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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. I think they'll have a hard time selling it for much, if any, profit. The comps in the area would have to be totally disregarded and this viewed as a very special circumstance, which is tough. They must have put at least a million or more into it.
  2. There's some answers to a few things raised here, in the previews for ep. 7. They're at the very last few seconds of this episode, after the credits and the special interview. Easy to miss.
  3. I can't believe Portia didn't leave the hotel alone after that drunken Jack scene and his behavior and the things he confessed. I expected the next scene to be of her catching a ride in front of the hotel after he'd fallen into his drunken stupor. Tanya should have become super suspicious after seeing that picture of young Greg. But I guess she was too stoned to put two and two together. Funny, she's the one who told Portia to "get her shit together" but then she herself goes nuts with absolute trust of these screwy people. And why didn't Tanya tell Portia exactly what she saw between Jack and Q? And why the absolutely horrible communication between Harper and Ethan? They should have sat down and discussed it ad infinitum and maybe even called in Cameron to "testify". But he goes into an idiotic snit of tired of discussing it.
  4. I'm not so sure Tanya knows they aren't related. And if he's deceiving her on this what else is he up to? Notice how shocked she was at discovering the two of them - and not because of seeing gay sex. Maybe the shock was in part seeing things aren't as they had been presented and in part concern as to Portia. And if Portia knew this was going on, like 99% of all women, she'd be quite upset, in part because it displays dishonesty. If these folks are dishonest on this what else are they dishonest about? That's how seeing this could arouse Tanya's suspicions in general (and she's very prone to suspicion to begin with).
  5. Portia fell head over heels for Jack obviously, totally for his looks, because he has a horrible personality and he has the most annoying accent I've ever heard. A horrible person to be around. I hope Tanya goes to Portia immediately so Portia has a chance to quickly confirm. Now we know at least Tanya has reason to distrust Q, even if Portia is possibly too blind to see. I think he is trying to scam Tanya, and I hope her suspicious nature will now kick in and save her.
  6. Just started Season 4. Too bad there's not a recap. But fortunately it looks like knowledge of the previous seasons isn't essential.
  7. Another season could be justified if enough people grew to like the sisters and their interactions. [I just don't feel it.] It would have to be about something other than them scheming to murder someone - that would make them seem like psychopaths.
  8. The letters jumped out to me as not normal mail. (Also, were there even stamps on all the letters? I don't remember. But definitely no postmarks.) If it were me, I definitely would have hidden a camera out there just in case, and figure out a way to do it so snoopy neighbors don't see it being done.
  9. So, why wasn't the room in the tunnel gone through? Why wasn't the tunnel fully explored? I know the police chief refused to allocate resources, but they could have done it on their own or hired someone. What about the cult that sacrificed a child next door? Was that just the kid's imagination? Why not surreptitiously put a hidden camera by the mailbox? And you'd think the couple would have learned to not keep running up to people and accusing them of horrible things.
  10. I saw Sharon Horgan on Morning Joe this morning, and she said there is a clue near the beginning of the first episode. So it could be the erection and a viagra induced heart attack.
  11. Seemed like the whole "what kind of asshole moves a cone?" thing was getting into Curb Your Enthusiasm territory and maybe Curb had some influence.
  12. Right you are. Both would have been great. I guess I was thinking that two in a row was maybe too much. But still way better than this ending.
  13. I don't care about the PI - he was a bit of a dick. And he was constantly acting annoying, trespassing, scaring people to death, and this time he also broke and entered their house. His obsessive thinking wasn't aware of what a dangerous nutcase of a person Ben was (and not just a danger to the Byrdes). So the killing of Ben wasn't nearly as evil as the depraved killing of a total innocent. And now he was going to destroy their lives. I say way to go Jonah!! Plus the cookie jar as his big clue was ridiculous. There were several instances of him making a big deal of it over the season, but none of it was really merited. As to Ruth - that was absolutely a terrible outcome. They should have set it up so Ruth outsmarted Camila. Camila was a total piece of junk who needed to be gone. So they have this total piece of junk kill the beloved Ruth? Sometimes an effort to not have a Hallmark ending leads to poor writing. And I agree with others they dumbed down Ruth - stupid to walk up to a car like that. She should have had a gun on her person, after all that went on - she should have been concerned about possible unknown variables for a while. Or, instead of having Jonah do a surprise shooting to kill the PI, they could have had the surprise shooting be "Three" shooting Camila from the roof of the trailer.
  14. What was that large tank container that Nacho climbed into and hid in at the beginning? And what was that pool of black glop he submerged in to hide?
