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Everything posted by Anela

  1. The bolded doesn't bother me at all, but people acting like women are never brutal, is a bit much. I have my own experiences that say otherwise, and when I heard last year, that an all-girl Lord of the Flies, would never work, I didn't agree with that viewpoint.
  2. LMAO. It looks just like him! I also like the sound of Angry Muppet as a username.
  3. I can't believe she set her mother free. What the hell? Of course, she set her dad free, too.
  4. I was expecting a body to show up at the end. Almost everyone was too happy, although it was nice not seeing them all stressed out. And then I remember several of them are murderers. I only just got interested in this show again, with the end, and the mystery man showing up, and now it's over until September. I wish they hadn't got rid of Wes, though. Wait-list. I don't understand why people are talking as though the show has been cancelled, but that would make a good finale. I loved the ending with Annalise and the baby.
  5. I wondered why Jeri would go so far as shooting someone, and ending up in a place that she normally helps others to escape (with her job). Then she hands that woman the gun, and calls 911. I wasn't giving it my full attention, I keep missing things, but this season isn't as enjoyable for me. It just feels more disjointed, but maybe it's just me.
  6. Yeah, the sweetheart who risked his life over and over again, trying to make this world a better place. Like when he climbed down that well, trying to get a rope around a massive walker in their water supply (that scene still makes me feel sick, just thinking about it). I didn't pay much attention. I was typing in the thread. I hate the way these people just pop up after a few years. Where the hell were they before?? And how did Negan miss them? I think that's what I thought of originally, too. I couldn't place the look, although I do remember the actress from years ago. I think it was something in England, though. Aw, I'm finally watching Talking Dead, with Chandler. He said that Danai was in the worst shape, as they filmed his last episode.
  7. I actually had the same response as Negan, when I saw who was driving.
  8. I thought her husband gave some to Glenn. Or talked about it. I do remember Deanna and Michonne or Maggie having a similar scene.
  9. I thought of that, too. And someone will stop others from killing him, because Carl.
  10. I think I'm going to have to watch this again, fast-forwarding through certain bits. I don't want to have to keep asking what I've missed.
  11. Haha! I just missed what Simon said to Dwight. He's really wanting to leave Negan, suddenly? He was his best pet a few months ago. Thank you.
  12. I missed that. Wait, how does Rick know that Simon is wanting to rebel? Did Dwight send an arrow message to them?
  13. I don't think I can handle watching this. And another commercial break... good timing.
  14. How does he STILL miss with a fucking machine gun??
  15. I need to check the spoiler thread, to see what Simon is doing. I can't remember. Or did he explain in the truck, to Dwight?
  16. Or say, "This shit again?!" and immediately go back inside. Just say "no" to strangers.
  17. Another commercial break already? When I watch, I usually watch it on the DVR.
  18. and dad just changed the channel on me... what was he doing with the bat covered in blood?
  19. Yuck! I made the mistake of turning this on, as I was going to get dinner. Not feeling so hungry now.
  20. Ugh. I hadn't heard about that. Ozymandias. I should watch Breaking Bad again. I miss that show.
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