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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. It's funny that the Keiffer character says "oh my God!" (twice). Just seems out of character.
  2. I was hoping they wouldn't do flashbacks like they seem to do in nearly every show these days. They are nearly always boring, unnecessary filler (as is the case here) and I'm sick of them. I always just can't wait till they're over and we get on with the story.
  3. I believe the time jump is real and not Barry's imagination. They suddenly, surprising everyone, jump a few years into the future like they did in the final few episodes of Better Call Saul. I think the show will stay in that time period except for a few brief flashbacks to explain things. There are people still looking for Barry and that will be the drama - will they find him, and how? And we'll get to see Barry trying to be a good person again, with Sally and child. So this time jump is brilliant!
  4. One of the best ep's in a while. Liked the Elon interview. Liked Moynihan on the panel, and loved Bill's tirade against Sen. Feinstein!! I can't believe she is doing this to the party!!!
  5. It was so great to see Sally kick Barry out of the apt. She'd firmly broken up with him last episode and I was afraid she'd flake out and cave. It looked like she would at first, but Barry's ideas for revenge reminded her. I hope she doesn't cave in a future episode.
  6. I was disappointed in the younger professor. Bill would ask an interesting question and he'd go on a filibuster with a poor answer or just totally evade the question. The woman interviewee was great. Very intelligent and persuasive. E.g., she handled Bill's thing against fantasy brilliantly. It was one of his better interview guests of late.
  7. It's a simple matter for Dems to clarify all this (e.g., repeat over and over he likely won the 2016 election via this) , and even so it is no reason to not indict Trump for a crime. There's always been "clever" 3D chess thinking and worries of one sort or another that has always saved Trump from criminal charges. Now, FINALLY he's got a criminal indictment. