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Everything posted by magicdog

  1. Actually they did have a black member of the group in the 1969 animated series. Pete Jones was the drummer for the Hardy Boys' rock band. I think they chose younger actors because of the success of "Stranger Things", but I also think that "Supernatural" cornered the market on hot mystery hunting brothers and thought it better to skew younger.
  2. Understandable due to the events of the 1958 quiz show scandal. It would have been nice if they could have arranged a separate meeting after the contestant leaves the show. Totally bummed about Ken Spears! His animation partner Joe Ruby died just a few weeks ago! I always appreciated that they still received credit on any Scooby Doo project. Of course, I also grew up watching many of the shows they created after they left HB (not to mention some live action projects like the TV version of "Planet of the Apes"). RIP one and all.
  3. It does! Thanks! I am looking to do some copywriting as I've always had a way with words. I studied Marketing in college but couldn't get nayone to hire me. Before the internet, I figured it was a foregone conclusion. It's nice to know that I don't have to get hired in a typical office job when I can work from home. What I'm not always sure about are prices (hourly vs flat rates).
  4. I am looking to start a freelance writing business. I also have been considering a vending route to make more money and fire my boss. Any thoughts?
  5. Was watching a repeat of Family Law this morning and there was a doozy of a B plot that was poorly conceived from a writing perspective. The case involved a now 50+ year old woman who sought out her long missing father who had abandoned her and her mother when she was a child. When she finds him at an old age home, she attacks him by hitting him so hard he falls out of his chair he was sitting in! Then she sues him for back child support! Then she laments that she wanted to go to college because she loved science, etc. but dropped out of high school to work as a hairdresser and help support her mom. Then sues him for college tuition when she decides to apply to Pepperdine University!! As I said, this was a poorly conceived B-plot since most any judge would have thrown this out of court since the woman was an adult, working, and could have gone to night school part time in the intervening years! She and her 85 year old father then sue each other until father is ordered by a judge to move in with the daughter since he can no longer afford to stay at the assisted living facility he’d been at the beginning of the story! I’m sorry but the daughter was the one who opened the can of worms here and I had zero sympathy for her!!
  6. I totally agree! There have been times when you need to stand up for yourself when some one screws up or correct an error or if necessary report bad behavior by staff. I tend to let things slide depending on how important it is or circumstances surrounding the problem. However it’s not fair to be labeled a Karen if they’re trying to get fair treatment. Karen’s will whine about the water being the wrong temperature in a restaurant while non-Karens discuss legit poor service (lazy waitstaff vs overwhelmed waitstaff).
  7. I just caught one today: I was watching the "Family Law" two parter, "Liars Club" on START and really got engrossed. I didn't see much of this show when it first aired, but it's entertaining enough. In these episodes, one of the law partners of the firm is trying to help a former client (who was a drug dealer but is trying to turn over a new leaf and go to college), but the client is being pressured by a federal attorney to be an informant and give up info about a Columbian drug lord. His attorney fights to stop it, even though the fed keeps putting the screws on the kid and threatening to put him away in prison on drug charges. After a bunch of legal issues, the kid is thinking about going along with the fed so he can be left alone and is compelled to wear a wire to entrap his attorney. When a bit of advice is taken out of context, the fed arrests the lawyer and has him put in jail. When the lawyer's partners take up his case to get him out, the fed insists the money they were paid with was from illicit sources so he gets the judge to freeze all their assets (business and personal) and they're all expected to live on air for the next 6 months until trial resumes to sort it out. The fed obviously hopes this will break them and nearly does. The lawyers don't even have money to pay for groceries! The firm goes to another judge claiming that there is another legal loophole they can use to stop the fed by having HIS assets frozen and his car impounded. Unfortunately, the judge's clerk contacts the fed and tells him what's about to go down so that gets squashed. At last, the group meets in an emergency session with the judge and they reveal the fed gave up his immunity to prosecution by getting the info from the clerk instead of traditional means, so the firm initiate an injunction and tie HIS assets up for the next several months while getting their assets freed. Suddenly the fed is upset since he had a kid in school and needs food, etc. I cheered!!! I loved it when that uppity fed got his just desserts!! The firm agreed to call it off when the fed agreed to leave the kid alone to go on with his life.
