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Everything posted by Ceindreadh

  1. To borrow a quote, Gibbs shouldn't be a witness at a wedding. I almost wanted to throw something at the screen when he was sitting there in the courtroom at the end with the smug grin on his face.
  2. The quiz itself wasn't a big deal except for that JP can't stand the idea of losing and especially not to one of his sisters in law. He likely also saw it as a chance to impress their boss and when that failed he tried to nobble Eva by telling the boss she'd had a lot to drink. There was a picture of JP with the sister's cat. I'm not sure what Becca saw in the picture but she wasn't impressed. At this stage I'm thinking that either somebody else killed JP or that it was actually an accident, but that the sisters might have been making another attempt and that's why they can't say anything. I also wouldn't put it past JP to have faked an attempt on his life in order to frame the sisters and it just went wrong. I'm just very grateful that they started out with him already dead because if I was waiting and hoping for him to die at some point I would have probably thrown something at the screen by now. I'm also happy that when Matthew found out that Becca was a Garvey that he actually came clean to the brother almost immediately rather than it dragging on. That doesn't usually happen in dramas!
  3. Having Marjan as his health proxy would make a certain amount of sense as in the event of there being a time sensitive issue, she's geographically closer to him than his family are. But there was no mention of it in the episode.
  4. There was allegedly a 'Mull of Kintyre' rule used by the British Board of Film Classification which wouldn't allow any penis on screen that had a greater angle from the vertical than the Mull of Kintyre on maps of Scotland. This may or may not be true, but you'll never hear the song again without thinking about it. (you're welcome!)
  5. Or if he was, he was only mostly dead.
  6. Not gonna lie, I did tear up a bit when Charli said "I'm here Amanda." Mind you, I did spend the rest of the episode wondering if it was going to somehow be reversed. The Union should have started working on getting the weapon copied and installed on every single ship available. Never mind wiping out the whole species, just have every ship be able to defend itself and make sure that the Kaylon know that and keep away from them.
  7. At least people should be able to spell/pronounce it correctly.
  8. He did claim to be at the base camp every time she called.
  9. I find it rather amusing that Freddy is going down for what was an accidental death, as opposed to all the deliberate murders she'd previously committed.
  10. I think Lazlo meant 'his' back, as he was on top at that point.
  11. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and not everybody has the same definition of 'drop dead gorgeous'. Your preference is for TOS Uhuru over SNW Uhura? Good for you. Not everybody will share your opinion. As for 'lacking in confidence'? SNW Uhura is a Cadet who is surrounded by Officers and Starfleet graduates. She's on her first assignment, hell yeah, she's likely to be less confident than Lieutenant Uhura who has another 10+ years experience on her.
  12. The secret passageways must connect to Oliver's apartment as well, otherwise how else the killer have gotten the knife in the first place? Charles can honestly say that he got it from Amy Schumer a few episodes ago. Hiding it now would probably look as if he had even more to hide. A little dig at David Hasselhoff who was apparently very big in Germany before the Berlin Wall came down?
  13. Could you narrow it down a bit? I can't tell who you're insulting.
  14. IIRC, season 1 ended with Baba pretending that Freddy was his hostage. He committed suicide by cop and in a dying declaration took full responsibility for the crimes and leaving Freddy in the clear.
  15. What information though would be out there? The Moclans have previously insisted that the birth of a female is such a rare occurrence as to only happen once in a hundred years. We know that's a lie. Do you really think the Moclan ruling body is going to allow information about Moclans who feel female to be widely available or are they more likely to double down and pretend that it just doesn't happen.
  16. Yaphit's species don't appear to wear clothing as a rule? Plus I suppose, the naked ensign's bum looked like a humanoid bum, whereas Yaphit just looks like a puddle. Honestly, maybe the simplest solution would be to just arrange the schedules so that Ensign nudie wouldn't be on shift on any day that they weren't going to be wearing clothing.
  17. Not sure if I could pick them out of a line up, but I would love to have the opportunity to try!
  18. @Cloud9Shopper @ESS I've been where both of you are with regard to lacking motivation. And it doesn't help when you're writing in less active fandoms. I know people will say "write for yourself and not other people" and while that's not a bad thing, the truth is that as a fic writer, I crave the feedback and acknowledgment that I get from readers. Are there any other fandoms you feel you might want to write it? I keep thinking that maybe I should pick a new more active fandom and start writing in it, but I just haven't found one yet that appeals to me that much.
  19. BBC did a mini-series with Aidan Turner that had the original ending. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt3581932/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_10
  20. The 'get an iceberg for fresh water' was a plot on the TV show Salvage 1 back in 1979.
  21. So they're worried about Sister Andrea talking to things that aren't there. Isn't that just called praying?
  22. I am loving this show so far and I am perfectly happy to suspend disbelief for a lot of things. But you're telling me that the Enterprise with all its scanners and sensors couldn't give them enough advance warning about the ion storm so they could have gotten out of there without rushing?
  23. Going to sign a treaty on a planet where the guy you're signing it with might be out of office before he gets his pen out. Sure, what could possibly go wrong. I thought that was going to be the stupidest thing on the episode and then they had them all standing around in the shuttle. Charley tells them it's going to be bumpy, and they just stand there. Later on during their escape, the president is sitting down, but the rest are just standing around so they can what, get a better look at the viewscreen? Idiots the lot of them.
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