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14 Good
  1. Thanks for confirming Sophia has Borderline PD. It's a messy condition that's linked to eating disorders, suicide, self-harm (cutting or burning like Sophia had), drug use, and crime. Unfortunately, there isn't a single medication that works specifically for it. Dialectic Behavioral Therapy is the ONLY known effective treatment for Borderline. Fortunately, its co-morbidities, like depression, ADHD, ODD (Oppositional Defiance Disorder), and anxiety, can be treated with medications. fMRIs have proven that people with Borderline are not neurotypical but home environment plays a major role. The way Grandpa Quinn behaved was very invalidating, for example. If family and friends learn how to interact with the person in a validating manner, it goes a long way to shifting some of the unhealthy behaviors. It would be great if the show would explore it more. People with BPD are highly stigmatized to the point that many counselors refuse to work with them. If anyone is wondering to be diagnosed with BDP, you must have 5 of the criteria below: 1. Fear of abandonment 2. Difficult interpersonal relationships 3. Uncertainty about self-image or identity 4. Impulsive behavior 5. Self-injurious behavior 6. Emotional changeability or hyperactivity 7. Feelings of emptiness 8. Difficulty controlling intense anger 9. Transient suspiciousness or “disconnectedness” Also, in the past, clinicians diagnosed more females with BPD. However, in recent years, clinicians realized that men being diagnosed with Anti-Social Disorder actually qualify for BPD too. As a result, many, many men who are in prison likely could be diagnosed as Borderline.
  2. Re: the nature vs. nurture origins of personality disorders: I didn't hear if Sophia specified what personality disorder she has so I'm not referring to her situation in particular. But I did take a class on Borderline Personality Disorder..... it is caused by a combination of nature & nurture -- a chemical imbalance AND an invalidating environment. The outdated stereotype is that the individual is an abuse survivor but that isn't necessary. They could have had any long term invalidating experience, like a mismatch of parent-child personality types where their interests are devalued.
  3. I don't think Mr. Steven's emotionally made an about face but he heard Lena that he can't control Connor forever. I envision the Stevens guys as the Strong, Silent Type. Expecting them to talk feelings? Naw. T'ain't happenin' without some major nudging.
  4. I would've liked to have seen more dialogue but I thought the scene with Mr. Stevens was authentic. I've long thought he probably wasn't anti-gay like lots of people accused him of being. It's so easy to demonize parents who are struggling with their own upbringing in the face of their children's reality. People thought that meant he was completely anti-gay when the situation (and reality) is much more nuanced. This sort of thing happens more than lots of hets realize. I know a progressive family whose church is pro-LGBTQ and they spoke up for gay rights. But when their own son came out, the parents seriously struggled -- to the point that their lesbian daughter chose not to come out for many years. Their minds said one thing but their gut-- their internalized homophobia-- said the opposite. Publicly no one knew the struggle but we members of their PFLAG chapter did. Mr. Stevens let Jude in because he knew what Lena said was correct but that doesn't mean his struggle with himself is over. I hope we'll get to see more of Mr. Stevens' development.To see another authentic struggle would be great. Maybe he'll join the local PFLAG chapter (any writers reading this?!?)
  5. I read the one kissing scene with Connor and Daria next to the tree as Connor not being very interested. Don't know if it was my interpretation, director's stage direction, or Gavin's discomfort but that's how I've always seen it.
  6. AAAHHHHH! They end with a cliff hanger and don't have a single clip regarding the cliff hanger!?!?!? They're trying to kill us!
  7. Jude, Brandon, and Mariana are all wearing blue finger nail polish in the clips/promos for 2.20.
  8. Yes, the lower amount of air time for Jude is frustrating. Some fans have said it's due to Hayden and Gavin's ages but that doesn't make any sense at all. Maybe they're still developing as actors but I think the past few weeks show that both of them are excellent actors. The show producers however have said that ABCFamily asked them to take the Jude-Connor story line much slower than originally conceived and wait for the 2nd season to pursue it. I suspect that their becoming a fan favorite might increase their air time. A lot. One of the producers said there are a lot of Jude-Connor ideas on Season 3's story boards. Another frustrating thing for me that you may've also noticed is that Jude hasn't once voiced his feelings on Connor since that first conversation with Lena about his feeling jealous of Connor and Maddie. He didn't say whether he LIKED Connor kissing him in the tent for example. All discussions about his sexuality is in the voice of Lena -- mostly her saying that he hasn't made a decision about his sexuality. Yet, we don't see any follow-up conversations with Lena and Jude. I've been wondering about that bit where Jude told Connor it isn't nice to lead someone on -- Connor can only lead Jude on if Connor & Jude have talked about Jude's feelings. So... I waiting to hear Connor and Jude talk about their feelings for one another. While it is authentic for middle schoolers not to be articulate, Jude tends to be very articulate (although Connor not as much). Hopefully, it's forthcoming because the current subjective approach is aggravating.
  9. No, she said she recently divorced. California has had same sex marriage for years now so we mustn't assume that she divorced a man. To paraphrase Lena, 'let's agree not to be heteronormative.'
  10. Oh, I wasn't thinking of an adult processing session. But to kiss and then go back to the other characters and we don't get to see the next thing that happened was frustrating. Did they go back to playing video games or decide to go steady. Just SOMEthing. Even a "I like you" or a "what the hell are you doing, Connor? You can't do that" would've been better than fade to black.
  11. From 3/4/15: http://www.thewrap.com/abc-familys-the-fosters-creators-defend-13-year-old-gay-male-kiss-watch-before-judging/ 3/6/15 http://www.justjaredjr.com/2015/03/06/the-fosters-creators-open-up-about-the-jude-connor-jonnor-kiss/
  12. I wish Jude and Connor would have an on screen conversation about what is going on between them. Hopefully, the lack of communication will be addressed -- are they feeling awkward about discussing things? Do each of them feel they don't need to talk about it because there's a mutual understanding?
  13. http://www.thebacklot.com/the-fosters-shows-youngest-on-screen-same-sex-kiss/03/2015/
  14. A 2nd sneak peak to 3/2/15 with Jude and Connor
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