  8. Bummer about losing Randi (aka The Amazing Randi). The world needs guys like him - debunkers of con men and charlatans! He essentially carried on Houdini's legacy of debunking fake mystics.
  9. You're better off killing them! Call in an exterminator and he can set the rat traps for you and make sure all of his friends and family are gone too. I know I sound like a grade A meanie, but rodents bring fleas and disease on top of the damage they do when they take up residence in your walls. The sooner you get rid of them permanently the better.
  10. Years ago we had a multiplex called "Cinedomes" due to the dome shaped auditoriums. When the casino across the street expanded and included a movie theater of its own, it closed and became a place for religious meetings and lectures. Maybe they could be used for vintage films? It's nice to see them on cable (TCM) and DVD but I remember being able to see both Robin Hood (1939) and Spartacus (1960) on the big screen during special showings and it was epic! Some movies are best on the big screen as initially intended.
  11. I had a co-worker who made peanut butter patties with Ritz crackers! She made a sandwich with the crackers and peanut butter, then dipped it in chocolate and let set on wax paper. They were the first treats gone whenever she brought them! As a kid I loved candy corn! Some were white bottomed, some were black bottomed. I was told I inherited the love of candy corn from my Grandpa! Also, drinking buttermilk straight! My favorite candy that barely changed since childhood is Toffifay! Whenever I see it in Walgreens, it's all I can do to keep from losing my sanity! It still tastes great to me all these years later! I can barely tolerate modern candies because of the horrible chemicals used in them these days. On those rare occasions I decide to have some, I go for the organic stuff. Because it does. Rather, a chemical that is found in vomit.
  12. I've heard this argument before, and it's generally not valid. I've met home schooled kids and they're socialized better than conventionally educated kids. They can comfortably interact with all kinds of people of all ages/generations. Current school dynamics tend to create an, "Us vs Them" attitude and force people to separate rather than join together. Home schooling doesn't mean the child is hermetically sealed from the world at large. They interact with it even more! They meet kids their age range in sports, etc. so they can make friends just fine.
  13. The "series finale" was actually filmed a year or 2 before it aired. It was meant to be the Season 2 finale, but TPTB weren't happy with it and shelved it. The cancellation came rather fast and to have some sort of wrap up, they brought back the episode from mothballs and tagged on the "Same never leapt home" crap. Yeah - I'm still pissed at that!
  14. I'm not an expert in these matters, but it seems like a passive aggressive act to give dog related items to a guy who is forbidden to have a dog. They can. Sometimes they're raised together, other times shelters have animals that get along with multi pet households. I've seen plenty of small dogs do the same - chihuahuas and Toy Fox Terriers mostly. Another great option I used when I was without a yard for my dog was this. It made the first pee of the day much easier when I couldn't walk her in the middle of the night. Nope. That crosses all ethnic barriers! @PRgal with education, have you considered homeschooling your child? It can be a rewarding experience and many families have had great success with it. Since you're in Canada, here is a site focused on residents throughout the country.
