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Everything posted by Poohbear617

  1. I have always thought that Judge Judy should be the one who hosted this show. I would pay big money to see her handle Farrah, Deborah, Amber , Maci and Matt.
  2. I can't feel sorry for Farrah because of the way she treats and talks to people. I can only give a.little sympathy to the fact that she is delusional and ignorant to the fact that she acts in the exact matter she proclaims to hate. How many times Has she said she does not like negative people or disrespectful people or non supportive people and yet she is one of the most vile disrespectful batches I have ever scene. I guess I may feel differently if she kept it in the family boyfriend circle..but no she spreads it everywhere. When she was on Marriage bootcamp family she got in Everybody's business. On Million Dollar Matchmaker she threq a shit fit and refused to speak to a guy beause he would not answer her question. She was hated and quickly voted out of BIG Brother Uk..spreading her sunny disposition upon 2 continents. A big part of my hatred for Farrah is in one word Caitlyn. Yes I know it has been a rough couple of years for Caitlyn and Tyler and I don't have to tell this forum of the flaws they have been showing. Despite growing up with parents who were addicts, and in and out of prison, a weird family tree ,with no support in the decision to place their child with adoptive parents. Despite all that Caitlyn has always been sweet and polite, she listens to people that are talking to her, she never yells or curses at people and always seems to have a smile a hug and a kind word to greet people with. YES I know Farrah's parents are nuts, but Farrah came from appeared to be a upper middle class family, and had their support. She was even given a HUGE house to rent where her mother was the landlord. If anyone had the right to be a colossal bitch, it would be Caitlyn.
  3. I liked it too, the first time he said it...but now he does it almost daily. It's like when fox news sends out their vocabulary list for anchors to use all day. Chris find another comparison please
  4. Ok. Even though I have guilty pleasure this show and seen all episodes..I am a little lost and need Lotta help. 1) Jackson lives/works on the west coast by the fence? Is that what blew up? Who was woman black hair Jackson saw? 2) I thought Abe was in Ann Arbor Michigan and Jamie was in NY cause Logan was NYPD..or is he just PD? 3) how did Jackson drone get to Abe so quickly, and how did Clem get to Jamie so fast michigan? 4) I thought it was the NYPD dept. That exploded with the tape logan took from Jamie but Jackson and his GF felt it. Any help is appreciated. I scanned thru last season on Netflix Wednesday but did not help.
  5. Ok..little help please I think I have missed something...who is tiffany?
  6. I felt the same way, but the scene that made me change my mind was when Amber was hitting/slapping at Gary as he was gathering his belongings and moving out. It was when Gary was at the top of a flight of stairs in their apartment building and had just picked up a large heavy box when Amber ran up behind him and kicked him hard in the back. Some guardian angel was watching over him, along with his size and the fact that Amber was thin at the time...that is all that kept Gary from tumbling down those stairs and breaking his back, his neck or ending up in a wheelchair and Amber would have been in jail a Hell of a lot longer. But as long as he is not standing on stairs I would love to see that kick launched in Matt's direction.
  7. My heart broke for leah. First she is in the back yard on a swing by herself with GOOD MOTHER Amber just glancing out the window at her. Then Leah swings by herself and she seems concerned the cat is on the roof. The next scene is every one on the car and nobody talks to her. Finally while Amber Is on her drums Leah gets the.exciting job of watching her mom practice. I wonder how long she was there before Matt brought her the headphones. Somebody PLEASE tell me Amber was not practicing at home ..because I lost count at about 8 guitars hanging on the walls. Please tell me she did not buy sleazy all those.guitars. when matt leaves or is kicked out he will take the corvette (in his name) all those guitars and spinal tap and other memorabilia he has there. That way he can sell it.
