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Everything posted by Poohbear617

  1. I felt the same way. I'm afraid this going to happen more and more. That when people who are considered "likable" are accused there will be less likelihood the accuser will be believed. Well I am not sure myself. I'm not looking to argue with anyone on this, quite frankly I am confused. I do like Brokaw, and was shocked to hear this accusation. I waited for others to come in and as far as I know, there have been none. If there have been others please correct me. Just like I will not vote for a woman strictly because she is a woman, I feel like I am supposed to believe this woman just because I am a woman. I know it takes courage to step forward, buy this has felt different for me for some reason. It like "a woman accused .....you have to believe the woman". I know no matter what I say here I will be piss off someone and it's not my intention. How many wanted to believe the woman who accused Aziz Anzari, the tide turned on that one and yet Aziz has still not.been out in public. This accuser of Brokaw I guess I am a bit curious after all the support and publicity for this, why now over 20 years later, why not last year, what changed to make now the time. Even tho I don't know this woman, she has not given me a reason to not believe her, but Brokaw has not given me a reason to not believe him either. This is not Harvey or cosby..I try to listen to each one individually.
  2. Amy parents will be kathy bates and Teller Sheldon brother will be Jerry O'Connell And sister miss you is the same actress from the season 1 episode. All confirmed. I wonder about mee maw Annie Potts who is 66 or just June squibb who is 88. I can't picture mee maw not being at her moon pie wedding.
  3. It's take your kids to work day, so why didn't John or Cindy take this infant somewhere? How about today we replace RBM with a kid (physical age under 10 or so) for the screeching bitch with the IQ and maturity level under 10. That was ridiculous, it was obvious Joy was like "wow happy birthday" to mean sorry this is happening to you Melania. And her tantrum of "well let's take back what we said yesterday..others did not laugh.blah blah bitch bitch bitch) yes I did not here a laugh because most people were probably like me nodding their head going happy birthday you poor woman when I was startled by human car alarm. Now I have mixed feelings of FLOTUS (she went along with birther, knew he was a cheater) but she appears like a sad hostage and I give her a break and feel for her being humiliated publicly. I just question RBM devotion on this since she always seemed to blame Hillary for Bill's drifting. So just STFU Meghan !
  4. Oh I agree 100 percent. Amber is No norma, she just is crazy like her and you are right. She probably thinks she is. BTW. Never got the chance to see the musical, always wanted too. Have listened to the Glenn close soundtrack though.
  5. Yes, I love EM and AB, they are doing fantastic work, but I adore Ann Dowd..wow. To prepare for this new season I scanned thru season 1, and Ann is knocking it out of the park. In the Season 1 finale, she broke my heart because you could see her conflict in having to order the stoning of Janine. In her warped way she cared for Janine, allowing Offred to comfort Janine during her labor, getting Offred to the bridge and the shaking in her voice when Janine was led into the circle. That bit of compassion turned to terror at the mere site of Aunt Lydia strolling into the Fenway Gallows and use that microphone only to be moved when she was crying before ringing the bell. ..this blew me away. Was she crying cause Offred would be spared, was it relief? Then she turns and threatens to chain her to the bed and coldly burns Ofrobert. Ohe Aunt Lydia you are a heartless bitch, but Ann Dowd you are amazing.
  6. I could not believe my eyes Monday night with the story about the porch people. I was like WTF! that is My local news channel Fox 19 with Tricia Mackie in Cincinnati (I live right across the river in KY) now I don't watch this news channel.because it is a.fox/Sinclair station, but I had heard absolutely nothing about this story until I saw in on TDS. I am embarrassed and angered that this shit happens close to my home, but that more is not being done to call out these despicable people. I don't believe other news mentioned especially it till TDS did. OHIO and this area went Trump. And man it is lonely sometimes to be a little blue dot in a big red area, .but Roy, I will proudly follow your lead. I have seen these people, I am going to personally call them out on their shit and get on with my day ( and even tho I don't have your TV access, I will spread the word best I can)
  7. Personally I think Amber's look is straight out of Sunset Boulevard, and it kills me because this is one of my favorite movies of all time...but anyone else see the similarities? Norma Desmond in her jammies and head wrap. Avoided the sun. Lived in a rundown house in a nice neighborhood House cluttered with useless old memorabilia. Quick tempered, jealous and terrified a man would leave her. Thought she was a big star (well at least Norma USED TO BE BIG Joe stays with Norma only to hide out, use her money and gifts and hopes to help his writing career Norma was delusional and bats shit crazy, and perked up with those cameras arrived She had a pet monkey while Amber has a sloth and baby Hagrid "Madame is the greatest film star/ mother of them all!" Constant need to remind Now with her new guy and his California connections she may be getting ready for her closeup.
