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Everything posted by Poohbear617

  1. I agree with many of you about Abby feeling some relief ONLY at the thought of her mother's pain and confusion are now gone and she is a peace. The grief is there, no one doubts this,but as some of you have said, you begin preparing for this after the first post diagnosis sign appears. I wonder instead if the show will show her guilt? For myself, my sister and some friends of ours have experienced great guilt following the death of our loves ones...the ones who had long hard illness where we cared for them in our home with baths, hygiene, diapers, meds, etc, for months/years on end. The guilt comes when they pass on and you realize for lack of a better word 'you get your life back'. I can see Abby doing this, realizing she does not have too rush home after work, or can make plans for getaways and fun and then Crash/guilt. People on this board are saying she deserves fun and a vacation , which she does, but then u think she can do this only because her mother is gone. Now her mom would of course want her to move on, but I would be interested in seeing a depiction of it here. Grief as guilt. I wish someone would have warned me.
  2. I don't know why but could not stop laughing at terry's line while putting together the shreds " I got 2 words, 'When he' the he could be part of 'the' or the end of 'apache' and Terry is feeling apache" Would have been perfect if Apache had been part of the address...give Terry a win.
  3. While Barry Kripke has been a jerk to the guys, he has been pretty good, (even nice) to Amy and Bernadette. Barry liked Amy and wanted to Date her when he found out about the breakup. He also gave Amy a bottle of wine as a thank you gift for some help she gave him on a project. (He did send her a nude photo, but IIRC Amy did not seem to mind.) At Sheldon b-day party he complimented Bernadette and said the mother to be was glowing...wait, he was INVITED to Sheldons party, so why not his wedding. He was also kind of cool with the guys when he taught them fencing. I personally like kripke and the actor who plays him (he is the reason I wanted to see speechless) The way Kripke went after Leonard's mother at the party I think he would be a hoot at the wedding...I would like to see a followup to him and Beverly.
  4. http://This is funny... https://www.therichest.com/lifestyles/20-vacations-farrah-abraham-cant-afford-but-still-brags-about-on-instagram0/?view=list&utm_source=TR-FB-A&utm_medium=Facebook-Distribution&utm_campaign=23842752682180356 It is 20 vacations farrah can't afford but still brags about on Instagram Ok farrah, call me a hater. I have been pissed ever since I saw the pictures of her at Elton Johns Charity Oscar party. WTF!!! where is the justice and karma in this world. Be a bitch to the world, be a complete idiot that can't form sentences who had to have butt implants so she would be able to find her own ass with both hands without a map. Have the emotional Maturity of a baby howler monkey, show no appreciation to anyone about anything (EXCEPT her plastic surgeons). Achieves fame from getting knocked up as a teen and keeps it by advertising and performing anal sex live on webcasts. When I was teaching I stressed hard work, education, treating others with respect, kindness and humanity, try to help others and do good in the world....then this cunt goes against it all and is rewarded with fame, 12 vacations last year (see link above, I hope it works ) and going to oscar parties! Does she even know what charity is? I've never seen her do a selfless or charitable thing. In fact I have heard her put down the less fortunate. I would kill to just to be able to look in the door of that party, I own all elton's albums, have donated to his and other charities (not much, but from the heart and what I could afford), and yet after a lifetime of teaching i doubt I will be able to afford to get a ticket to Elton's farewell tour and she goes to his party. OK rant over. Yes farrah I am a jealous hater. I accept life is not fair. My hope though is that I have only seen her picture outside the party, did anyone speak to her, was she shunned? I was hoping it was like when she got kicked out of the Housewife party, wow Housewife has higher standard than Elton! Ok..it's all out, thanks for being here board.
  5. Another teen mom cast member with anxiety and depression issues. Well how about getting out of the apartment into the sunlight and lay off the alcohol. Also as great as I think Seattle is, should a person who is unable to deal with stress/depression move to a place where it RAILS so much. But then again some times the way she looka, talks and whines she reminds me of Eeyore and Seattle could be her personal rain cloud, make sure that tail is attached tightly.
  6. Omfg. Wtf was that? I was set to say "go Brittany, let Briana raise her childre, I know you will miss them, but with facetime, etc u will probably see them more than their own fathers". But now I could give a shit less. My head hurts from. I need to be on my own /I need my family (I know she loves those babies..but the whining). I think she can't decide between young and party and have fun ...with be a drunk slutty basket case. (1 night stand on tv, constantly stating u need a drink..legs apart like chopsticks? Wtf was that) She talks of no kids and criticizes Briana for partying with no protection and not thinking of consequences, yet u admitted to a miscarriage..so u took no precautions either. I'm sure there r things to do in FL if u ever left that apartment. I'm an adult and independent but i can't move without my friends. Apparently the only thing she can say about Seattle is the food. How many times was the "food the bomb" I am sure you FL neighbors are going to love how u lovingly talked about their home. If you can't tell, this special changed my attitude about Brittany for the worse. After their brief appearance on rhe Aftershow last week I was upset that a family that fussed about child support, has a baby with a heart condition and a mother with lupus instead shows off her plastic surgery (rather than a home with a yard or college fund etc...) Her, Briana and Roxanne deserve each other.