  8. I'm not sure on the RT timeline either. My cable has listed that Farrah's date with Asef for the past 3 weeks but mtv aired it like it was all current. I also read sone where that the reunion was being filmed this weekend June 2-4. Now I am beginning to wonder who gets the kickback for the hypnotherapy guy, because my guide says that the June 12 episode will have Simon seeing him in order to help simon get over Farrah. (Really..this is the same guy who has stood up and walkout on farrah and I loved that.about him...he did not even care about her breaking up with him and now he needs hypnotherapy lol ) did anyone notice how farrah kept saying "I'm single" "I broke it off with him". Now the after show says that Taylor , Tyler and Gary go to see the hypnotherapist as well. Of they are having to pull out these stunts then maybe it is time to pull the plug.
  9. I really liked the pilot episode and i will definitely be tuning in. I do have a question though...what was Niecy's character doing to that guy with the thread? I hope that it is not a stupid question but I had no idea what she was doing. Can somebody please enlighten me.
  10. I could not believe Maci when she was talking to Taylor about quitting his job saying "and don't get me pregnant again" yeah cause that is what it was..I wonder how many more babies she would have pushed out till he finally proposed. She tried that crap on Kyle and he bolted. Then tried to say Jayde and Maverick where "miracle" babies. Well she now has that arm implant thing..so to me she was owning up to the fact that she COULD get pregnant. Then Taylor kind of shaking his head at getting snipped pissed me off. Men always act like they are having their Penis cut off or that they can't get another boner..my brother annoys the shit out of me, but I was proud of him for getting it done after his 3rd child..he said his wife did the hard part now he can do his part. But back to Maci.What is it about these girls and marriage crazy. They don't want a marriage, they want a wedding. Caitlyn, Kaylin, Maci, Janelle, Leah and Farrah. Farrah expects an engagement ring by the 3rd.date. See how Matt and David are with Amber and Janelle for money..I find it hilarious that Farrah appears to have more money than all of them yet she cant find a single guy willing to put up with her despicable behavior and her demon child long enough to take her money.
  11. Thank you!!!That is exactly what I was coming here to say. I love Sam and how she tells things from a woman's point of view and speaks out for so many of us, but going 3 weeks with nothing new, then the correspondent dinner followed by another 2 weeks of reruns to get to tonight, only too find out another 3 weeks till another new one..aaahhhh. I often forget it's on, and I'm afraid it is losing viewers. The last few weeks has given so much material. I mean no disrespect and I think Sam and her writers are first rate, but she is on only once a week! I know they could easily put together a great show in a week. Now daily show, Seth meyers, colbert are nightly so if they have a weak episode I understand, but if you make me wait 3 weeks and have a weak episode I feel letdown and cheated. Come on Sam, in the age of trump and an all male group of senators deciding health care for women we need you more than ever.
  12. As someone who just got their 5 year chip 2 weeks ago..this story was perfect. Overy the last 5 years I have met and talked with so many women that share Christy's story. And just like Christy they blamed themselves and I blamed myself for my assault as well. We have all said "if I was not drunk I could have....." or " I should have known..etc". For the last few years my home group is all women only and it helps us to be more open, but its.sad as well. We have been seeing younger and younger girls who have been attacked, and girls in recovery who not even old enough to purchase alcohol and are in AA at only 17 years old. We are constantly warning our younger and newer members to be aware of 13 steppers and just because a guy may be your boyfriend..no still means no. The hardest ones are when the attacker is a family member (like mine was)..then you are dealing with assault and guilt but the shame/taboo of this situation. As for the discussion about Marjorie'a story being dropped. I think Marjorie needed a break from the whiny calls from jill.and wendy, but knowing Christy was in real crisis helped her to dive right back in and let her adjust her focus. My sponsor has 40 years in but there are times when she needs the help rather than giving it...always remember to keep coming back it works if you work it, support each other and be grateful and take it 1 day at a time.