  8. Great shout out to the classic "taxi" reverend Jim takes his driving test scene with Arthur fussing that he "knows what the yellow light means". Loved it Oh, and stillhere1900....when I was learning to drive a LONG time ago, my dad told me, a 3 point turn is a fancy way of saying a U-Turn when u ain't got enough room : u swing out right before u start your U, then go left to circle it around but don't have the room to finish, so u got to stop, reverse , back up then put in drive to complete the turn.
  9. Like many of you, my station cut away to report Barbara Bush's passing, but my channel cut away after announcing the category but i never got to hear the question and I was interested because it mentioned Russian culture and I married into a Russian family. I came here but all I have found out is the answer was Nutcracker, can someone please tell me what the clue was.
  10. For me the quote of the night came from Amber when she was talking with Renee. "Why are We the ones who have to do something?" The rest was something about why do they have to do all the work, why can't others get up and do something so they can take it easy for a change. WTF is she talking about?!! Now I don't follow Renee, but Amber is the laziest slug on the planet. She has no job, she does not drive, cook, clean , sit upright, stand or visit her own daughter. All I see her do is yell at people and go on vacations. This past Christmas she did take a trip to Florida in an RV so she could lay down all the way. This episode she was even too lazy to listen to the tale of Matt and Tonya's victory..and why did the bitch get ice cream, she did nothing. She should of had to swim a lap first. Quick thought, Renee was so childish about the ice cream saying she wanted to mash it in Matt's face...why..Matt and Tonya did win, they wob twice..once with the race and again by having an Amber free day.
  11. I don't know why I have not listed this before cause it drives me nuts. Am I the only one who finds the View theme song to be the most awful, grating and fingernails on a chalkboard piece of "music". I can't make out most of the word. Are they say "we should go crazy, we should crazy too?" Repetitive screeching. I usually have it muted so I don't have to heat Whoopi say "welcome to the view 50 times..but she was not there today. I don't know why I have not listed this before cause it drives me nuts. Am I the only one who finds the View theme song to be the most awful, grating and fingernails on a chalkboard piece of "music". I can't even make
  12. For me the quote of the night was the last one made by Amber..I don't have it exact but saying all she went through has lead her to be now a "clear headed, non-alcoholic, non pill-popping mother". WTF Clear or level headed? I wonder what color the sky is in Amber's world. NON-Alcoholic? We have seen her continue to drink with Matt, in Puerto Rico, and she always has a glass on MBC. I will hand it to her that I have not seen her drink since getting pregnant. But u can't say non-alcoholic and keep drinking and she had treatment in jail, she knows it's lifelong disease. I also can't believe the way she said she would not fight custody and remove Leah from her home and her baby sister...like this is a sacrifice for her instead of juSt her selfish way of getting rid of responsibilities. Gary does not have to switch weekends, he is the one who had to tell Leah her mom was not coming again and had to see her broken heart.
  13. So glad LWT did this topic. Last week I saw the documentary JACKSON, which is where they got the clips of that awful woman Barbara Beavers (the laughing condom bitch). I hope this exposure will give the wonderful documentary a bigger audience (I saw it on Showtime on Demand). I wish he had used another 2 scenes from the film to show their attitude against BC. 1) After leaving the home of a young single woman living in utter poverty who had just given birth to her 5th child, they asked Beavers if she should be on BC and she states no, it's a problem of self control! 2) later the same girl is at their 'clinic' and telse how she got a Depro shot and they basically guilt her. Later we find out she is pregnant again and has given birth to twins. The director of the film started a go fund me page because viewers wanted to help because guess who is not. I wish JO had taken her down harder, but he showed that Barbara Beavers is not alone in her fight to care for the unborn till they become the born.
  14. Ok I was unable to see the rest of the episode once Jake went thru the widow and I don't wait for Hulu. What was the movie answer to Jake's anagram to get into the bar?
  15. Ever since I read the episode description I have been looking forward to this. FINALLY Amber getting dumped on by Leah! Yes! Amber won't be able to understand how a 9 year old girl would rather go to a slumber party with other 9 year old girls instead of a massage or buying a train for a new baby she will see maybe twice a year (my bad, 3 times). Which reminds me of a question, "Does Leah even have a room at Ambers? R there clothes or toys or anything there that would make Leah feel like it is Her room? " God knows I have seen Matt's stupid collectibles all over the place, but I don't believe I have ever see one item that looks like it would belong to a little girl. Remember when Amber was so gung-ho about wanting Leah on a school night...what happened to that..she is not even pretending to want custody anymore. POOR LEAH..such a sweet child, I hope she goes to parties on every Amber weekend. But from the previews Amber looks like she going to try to blame Gary for plotting against her. What a bitch.