  7. Now that I read this I did not see Spacey in either lead OR supporting montage. Not to diminish or insult any of the movements..Spacey's Keysor SoUSA (sorry spelling) remains one of the best and most memorable characters and performances...strange to not see it even be quickly flashed.
  8. Yes , and I you look again you would see wife #2 was the Lesley Manville who was in the supporting actress category for Phantom Thread. It said they share a child, I wonder if he/she? Had to choose who to sit with...Awkward! Would have been more weird if wife #3 Uma was there. My favorite will always be the year Katherine Bigelow and ex-husband James Cameron in the SAME CATEGORY and she beat him !!!!
  9. For the life of me I cant figure out what makes Farrah thinks she is entitled to talk to people the way she does. I mean Wtf was wrong with Producer Kristen asking Sophia if she had a nice flight? Or telling the other producer he is white trash while standing in front of a porta-john in her front yard with her fake hooker tits and bitch face on. The wonderfully sweet ,talented and most of all classy Dolly Parton often jokes about her own appearance saying 'it costs a lot of money to look this cheap". Well Farrah proves that point well, while also proving money and fame does not buy you grace, smarts or kindness. Dolly is one of my all time favorites, and last night for some reason I just thought Farrah would have probably thought that the extreme poverty, depression Era mountain upbringing of Dolly and her family would have made them "white trash" in her opinion. How deluded. Besides letting off steam about FA, I wanted to share something funny I read. I'mean sorry I can't remember the title but Sunday night I saw a YouTube clip of one of Farrahs rampages about her treatment and lawsuit. In it she once again drones on about how BADLY SHE IS TREATED (excuse me bitch!), but she says how she is glad Sophia is away from people who mistreat you and how she is raising her daughter to AND I QUOTE "speak to everyone with kindness!!!" I nearly had a stroke!. If u need a laugh look at some of the videos on FA's channel. There are a couple from the last week from TMZ and others where she is hanging out with some of her 'friends'. Now I don't know the women in the videos with her, but when Farrah spouts off about her and Mowgli getting away from Viacom/mtv Artifical fake world, all I can see is that two of her 'real' friends have such huge fake boobs I'm sure they have to wear little anchors down their backs to keep from keeling over. Man I can't wait till she is gone, then I can stop getting tucked off and going off on a rant. I'm so glad you all are here.
  10. I have some mixed feelings about Chen tonight. (Please correct me if needed though, my situation tonite only allowed me to get bits/pieces of other skaters). I was on the Nathan Chen train and got caught up in his publicity. After his team performance I felt it was too much pressure, pushy reporters shoving microphones in his face basically saying "you sucked what happened? " and I was all he's 18, too much, nerves etc..I hoped for him in the short but same happened. I loved him tonight, he fought back, got control, unfortunately too late. Like another on this board I want him to remember he WON the free program...unfortunately it's like winning the popular vote to Hilary. I too wish there was medal for short, medal for free then overall medal for total, but there is not. The thing that got to me was the way Nathan left so quickly last night and then once he saw he was off the podium, the coat went on and he left. I think he should watch all the other skaters, learn from them and see their achievements and failures, don't just leave. Don't act like Tom Brady and be a bad sport by not shaking their hands. They could all take lessons from the Pairs teams, when the Germans finally knew that had the.gold, Canada and Japan were so generous with their well wishes. My wish for you nathan is to take till.2022, to work study, grow in mindset,sportsmanship.and come back the great skating man we know you can be. (Once.again if I missed something and remarked incorrectly, please let me know) looking forward to the dancers and ladies now.
  11. I was yelling at the tv..LOOK UP FROM THE PHONE!!! I know she thought Jack was fine, but if you have ever been on a floor when that happens there is SO much rackett and chaos and people running that you can't ignore it. Much less standing 30 feet from it. I know it's for drama but it drove me nuts. Do now I need to find out about u can call al, Tessa in the future and what ever happened to Jacks little brother? That was just dropped.
  12. For someone who constantly says she hates drama and negativity, Farrah never seems to realize she is the number one supplier of it. Now Debra is a loon, but I will admit she and farrah were doing relatively well in Italy, but they can't help themselves. First she makes the table and the viewers cringe with the "let's have a double wedding on the beach" , but it was blowing over and everyone was calm then Farrah just had to say to Mowgli "don't you like Italy more than Key West, it's so nice when significant others stay away". Just leave well enough alone. It made me remember how I liked debra's burn last week when farrah said "isn't it nice without David" AND Debra returned "isn't it nice without Simon" . Nice to see debra give it back rather than whine and cry.