  13. If Amber wants Leah overnight on a school night, she should have to work at it with baby steps. For ex: 1) pick Leah at Gary's and driver to school. Forcing amber to get up early and drive HERSELF not Matt!!! But Amber getting there on time...that way if she is even 5 minutes late Gary or Christina can take her. 2) have amber drove leah to school for 1 full week with no mess ups or excuses. Also during this time she should make and pack Leah's lunch and bring it with her. 3) for 1 full week she is to come to Gary's house early in order for her to be the.one to wake up Leah, fix her breakfast and help Leah get dressed and fix her hair. If she can do this then they can talk about a school night sleepover. OT: on Being Matt, what did they do with Leah. It looks like she had an uncomfortable meeting in the car with her "brother and sister", guitar leasons then that dinner then she was gone. And why are there never any toys around that house, or anything that hints that a child is there?
  14. So much to snark about that I don't know where to start. Matt with the cars. They have 3 cars! The minivan, the compact and the corvette. Then he buys his daughter a car. I love how he kept saying HE Bought them. Gimme a break Andrew and Brooklyn appear to be very sweet kids, but we all know that is due to their mother. At the golf place he said how they are grown and on their own! Brooklyn is only 19 and in college and Andrew looked about 16 and in high school. Kids still need and rely on parents at this age. Is he helping with tuition, or child support now that HE has money. IIRC he has been with amber for almost 3 years and he left them even earlier than that. Bying brooklyn a used car was a shallow gesture. He said a myth is that they have money cause they are on tv, well his house, 3 cars, Drum set, guitar and $800 school clothes begs to differ. Amber can't be bothered to ride in the car to pick up Leah, leaving that child to ride along with Matt and 2 complete strangers. Then they go buy a car and come back and Amber is just waking up! Also I have a question, Matt 2 daughters that were adopted by their step-dad. How old are they? Does he never see them or talk to them. Yet he claims he is a good dad and good man. How creepy when you have your girlfriend be the same age as his son. I wonder if Brooklyn is really OK with amber being only 7 years older. Finally when amber said they share the bank account made my skin crawl.
  15. I am loving dr. Latham. Paid the ransom..and loved the looks of amazment. Nice to see him continue to work on his aspergers...and become a bit more social and the nurses are responding and being supportive of him.
  16. I enjoyed the pilot as well, but I do have one complaint and that is the sex scenes. I am not being prudish, I just found them unnecessary. I wanted to watch because of the subject matter of police/racial inequalities etc...I like the idea of a13 week anthology tackling these issues and it is THAT part of the story I wanted to see but instead of professionalis investigating a case/ coverup I get 4 adults acting like horny teenagers and jumpi g into bed/or limo together. I just know that somewhere down the line we will have to stop the show for the lawyer and governor aide to stop and talk about their feelings. Yuck. This important issue has so much that needs to be said and presented it does not deserve to get lost in silly subplot melodrama. I'm gonna watch the next episode and hope it stays on track.
  17. Can someone please tell me who was that playing Steve Bannon. It's driving me nuts.
  18. When the mentioned the last 4 shows all I could think of was "wow 4 whole shows in a row" For the last few seasons I have gotten so annoyed at haw little there is one. At the beginning of the seasons (which now start in oct. Instead of sept) we get 2 episodes then 2 or 3 weeks off. Then on 3 wait 1.. I understand being off at thanks giving and. Christmas etcc..but when they repeat an episode that was from only 1 month ago..that is a bit much. The carol Burnett show and Your Show shows were fantastic..and they would start in September and end in june. Your Show of Shows were also 1 1/2 hours long and live just like SNL yet they did over 30 episodes for a.few.seasons.
  19. Ok...I don't know if I am being shallow or am I just getting grumpy in my old age, but I really could not pay attention to anything the new British correspondent because I was too distracted by that stupid ring through her nose! it was not even the little stud kind that goes on the outer side of the nose, but instead the loop kind thru the nose like a bull has and she kept flaring her nostrils. I'm going to watch the encode presentation and not watch the segment with her, but instead only listen.