  15. Great episode, but I don't like how they added nothing to the previous show's surprise ending of the car emerging after Saul and Kim left the Kellermans. Seems like a sort of cliffhanger that has usually been dealt with the next show. Also, scenes like the cards on the back of that painting, and the Huell scene, where we have no idea what's it's all about and have to just wait to see -- Seems like usually there is better exposition later in the same show. And, it seems like they have been having those "wait and see" scenes more often this season. I don't like that technique when it seems overdone. Maybe it's just that the need to spend so much time with Nacho cut into time they would have otherwise had for these things. Now that the Nacho plot is pretty much over, they can spend more time on Saul and Kim.
  16. There's all kinds of future benefits to him in pushing BCS to be even more popular. Future TV series, syndication, streaming deals, e.g. And it's what many were tuning in to see and are disappointed. So Bill had an interest in talking about it. And "he doesn't give a flying fuck if people watch BCS"?? Are you kidding me? He should. I repeat. It was weird to have so little discussion of it.
  17. It was 12 minutes. They could have easily worked in both the book and BCS - his two current projects. Big hugely popular premier of BCS a few days before - shows go around pushing what's interesting to the public. That's the subject the public would have wanted more focus on. Whether because of Bill or Bob, just plain weird BCS only got like 45 seconds of talk.
  18. Interesting how Bill pretty much avoided talking about Better Call Saul till the final minute of the Odenkirk interview. He talks to other guests in current TV programs about their programs to a much greater extent. He must not be a fan of BCS.
  19. Couple of random thoughts. That scene where Kim and Saul are at the Kettlemans and Kim calls the agent on the phone. I was thinking it would have been so great if they'd had it be Kuby (played by Bill Burr) pretending to be the agent. That's the kind of thing he was used for in BB. I was half expecting for Howard to bust Jimmy at the gym. For a second he looked like he might. He could have easily thought "Jimmy!", when the packet fell out, and realized the guy on the bench behind him sounded like Jimmy and had the shape. They show Howard to be very astute at other times, but not this time.
  20. When Wyatt agreed to move away with Ruth, I was thinking "Good!! He's finally come to his senses. So this string of episodes with him acting insane is finally over!!" Then he totally flakes out and decides to marry Darlene! I was not bothered at all with either him or Darlene being shot. They were both sorts that world could do without just fine. (I'm aware of Wyatt's concern that Zeke would go to foster care. But Zeke was not a blood relative of Wyatt, so his falling for Zeke to the extent he did was part of his overall messed up thinking. And foster care would be fine for the child. Foster parents can be outstanding and as Wyatt should have realized -- much better than growing up with Darlene. And the new, big reason for disliking Darlene now was still there. So I reject making his concern for Zeke into an understandable excuse for Wyatt's changing his mind and deciding to marry Darlene. Wyatt was simply a guy stubbornly, stupidly persisting with very annoying and very messed up thinking, so I wasn't sad at all to see him go.) When Marty went to that attorney's house and was surprised by Javi, I was hoping that attorney had an ounce of fight and preparation in him. There was plenty of opportunity to bang something over the head of Javi, or, even better, since he knew he was in danger from this guy, have several guns hidden around the house and he could get to one while Javi's back was turned. But instead Javi was allowed to do whatever he wanted there. That scene was more upsetting to me than when he killed unliked characters like Darlene and Wyatt.
  21. Jonah is another in a string of characters who the writers turn from an otherwise sharp, common sense filled person into a serious nutcase when a death of some kind of lowlife person who they are near to occurs. Now we see Jonah accepting verbal abuse and threats of physical harm over little things from insane Darlene, who assaulted him in the past and he must know has killed people too and is extremely, dangerously insane. As his sister said, Jonah is acting childish and I would add: so stupidly so it is out of character. The writers seem to turn sharp people into stubbornly stupid acting persons when it suits the plot. That's the way it is in the middle of ep. 5. But maybe he'll come around by the end.
  22. Yeah - as to Owl Creek. And, I don't think it would explode the internet (at least not with praise) like the show runner said about the ending. Fans would find it another poor ending.
  23. Here's a way-out-there theory I found on YouTube. Basically, Dexter is on death row about to be executed, and he got ahold of a drug and is hallucinating everything that happened in the season. I doubt this would be right, but it's interesting.
  24. Anyone else notice that one of the names in the vet's ledger of people who bought Ketamine was "Al Chung" - "for his cows". In Season 3 Albert Chung was a burglar who killed a woman when taken by surprise. He ended up getting a sweetheart deal from Ellen Wolfe and that PO'd a bunch of people, including Dexter and Masuka (also because he made Asians look bad.) Dexter never killed him - he apparently went into a brief prison term. Either the writers are just having fun, or that ledger entry means something.
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