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Everything posted by SuburbanHangSuite

  1. Pet peeve about her "co-hosts:" Nothing makes me stabbier than when someone is selected to play one of her games and the answer is obvious to EVERYONE (including Stevie Wonder) and the contestant proceeds to hem and haw and act like they need a hint so they can milk their 30 seconds of screen time. Bish did it this morning with a screen shot from Beetlejuice. Someone did it a few episodes ago with Dirty Dancing. Come on, Man! Even if you never saw either film, you know immediately what movie it is. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....ok, rant over.
  2. Awww, man. I always think i would go for the car on the "Let Em Roll" game but I think I would've taken that 12,500 she got on the first roll. I'm bummed for her that she only ended up with 2500.
  3. So I've been trying to convince myself that Laurel has plans for a big move but now I'm feeling like, "If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck..." Laurel is a duck. And Donathan was quite the dick this week. He's been a pretty cool, underestimated customer all the way up to Day 35 and then he loses it? Sigh. Things will be awkward back at the campfire post Tribal. I love Wendell but I feel like he was so busy feigning a casual confidence about the IC, he had NO idea anyone else was close to solving that puzzle. So his own cockiness cost him immunity.
  4. See, I think that particular ordinance was written so companies wouldn't just think they could park large commercial items (backhoes, loaders, tractor trailers , etc.) on the street and leave them unattended. It should be up to an enforcement officer to see the difference between that scenario and a citizen actively working on a house renovation and installing residential windows. And yes, that poor guy was nearly stroking out after that ticket. Can't say I blame him. I really hate seeing parking enforcement ride down quiet residential streets just looking to write tickets. I feel they should focus their efforts on commercial districts or locations where parking is scarce. The other ones that piss me off in Detroit? When they put those TINY signs out for "street cleaning" and then show up at 8am to start ticketing people who haven't moved. Who can see those signs?!
  5. Heh. The episode with "Mr. Perfect" ticketing the guy for "commercial equipment on the street" is on right now. I hope the citizen went to fight that BS ticket. There's a world of difference between commercial equipment and the stuff that guy had on his personal trailer. Mr. Perfect is an idiot.
  6. Right? I've been a fan since his work on Ballers. Glad to see he's getting a big screen role. Spike Lee films can be hit or miss with me but I think this will be a HUGE hit. Even more of a gut-punch than Do The Right Thing. The climate is ripe for it.
  7. I know! How about the Handicap tickets? 100.00 in Detroit---a whopping 301.00 in Philly! But that would be a ticket I would enjoy giving.
  8. I think JJ was impressed with him too! But I thought she should've awarded him the extra money he was requesting for his time spent on the case. That "friend" was some piece of work. I thought the same thing as I watched the security tape. I think that little guy hadn't been riding very long. He looks very much like my kid who is still super green on a two-wheeler. I refuse to let him ride on our street anymore until he's more experienced because I swear, it's like there's a magnet pulling him toward every parked car on the block. I got sick of watching with my heart in my throat so I take him to a wide open school parking lot to practice now.
  9. I was just thinking how relieved I was when I realized that the loved ones would just watch the contest and not participate. I couldn't imagine how sweet Aunt Patty was going to negotiate that course with her cardigan shrug, bless her heart.
  10. Elvive shampoo. I'm so confused. Was that Winona Ryder? Everyone loves a comeback--even your damaged hair? Huh??? I didn't know Winona was in need of a comeback...
  11. Rita Moreno is one BAD bitch. I say that with ALL the respect in the world!
  12. "Penis weasels." LOLOL Someone really should make a Whack-a-Mole game with a variety of penis weasels popping up. And there could be different versions of the game all featuring the most unsavory characters of Government, Music, TV, etc. Hmmmmm...how do I apply to Shark Tank?
  13. Shallow observation: The more weight Dom loses, the cuter he gets. Another week of being subjected to Kellyn. Please make it stop. It was pretty funny that she was so angry at the boys for not choosing any of the ladies for Reward. Ummm...wasn't it all up to Sea Bass? Be angry with him, not everyone with a swinging dick.
  14. SuburbanHangSuite

