. I missed the story about a boy that can heal. I suppose it would be too much to think it's the one guy's son, and that's one reason why he's so protective of him.
  14. I knew it! Just the way the woman responded to her, when they met. She was protecting her, too. Sloppy, emotional, reacting impulsively, just like her, only stronger.
  15. Oh my god, that's Rebecca de mornay?? Playing her mother. I thought she looked familiar.
  16. Dorothy is the worst. So they let Trish go, even though she was obviously on drugs of some sort, but Jessica was held? I guess because she was suspected of murder, but still. I do like the cop who told her he was there to help, if she needed it. I think Hogarth wants to see if they can fix her. She's like Trish in that way: wants the abilities, although Trish wants to help people, and Hogarth was just selfish before. I can understand her wanting to see if they can save her life. So octopus DNA might be behind their ability to heal faster? I didn't think Griffin was sweet, but I have too much experience with family members and smarmy boyfriends. Controlling douches, they were.
  17. I finally watched this the other day. Marcus kind of lied about why he's no longer with Mellie: He didn't cut things off, because she had more important things to do. He cut things off, because she wanted to be President, and he wouldn't be her Olivia Pope. He said it himself, last year. I also could have done without them doing it right there in the car, but all of these shows have people doing things like that. I liked Olivia and Annalise finally getting along, and working well together. I liked Olivia with Anna's mum, too.
  18. I think the other actors wanted to leave, and that makes a difference. The backlash over McDouche was partly over how they killed him. Jericka/Stephanie wanted to leave, too, I think. But I'd forgotten how they treated T.R/George. I wish they'd stop creating new shows, before they decide what to do with what they have.
  19. The first thing I saw was the tornado kit. All of the hot air from Negan, could help spark it.
  20. It is. The writers are above her pay grade? I don't think her raise was the issue, either, and it is a shame that people were slamming her on International Woman's Day, for getting a cheque that Mel Gibson was earning almost thirty years ago.
  21. Oh, LOL. I haven't been online much today. I was just asking.
  22. Who hasn't been? I saw a post from what's his name who plays Jackson, and he sounded pissed, but I might be projecting. https://twitter.com/iJesseWilliams/status/971847809069604865
  23. I'm tired of plot lines that have people turning to drugs and prostitutes, when they're depressed. I haven't watched the end of the episode yet. but I love you, Malcolm, for hitting that guy. I hope something awful happens to the director.
  24. I'm glad it's back. Waiting for the English guy to turn out to be a big bad. Tired of the lawyer stabbing Jessica in the back, if that's what she's doing.
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