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Everything posted by Kat

  1. SO glad to have this show back. And I don't miss Jenny at all! You guys, I know it's irrational, but I get so angry whenever Sister Monica Joan steals other people's food! It's not cute or endearing to me at all. Especially Trixie's proposal meringue - I seriously almost wept when Sister MJ took that bite. Oh well, she was great with those poor kids, so there's that. I really like the new nurse too.
  2. After last night's episode, even with the TC coming to his senses about Annie and her drug problems, I am officially OVER TC. I can't stand his character. I could easily fast forward through all of his and Jordan's scenes (and frequently do) and enjoy this show much better.I'm so annoyed by this pregancy storyline. And I can't see the writers going through with it. I know Jordan is going to lose this baby in some tragic way before the season is done. And I'm really not looking forward to what that will do to TC. Anyway, I'm really only invested in this show for Drew, Krista, and Topher. And maybe Rogosa.
  3. I know I'm in the minority, but I like Pearl and I have from the first episode. And I did think that their award and the subsequent winner (Katya) was the strongest part of the DESPYs. Anyway, I'm still liking this season a lot, even if it doesn't have the same type of energy as before. Max, Katya, Ginger, and Pearl are my top 4.
  4. Kathy Hilton exclaiming, "YOU DO MAGIC, NOW?" is my new ringtone. This episode was absolutely useless. Brandi is seriously the worst. She's having panic attacks every day? About what?! Her incredibly destructive and bitchy behavior over the past 5 years? Ugh.
  5. The thing that really pissed me off, and I suspect partially led to Sarah's tears of frustration the morning of the mountain climb, was that they had way more than a 5 minute lead on Leroy & Theresa when they got to the overnight camp site. Jordan and Sarah should have been given the exact same amount of time that they beat them on the bikes, as a head start up the mountain. Now, of course it didn't end up mattering but it could have. I'm going to move over to the Reunion thread to talk about my deep loathing and digust for Bananas, Zach, and Nia. There's pretty much nothing any of them can do to redeem themselves.
  6. ITA Marsha. I watched the LSFYL twice, focusing on each queen, and Pearl did do a very good job. It was just a different approach than Trixie. Now, all that being said, Trixie absolutely should not have even been in the bottom two in the first place. The lip synch battle should have been between Kandy Ho and Pearl, or actually if I'm being honest, my choice for bottom two would have been Kandy and Miss Fame who I seriously cannot stand. I'm so surprised, from reading my Twitter feed and Mark's recap, that so many people don't know the Blondie song "Dreaming". C'mon y'all! What the heck? Is it just because I'm 107 years old?
  7. Shut up Monte! I've hated her character from the beginning, perhaps a bit irrationally, but damn she is manipulative and unprofessional. Loved Jude and his "war paint" and Connor's look of happiness when Jude walked in to his hospital room. I hope we get more Robert in the future. I really enjoyed the conversation that he and Callie had outside on his deck. Well done. Oh and I just rewatched the end - Marianna was definitely wearing her seatbelt until she moved forward to talk to Ana about going to the hospital.
  8. God, she was uncomfortable to watch/listen to. I kept waiting for Sarah to say something about this but I did love her "I'm an elementary school art teacher" rebuttal in her confessional. I also found it interesting that after all of the yelling, and hatred, and foul slander thrown by Nia towards Nany and Bananas, she was all buddy-buddy with them in their Norway bedroom. And of course Bananas would encourage Nia's deplorable behavior. He is THE WORST and I'm so so happy that he isn't in this Challenge final. Bye forever (hopefully) Bananas!!
  9. I for one, loathe Monte and find her manipulative and unprofessional. I hated seeing that kiss in the previews for next week! I too was surprised that the Jude/Connor storyline was relegated to C tier tonight. But nonetheless I cried during the text message exchange. Very impatient to see what happens next for those two. I'm going to harp some more on Taylor's dad - I mean I'm glad Connor's going to be okay but, how bad a shot do you have to be shoot a young teen in the foot? The minute Anna opened that door I knew Stef was going to take her home. STOP Stef, you're ruining your marriage. From the recap: "Wig brooches"! Hee! God bless you, Allison.
  10. I know this isn't fair (and also isn't an uncommon feeling), but all I wanted to do after watching this was bang Nigel and Beth's skulls together! Gah! I was wondering that too, archer1267!
  11. I started watching last night's episode right at this moment in the mini challenge where Miss Fame's teeth were revealed. Not knowing exactly what the challenge was, I ASSUMED that the girls were asked to put on fake teeth and do some kind of "horror queen" thing. But nope, those are just her way jacked teeth. Seriously disturbing.
  12. It worries me that Stef is being so reckless with the law and bending the rules until the almost snap. This whole thing is going to backfire on them I fear, and Callie will be f*cked over AGAIN. I agree 100% with this!! Stef and Lena however, still have one of the most compelling and realistic marriages on scripted television, so I'm hoping they can both get everything back on track. Also? Monte PLEASE GO AWAY. I for one was glad they showed Jude first thing in the preview for next week's ep - I screamed "NO, not Jude!" at my tv when that guy fired his gun. I was so relieved to see that Jude hadn't been shot. I hope Conner and the girls are fine. Not that I in any way care about the Mariana's dance team plot, but I keep thinking that they're going to have Mat join their team. IRL Jordan Rodrigues is a great dancer (he starred on my beloved show "Dance Academy"!) and I think it would actually be interesting to see how their relationship grew (or suffered) with them being on a competitive team together.
  13. The maid (Lena?) calling Kimmy this made me laugh so hard, as I was watching this episode in bed at 3AM. God bless Netflix.
