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Silver Raven

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Everything posted by Silver Raven

  1. I wonder how the Portal camera copes when there are two people in the room and they go in different directions.
  2. I had to laugh out loud twice today. First, when talking about Manafort, when MM said, "Now, I don't know anything about this, but ..." And then again when Whoopie fact checked her on Mike Espy's contributions.
  3. Did I miss it, or did Eric not mention Melanie as one of Holly's relatives? Way to bury the lede, Will. Hope KNOWS Ben didn't start the fire, but she keeps repeating that lie. Will and Sonny are cowards, feeling glad that Brady told Paul instead of them having to do it. Do you really want to have sex with Sonny at the Kiriakis mansion with the local preschool, your lover's mother, Victor who hates you, and the dozens of other people who live there? It's like the old farm house of How the World Turns where people kept coming to live and they just added on another bedroom. I guess Sonny just couldn't afford a hotel room, since he hasn't had a job in months. Does the cafe where Claire works really let her hair flop around like that without a hair net? Leo right as Wilson kiss was perfect timing.
  4. Would they really make Angelina look so unlikeable in the very first minute of the very first episode if she's the eventual winner?
  5. These Portal ads make me laugh (Though I do have to wonder if the camera actually follows you around) https://www.ispot.tv/ad/dPV5/portal-from-facebook-2018-holidays-ugly-sweaters https://www.ispot.tv/ad/d0u6/portal-from-facebook-lice
  6. She was amazing in Blue Valentine, and so was Ryan Gosling, who was cheated out of an Oscar nomination.
  7. He deserves to be in it for his appearances in Pitch Perfect.
  8. The cast of The Prom performing at the Macy's parade. I wasn't particularly impressed by the song.
  9. A lot of Oscar winners and nominees in this, but the acting wasn't anything to write home about, just serviceable. Lucas Hedges was in every scene, and he carried the movie, and stood out the best. Nicole Kidman had one scene that she shone in. The advertising gave more of a role to Troye Sivan than he really did. Joel Edgerton as the director, writer, and co-star in it was very good, as well. He didn't come across as particularly smarmy, as would be expected in a typical movie like this, and there were no real bad guys.
  10. An unrecognizable Nicole Kidman in Destroyer. Obvious Oscar bait, but it looks intense.
  11. Watching an episode of "The Big Valley" with Nicholas Surovy as the bad guy.
  12. Sorry, it's Progressive, not Geico. https://www.ispot.tv/ad/dlz9/progressive-future-son
  13. Roger and his wife got married because they had kids together, but they were never monogamous. He had a lot of relationships after they were married, and apparently theirs was an open relationship.
  14. The kid with the VR helmet isn't the customer, his father is. And I don't see anything moronic about him, anyway.
  15. Great movie. I nominate Truly, Madly, Deeply, a sweet romance with an amazing cast.
  16. Wasn't there talk before this season began, that nobody would actually be permanently off but could come back? What's happened with that?
  17. I know whenever we see Julie, that she's going to be obnoxious. But racist? I like that they acknowledged that Brandon is Nicole's brother. Doesn't Arianna live at the Kiriakis mansion? Now that Sonny has flown the coop, Victor should shut it about her other father being there for her. Ooh, I like Sarah talking back to Victor. Why did Show feel the need to have Lani away for the dinner? That was a poor choice. With so many of Will's family in town, it was kind of weird that he wasn't with anybody for Thanksgiving. Where were Lucas and Chloe? I know Jennifer is probably not up to a family gathering (and I wonder how it will resonate during the Christmas tree ornament day), but he could have gotten together with Roman after Roman finished serving people. What are Hope and Rafe doing? Or Ciara, Belle, Shawn and Ciara? Why couldn't he have gone to Julie's dinner?
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