  13. Hey, I am very new to the.show, I have not had time to catch up and have only seen 3 episodes. I have a few questions. 1) Does Lea know that Sean is autistic? She knows he is awkward, but seems unaware of more than that. I saw the episode where she ate his apple and got mad at him for suggesting she get headphones. Here she did not seem to CARE that Sean is sensitive to sounds as she cranks the radio and unaware of his difficulty in lying, and needing more thorough instructions on things like burning rubber. It surprised me to find out she is an engineer and sits in professional meetings etc. For her job. 2) is dr. Andrews the main villian? Why does he hate Sean when others have given him a chance and why does he want Glassman gone. 3) what is the history with Sean and dr. Glassman. Sean said dr. G looked after him when his brother died, did he move sean in? The episode I saw before Christmas I thought he talked about having a daughter.
  14. I wonder if I am alone in this, but I am finding this a bit exhasting. When this show first started I adored it and loved the 1st 13 episodes.But this season i am having a hard time keeping up. I enjoy each episode, even when I am lost. There is always dialogue with wit and great visuals. I am having troublessed with the schedule. It's on for 6 episodes then disappears for a couple months and then come back. Stories change so quickly it is easy to fall behind, and I don't have the time to Rewatch episodes I have already seen OnDemand or Hulu. When I saw it was only chapter 22 I knew I was in trouble. I wish they would just do a regular 13 episode season. Maybe during summer break I can try to binge watch And come back.
  15. I wonder if Amber will behave the same way during her delivery than she did with Leah's birth. If I remember correctly, she brought TACO BELL to the hospital. Then got tired of pushing and did not want to do it so she kinda got in a small dispute with her doctor but he eventually have in and did the C-section. Then going home she complained about Leah's crying, etc..because she was in too much pain from C-section
  16. Like some of you have mentioned, but I too felt the show was a little off. Maybe it was the drama when they were first announced with possible boycotts, the tension (especially tension) between this particular crowd and president. I wish they could have had someone sitting where the President normally does. 8 years of watching Obama, sing,sway and and a few times cry , as well as his and Michelle's interaction with the honorees set a comfortable tone. This year it just looked like they were on display. I was thinking someone like Tom hanks and streep, or Jay z and Beyonce or even Bill Clinton AND George Bush up there together since they seem to all get along now..hell put Hillary and Laura up there too and you would a foursome with both sides represented. I also missed having a host, Colbert has done such a great job. I was also unsure of a couple nominees, I love LL Cool J but thought he was a bit young, when there were others before him. Some of the performers seemed off and lackluster. Due to the fact many of the stars of Lear's shows have passed on, I wished they had shown many more clips of his shows to truly show his great work, they did a biography of Norman on PBS that had back stage film , behind the scene footage of him and the cast and interviews, wish they had used that, instead I felt like I got a furniture show. I absolutely LOVE the KCH and look forward to it every year and I am upset I did not enjoy it more. I love the honorees I just wish a better tribute for them. Thanks for listening to my rant..i.feel better now
  17. How many shows are out there for the moms to run to to try to extend their 15 minutes and pad their wallet and put off the need to get a real job. Farrah, Caitlyn have already tried some of these out. Couples therapy Marriage boot camp BIG brother (UK version) The bachelor (lol) Naked and afraid Millionaire matchmaker Survivor Stripped Celebrity Amazing Race Porn (webcasts)
  18. Scarlett45 and GreatKazu thank you both for the real time updates, I do appreciate it. I just got so tired of bitchy attitude and her pregnancy and worrying about Chris that I would sometimes just tune her out. I am glad to hear the Jo and Javi have things in writing. I still hope she has college money pUT aside. As soon as the TM2 gravy train stops I doubt her spending will stop aND I would hate that to come at the expense of the children. Even though she kept talking about her graduation I hope she feels as passionate about her children going...but I really doubt it. 4 yr tuition or new BMW for her, I think she would take the car.
  19. Ok, I never wanted to have children of my own but I have 23 nieces and nephews and it feels great to me.I get perks of being a grandmother of them for happy play, but get to give theme if fussy or need changing. With.all this changing cloths, why don't they use that sack dress. Im from waist up it has snaps or buttons but bottom is a pulls trying helping with changing diapers and cuts time in half. And don't go to boutique for clothes, they are expensive. Her best bet for finding 4 of a kind in same size is kmart or walmart or taeget. Even better I consignment shop like once upon a child or even flea markets they won't match. But you don't have to match them same each day when they are just staying in around the house. Our family has 5 babies ( I twin set and 3 from other moms) The consignment shops were great. They would only be around 50 cent$ to $ EACH and they grow out of them so fast. O e of our nework mom's would complain if one to them would have small stain on it, but she got over that real quick when she saw how messy her baby made it she learned real quick to accept they hand me downs.