  14. THANK YOU. I get that Beth is upset and probably feels very helpless; therefore she's focusing her rage on people like Ellie, who don't deserve it. Also pregnancy hormones. But damn woman, you need to pay attention to the super squicky behavior your husband Mark is exhibiting. You guys? I have to be honest. I spent most of the hour watching this show going, "Wait. What?" Not because I didn't remember characters or previous storylines, but because I didn't understand what anyone was doing or saying. The Lattimers need legal representation? All the rigamarole between this Jocelyn and Sharon? Joe pleading NOT GUILTY? Huh? Isn't there a signed and/or videotaped confession? This whole Claire/Sandbrook crap? The clergy dude sleeping with what's her face? None of these people make any sense. But obviously I'm in for the whole season. I love the acting too much to give up now.
  15. Leroy quitting that game made me so damn angry. Dude, Bananas is right, one of the main reasons that you're going into the Dome is because you quit. Personally, I hate Nia AND Nany, but I really have a problem with Nia because she's so unstable and psychotic. C'mon girl, be rational. Oh gawd you guys, I hate Theresa so much! I have, from the very first moment she appeared on our screens. She is THE WORST. At this point I don't care who wins, except that I really want Sarah to walk away from this thing with some money. She deserves it more than ANYONE.
  16. Holy shit, this show! I was seriously boo-hoo sobbing by the end of it. Seriously you guys, some of the best acting and best writing is happening on a show on a dumb "kid's cable network". Amazing. I think it might be. Both actors did so well in these scenes. Oh, and I just need to say this - Monte weirds me out. I don't like her at all. And why a principal would "make" a vice principal write a letter or email about possibly suspending half the student body is beyond me. That's YOUR job, you ass!!!!
  17. But but...damn...I just love Josh Duhamel so much! I have to watch at least the first couple of episodes for him. I know I'll regret this decision later.
  18. I loved Sarah's idea about rebooting "Mr. Broadway". A NYC press agent who Jessica-Fletchers his way into and out of crime situations with the help of a spunky assistant and his cop buddy? SIGN ME UP.
  19. Marianna ruled last night's episode! And I especially loved all of her scenes with Mat. They're really growing on me as a couple. Actually seeing Jordan Rodrigues on here just makes me miss "Dance Academy" all the more. (Thank goodness for Netflix) I ranted about this on Twitter last night, but one thing that really bugged me was the inconsistency the writers have with Brandon's age. Marianna argues that he's "not even a year older" than her, but a) in like the first episode of this show they said that he was 17. b) Brandon is supposed to be a senior in highschool I thought? c) it's been mentioned in previous eps that he's a year older than Callie, who is 16. So what's the actual truth! I hate being this pedantic, but it really has been bugging me for months. I don't understand how this show can get so many things right, and yet still mess up details like these. Stef and Lena continue to have the best marriage on television.
  20. I just want someone to assure me that I'll never have to look at Helen's fingernails again. I hate her hands so much!! But seriously, except for like two questionable looks, Helen's collection spoke to me much more than Sonjia's, or even Dmitry's, if I'm being honest.
  21. Ugh! This detail bugged me so damn much. I was especially annoyed last week when they not only made Scarlett have an AB blood type, they made her AB NEGATIVE, the rarest fucking blood type in the world! C'mon show! Get your shit together! But other than this dumb error, I really enjoyed this episode. And I for one am enjoying the Sadie storyline, if nothing else because it means that I get more Laura Benanti on my screen. But I'd more singing and less face punching please!
  22. I loved when Avery was complaining during their confessional before the elimination round started that the only reason they were there was because "Wes hates Johnny because Johnny had an alliance and is friends with Bananas.", and Johnny was like - hey, it's not just ME going into this dome, it's Johnny AND Avery, so basically quit your bitchin' because Theresa put you in too. That being said, I thought that Johnny and Avery worked really well during the stacked boxes elimination challenege. I was so angry with the "to be continued", because I was holding my breath, hoping that they beat Brittany and Adam. I surprisingly want to see Reilly and Avery in the final with maybe Sarah & Jordan, and yes, even Bananas & Nany. I used to want Jonna & Zach in the final, because I do feel like Jonna finally deserves a shot at the money, but Zach's continued doucheyness makes me want them eliminated ASAP.
  23. I love you Allison Lowe Huff! Hayden B. and the kid who plays Connor acted the hell out of that pinky touch scene. You did? I feel dumb, but this was a total shock to me. And it’s such a bad idea. I think the show is definitely throwing out all kinds of vibes about this pair, and I do not like it. Is the principal a lesbian? Has that been established and I didn’t pay attention? I felt like they were purposely not using any pronouns when she was talking about her divorce etc. Also? Her name is Monty? The hell? Please show, DO NOT HAVE LENA CHEAT ON STEF!!! I didn’t remember that Jude had gone back and paid for the bracelet, so I totally thought that the store clerk was going to make trouble for Jude or Callie about that. But holy crap, I have so many effin’ issues with this storyline!! First of all, that dumb toy dog or whatever the hell it is would not be able to be traced back to that stupid vintage store! And I’m sorry, unless the clerk has a mad crush on Callie and has been stalking her, there’s no way she would remember that it was Callie who bought it. Also, was it established that Callie paid for either of these second-hand store purchases with a credit card? I could’ve sworn she paid cash for both, which they wouldn’t have been able to trace, but I guess I’m wrong about the card. And finally, I knew Callie was calling Robert, and I cringed when she did it. This whole thing is going to be a shitshow.
  24. This week was effin' BULLSHIT. That is all. Die Helen! Ok, not really, but seriously, eat a bee Helen!
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