    The NBA

    ^^^ Unbelievably sloppy play by the Sixers. How in the world is this the same team that won 17 in a row to wrap the season? Bellinelli's toes needed to be about 2 inches shorter...
  15. You guys have me cackling over here! This was my local news. They said they caught him by setting up a hidden camera to catch the pooper since it was happening frequently. But with regards to his motivation? I got nothing. Apparently, this guy is a pretty serious runner and interviewed marathoners have acknowledged that such accidents can happen from time to time during a 26-mile run but they all thought this dude HAD to be doing this on purpose. This is a related aside. Years ago, I went to an open bar New Years Eve party and I lost my date in the huge crowd. So at the end of the night, I post up by the front door figuring he'll have to walk by me as the place is emptying out. As I'm standing there, this obviously drunk guy is staggering toward the front door with about 4 or 5 of his friends trailing behind him pointing and laughing. I thought they were just laughing at his drunk-walk but when he passed by (wearing yellow pants) he had a huge load of poop staining through the bottom of his pants and down the backs of the legs. His friends were arguing about whose car he would ride in and I felt so badly for him. I've always wondered if he left town and changed his name?You know there's no coming back from that.
  16. Haha! Me too! Every. Single. Time. Meanwhile, my son is sitting next to me, uses his phone and he was spared. I feel like a marked woman. I take solace in the idea that I'm going wherever T'Challa has gone.
  17. I know, right? But honestly, if Kathy has a show anywhere near me, I'll go just to support the idea that she will not be silenced or bullied into obscurity. So her sold-out shows may be more of a show of support for the First Amendment rather than Kathy herself. I liked D-List Kathy tremendously but I have a feeling she can no longer be that silly, gossipy Kathy. Oh well. I'm sure Renee Zellweger is relieved.
  18. I deactivated my FB account years ago (2011!) after privacy concerns so the fact that we're still seeing perodic bullshit apologies from Zuckerberg 8 years later is mind-blowing. Those Drumpf rallies. Funny and scary in equal parts. But there was something I found oddly endearing about that one dude the reporter keeps running into - - - was his name Randall? He actually got a MAGA hat on her head!
  19. SuburbanHangSuite

    The NBA

    I don't know when the NBA game became nothing more than a 3 pt shooting contest but it's made the game unwatchable for me. I'm here screaming at the TV for the Sixers to slow it down and work the ball inside to Embid. But no. They'd rather live (and die) on the perimeter. Ridiculous.
  20. Go away, Missy. That Richard? No, thank you. It was awkward as hell but Dorinda did Lu a favor. I was so distracted by Ramona's hair at that Bendel "party." What in the world was happening with it?! As many of you have pointed out, she looks better with the shorter hair and if she's going to remain blonde, it needs to be a richer shade. But that style! (or lack thereof). That weird twist that was barely anchored on one side, fly away wisps everywhere you looked----it made her look haggard. HD was not her friend this week.
  21. I think Laurel thought the line would be ironically funny because she's a woman and he's a guy and usually all the gushy compliments like that go to the female. Yeah, I agree. I think Laurel was saying it for a laugh. Now, I think Jenna saying, "No one hugged me" was said in complete seriousness. And I love it. Nope, you double-crossing waste of space. No hugs for you. Take your seat with the jury!
  22. The editors continue to show us every spacey Sea Bass moment: "We should get a ripe papaya and make sweet rice." Hee! The Munchies are a bitch! I knew absolutely nothing about Jenna until she had that conversation with Donathan but damn if I didn't go from zero to HAAATE in no time at all. Who's the dumbass now, Jenna? Anyone except Kellyn, for the win.
  23. I wouldn't mind Detroit again as long as Courtney isn't featured. Girlfriend had the wrong type of temperament for that job. She was way too quick to squabble with car owners who were already angry and she only aggravated already tense situations. Sonja and Rodney were much better at diffusing emotional booting bombs.
  24. BWAHAHA. Or at the very least, will someone please loan Karen some Lawry's and paprika? I too loved the Wakanda scenes except seeing the total decimation of the beautiful landscape---I see you Marvel with your pointed symbolism. M'Baku! T'Challa and he are "brothers.". Wakanda Forever!
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