  20. I think the fuse box is the start of the fire. We have seen Jack casually fixing it in 3 straight episodes. Each time the power goes out and u hear Rebecca and Kate yelling "jack/dad" and then "thanks babe" I think Kate will be doing some project and she yells at her father to fix it and then it explodes of simply starts smoke and fire. Why else would kate think it was her fault? Does she refuse to help him or take a walk with dog and left him alone e in house and too late to be saved? Oh I want kevin to get his dad's necklace back. Come on ...she got to sleep with a man of her dreams...did she think it would last? It one a 1-nighter.
  21. The thoughts that make me scream at my TV during Teen mom OG. But I want to say that all of these girls five me nuts with there constant " I AM STRESSED, I AM HAVING A PANIC ATTACK" I watch the show OUTDAUGHTERED on TLC. The Busby family had a 3 yr old when the quints were born. I have watched this family deals diapers, terrible twos, the assembly line when they.were infants to feed and give them baths.I think. They stress, but they don't show it and they always tell and show these 5 babies are loved. I used to have a drinking game every time one of the TM or TMC girls say "I am sssooooo stressed" all that did was to make me join AA sober 5 years. Ok, here I go AMBER, get home and say get your shit and get the fuck out. FREEZE your bank account and if Matt wants the house have him buy you out and move Closer to your daughter. MACI, Don't text and drive and have both feet on the floor. The only reason u wanted to take Bentley to rehab was so she could have a look around the place. Maybe she is searching for a spot for herself when she hits rock bottom with her drinking. And don't screw things up with Tim and Jen, they have been good to you.for a long time Caitlyn: you and Tyler talk about all the work the house needs and how you are going to build a barn and house coral. That will take years. I think.she only going to last about 6 months with horse till she gets tired of getting up off the couch, driving over, and saddle up.I think it is fitting it's a horse. Because even though she is going outside, her horse is a sort of CHAIR that moves. Farrah, Somebody please tell me that those paparazzi on the red carpet were paid to be there, a set ? Well the yogurt, Sophia's clothing line and furniture stores are going to be happy now that they really don't have to deal with her since she is going to LA. How does Sophia stay in school? I think i would be annoyed at Debra's speech as well. I would not curse her,etc and treat her like shit. But debra please pick up the pace and talk faster, who are slurring your words and don't pile on too much ass kissing. Example, we all need to celebrate Farrah on all her success and how smart and talented, etc. Either talk faster or get Siri too. Finally I want this show to end, then in 5 years have a reunion to see what happened when on their own. Maci. Has she even finished her 2 year program in college. R. Do u have job? Amber: is baby daddy 2 still around, are u off the couch and have a job Caitlyn: I would like to see you happy, but I think life is going to get harder. They have not used the last 9 years to finish schooling yet they have no skills. Hope they save MTV money to pay mortgage. FARRAH: STOP BEING A DELUSIONAL FAME WHORE WHO TREATS EVERYONE LIKE SHIT YOU C#*&! WHEW !!! Feels so good to get that out and stop yelling at my tv. Thanks
  22. Maci ticked me off to no end and she was being a total hypocrite. All of her talk about "my child's safety"..and don't get me wrong, I know Ryan was in bad shape and I would worry about him driving with Bentley, but thenot there was Maci driving the truck with her left foot/leg sitting up on the Seat. So there she was driving with only 1 leg , then Bentley and Maverick in the backseat while you drive with 1 hand holding the steering wheel and the other hand texting whule you have 2 children in thr back seat. When Bently asked her to look she said I Can't Cause I AM driving while she was still texting!!! I know we have seen all the moms texting but it drives me nuts. See around where we live, 2 years ago a teenager was texting while driving. The driver then drifted on the road and struck a grandfather who was pulling his 1 year old twin grandchildren in a wagon. All 3 of them were killed. The driver was not.don't text and drive.
  23. I know I will most likely be in the minority here, but while I think Rowan is an adorable child, I think he needs more discipline. I know there is an adjustment and he will lose some of his parents attention, but it seemed to me his was being rewarded for some of his behavior. He jumped on the bed so he got to go to that playroom, the minute mom left the room he went straight for that feed tube. What happens when all 5 are home and dad is at school? Mom will not be able to take him places so he will have to hear the word no.
  24. When will parts 2 and 3 be shown? I have no listing for it...and in the time slot next week it says the OG are back. Help Also, how dare jenelle not invite her mother, say she hates her. Etc... then starts who pity party crying that Barb was not there for her to help her put on her wedding dress. Can't have both ways
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