  15. I use the "note" app on my IPhone. Whenever i need to remind myself of something, I use it like pen and paper! It's very convenient, especially if you can't find a conventional pen and paper. [Steps out of a tin foil millinery] I hear "they" are working on that! Peeve: When bosses mistake confusion for insolence. Last week, one of the reporters asked me to help set up the booth to track for a news package. He told me that "so and so" would be editing it later that day since it wouldn't air until that evening. After the recording, the EP stops by my edit bay during a lull and tells me to edit the package. Being confused, I asked why. "What do you mean, 'why?' Are you going to do it?" Sure, but why, I thought "so and so" was going to edit it. "Well, can you edit it now? I rather you take care of it now and give the other shift a break - one less thing for them to worry about." OK. The whole time, she seemed to have this annoyed face like I was arguing with her! I wasn't trying to get out of it, I just thought someone else was handling it. I asked the reporter later about it, he told me the original editor called in sick that day and couldn't do the package as planned. OK! Why didn't they tell me that earlier? I'm happy to pitch in; it's just I didn't know why I was asked to do something out of the ordinary and no reason given. FTR, the reporter loved my work on his video! Your wish is my command!!
  16. Who should stop into the office to surprise me but the HR director (aka, "Big Mouth" in honor of the squealing she does to management)! She sees me in the hallway on the way back from the bathroom and proceeded to tell me I should have my visor lower because my mouth was "exposed". Then she proceeded to tell me how dangerous the virus is and how so many of her friends were hospitalized for it. Not to be disrespectful to those of you with loved ones who got sick, but i had trouble believing her story. It reminded me of that kid who is so dire of convincing you of something that they exaggerate details to ridiculous levels. To wit: Her: You shouldn't fool around with viruses! Just in the last 3 months I had 6 friends/family members hospitalized for it! Me: Really? Her: Not only that but one was so sick, he's just relearning how to walk and talk again! Then there's the family back east, they got it so much worse you know!! They're buried in a mass grave! Me: [inner monologue] I have a hunch you're lying to me and wouldn't believe anything you say unless you're hooked up to a lie detector and pass it to my satisfaction. Me: [actual dialogue] Oh, sorry to hear that. Her: Put down your visor! Your mouth is exposed! Me: [inner monologue]: I don't see a white coat on your shoulders. Before March of this year, you didn't give a damn when I was legitimately ill one time all year and gave me grief for being out of work for 5 days! You also didn't give a damn whenever half the staff routinely caught something that was "going around" and sidelined most of the office long before covid became a thing. The only reason I'm lowering the visor in your presence is because you're looking for something to snitch to Bitcheroo about if I ignore you. Lowering my visor changes nothing especially since you have me filling a check-in form every damn morning confirming that I'm not sick or have been near anyone who is! I also noticed some new MMJs (Multi Media Journalists) were hired along with a new EP (Executive Producer). Let's see how long they last before you know who drives them off for thinking.
  17. There is another option: Dental college. They do work for free (or nearly free) and they HAVE to do a good job on you - or they fail! I use this cream. It's chemical free and absorbs quickly. It softens the skin nicely!
  18. You can but I prefer preofessionals. The best ones use water only to clean carpets. In my area, there are two I've used successfully: Zerorez and Carbonated Solutions. Zerorez seems to be nationwide however. The carpet also dries much faster and the smell is much fresher than chemically treated shampooing jobs. The problem with using shampoos on carpets (professional machines or not) is that the soap remains in the carpet and attracts dirt faster. Using cleaners that utilize water to clean leaves no residue so carpets are less likely to be sticky or attract dirt.
  19. Saw this and thought it interesting; Kind of a twist on the usual comparisons. I'm a Hawthorn BTW!
  20. Have you tried calling a holistic dentist? They can work small miracles! Chances are you can find one in your area. So sorry to hear about your lousy week!
  21. Good question! Especially since I work at a TV station with photogs available at the ready! There are cameras and a security gate which open with a card key. I work for idiots!
  22. Yet another dream: This time I saw my uncle (father’s big brother) and in the dream he was silent and stoic; almost like a robot. I gave him a kiss and told him I was so sorry he was going through some things right now. He didn’t answer me or look directly at me. In real life, he has been dealing with my aunt who is arthritic and suffering from Alzheimer’s. My cousin told me when she visits she forgets her name! I don’t know how much time is left but I am dreading that late night family phone call about her.
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