  16. I too remember Roseate being anti-corporal punishment, guilty about hitting DJ and her dad/Davids mom abuse storylines. The Connors never hit their kids but they were not pushover like Darling was being. There were always consequences, punishments and rules in the house that did not involve hitting. They had rules, grounding, they said NO to their kids, gave out chores. I did not take caged to mean abuse, I took it to mean structure and rules. (However the time they had to remove Becky''s door, I think they should have made an exception and popped her..I sure wanted to), but I guess I don't consider hosing Harris down to be abuse, she got wet and knocked down a few pegs..but had to be done.
  17. What would have happened if Maggie and the other nurse just stood there the whole time and watched the woman seize? Would no one be in trouble for that? Would the woman have had a stroke anyway because she could not breathe or just died? Besides looked like Noah took his sweet as time coming back to the ER. THEY knew Choi could do nothing and Noah was the ONLY one there. Wait, where the hell were WILL AND Natalie?
  18. Everything I see Natalie u feel the need to have a tattoo onot my chest that says "If I am terminal, make me comfortable and let me die in piece". Now I know the way they ended it that it was not her fault but still. I got still feel that way because the baby napper was that poor woman that should of just been able to hold her child that had no chance to die peacefully, but no Natalie convinced her to let her do a respirator and other painful things. UgH.. and what was that Bulls that Halstead did it cause she is a woman! WTF
  19. I too was hoping for a few brief debbie Reynolds flashbacks...at least a dedication at the end of the show...something the woman was a legend and if they wrote a her into a new episode I thought there would be a little acknowledgement. I was watching Young Sheldon before this and it showed Sheldon watching Singing In The Rain (the good morning scene) and he was asking why r they singing and how did they know the same dance steps. This made me smile, but 1/2 hour later I'm watching the sisters sing ALL I DO I DREAM OF U and started to cry... I miss you Debbie/bobbie. After W&G went off I put in my DVD of Singing in the Rain. It was a good night. Since the episode is continued next week, maybe there will be a Bobbie scene..here's hoping.
  20. Need some help, I could not make out a comment howler monkey MM made, and I know it was snarky cause Whoopi shot her a look. It was when they were discussing Cynthia Nixon running for Governor, Joy was saying how she is very smart and was instrumental in helping to get Bill DeBlasio elected mayor and Meghan snipped something like "that alone.." and I could not make it out...if I guessed I would think she said that that alone is why she's not qualified. Anybody catch what she sais?
  21. ÏThe fat POS Kyle. His I don't want to be tied down and u r clingy..FU. Your r 1/2 the reason the baby is coming, so unless u took every precaution a man/male can to avoid the prenancy, then u r tied down, not necessarily with a gf but a child. I am so sick of these young shits walking away scott free. Kyle u should be required for 1/2 all child's expences, u need to make arrangements to come to the house and change diapers,.wash bottles, laundry..etc. you need to watch your child so Lexi can see her friends as well, it's a 2-way street. When the baby Wakes up Lexis house at 2 am and 3 am then they get to call and wake up Kyler's house as well. I am just so tired of the complete 1 sided double standard, the stupid girls who put up with this shit, and the parents of the boys who seem to do nothing but encourage and allow this type of behavior in their waste of a human son. The girls need to learn to separate baby daddy from bf. He does not have to be your bf in order to be with the baby. I am just so mad at this situation because I am seeing it all over where I live and the cycle just keeps repeating. The girl drops out of school or does not go to college while boy keeps all activities, sports, etc and nobody seems to change it. Arghh!!!!
  22. The "scripted film" ADAM K. That she stars in is now listed on IMDB stating it is about I mild mannered man who want friends, put is left with dead bodies when he is rejected. He scenes are awful Film was supposed to released in Aug. Of 2017. Wonder if it will make it to netflix ? She better put on her silly glasses and hang on to that Froyo for dear life.
  23. I could not get a good look at the screen so can someone tell me what was on the horses heads at Caitlyn rehab. Are those new kind of blinders or something? It looked like the faces were wrapped in scarves and their eyes were covered up as well.
  24. Ok..weird Farrah things I saw this weekend, had to share and knew you would understand. First my sister sent aclip from Farrah's channel to me. In several statements Farrah has stated she now wants to focus on "scripted performances" now with her career. Well about a month ago she posted scenes from her role in some film called ADAM K. Her performance is an insult to the talent and professionalism of the stars of any kindergarten play. Then my best friend showed me part of one of her webcasts. I think it was part of her Halloween webcast where she uses one of her line of vibrators (outside only). Man she needed a script for this..So unnatural (ironic) trying to be sexy was hilarius, she could not even believably moan, and was trying to read questions from viewers on her phone at the same time. Hilarious to the point of almost being embarrassing . Has anyone else seen or is willing to admit they have seen these and share their thoughts. Her "scenes from her role in ADAM K " are on her Farrah Abraham channel on YouTube. Please Chek it out. Her webcast is on Pornhub, do a search on the site for 'farrah webcast'..it's a free site if you don't know.
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