  20. I loved the fact that stuart came in to protect the home "Not on my watch" carrying the barb wire bat (Sorry don't know it's name) from the walking dead. Reminded me how in the episode when Sheldon cleaned penny's apartment and Leonard heard him and came out armed with his light saber.
  21. Thank you TheOtherOne, I forgot he had directed that one. I will see it when it is released on dvd. I hope I will enjoy it as much as I enjoyed his other films. IIRC Gone Baby Gone was a bomb at the theater as well and the nomination did not help it at the box office. Whenever a film fails at the box office I always think of Shawshank Redemption. .a bob at the box office and now 23 years later considered a well loved classic. There is also My Big Fat Greek Wedding. I think was not a hit right away, it took a few weeks for word to spread and the theaters let it stay with modest attendance. They don't seem to do that anymore.
  22. There is one other thing about Randall's job. When he quit he spoke of being there at the beginning when there were only a few workers and how he brought in most of the clients. But the suicidal friend from the Choist master party talked about how he made bad investments and it was only a matter of time till people saw the money he had lost/Stolen. At the time i worried it meant the company would go bankrupt at that was the last thing Randall needed put upon him. It caughty attention because i could not see "Pre-william" Randall letting that go,but that was never mentioned again and I guess that plot was dropped. But since that was the same night that he found out his father was gay and Toby has a heart attack in his living room, I guess he was a little distracted.
  23. I was surprised but happy Randall quit his job because a couple things.about that job have been bothering me. For. a while I was worried he was going to be fired due to his having to leave the office to deal with william, being distracted etc..the office never seemed supportive especially with bringing in Sanjay.Even though i was pleasently surprised when Sanjay "helped " him during the conference call. I know it hit me hard with the no support cause we went through it. When my sister and I had to put our mother into a hospice for the.last month of her life my sister's job made snide comments about her having to quickly leave early or come in late because you can't predict when the end would come and of course you.want to be at their side so if that phone call comes in you go. When she did pass my sisters boss said "I guess this means you.won't be running off and missing work anymore" !! My sister had a desk job which she could get up and go. Unlike my job as a teacher meant we had to get subs and other teachers to cover my classes on little or no warning and they happily did so to help me. Even my students behaved so well cause they knew where I was headed and they did not want me to come back and deal with trouble they got into. When 14/15 year olds behave more mature than adults its sad. Randall's work just brought it all back. I have had friends who say their jobs were nasty about it also, that is what this show does so well..it shows how the everyday or small thing affect us. 1 more episode till the new fall.season. what will I do
  24. HELP help...Does anyone know what song and who was singing it at the end of the episode when it showed Jack pulling out of the.parking lot and heading towards Cleveland. I could not make out all the lyrics but it kept saying something like "Every road leads to love" or "leads to an end" something like that. I thought this song was forshadowing just like the movie clip of I'll Cry Tomorrow" that Jack was watching on tye TV. Oneed other thing that bothered me was after hearing the mailman's story and seeing how upset he was why didn't they invite him and the other neighbors to the fun-eral ...or even the new cousins and family he meet in Memphis...by the way, where is William? Did he get cremated like Jack?
  25. In my small-town neck of the woods, the winning best movie is the only reason the film comes to our local video store or library, usually independent films don't make it unless they are a hit. Now when Birdman won I was able to rent it...and I wish I hadnt. Boyhood won the GG and same thing happened..was able to rent it and wish I had not (even though my beloved Jon Stewart said it was best). I as not a big fan of 12 years a slave but it was sonly much better than those 2. Those 2 films that I hated made me very leary of critics so I listed to these boards cause you all are right more than critics. Now I enjoyed Spotlight very much and agreed with voters it was good. Nown we come to Moonlight..while I thought it was a good film and better than Birdman and Boyhood..I was like "is that all there is" . Ma her shall ALI was good but I think I must be missing something. I have a couple of friends who saw it and they were raving over it. Guess I am alone here..I will just wait for rest of the nominates films to be released and I will make my final comparisons then.
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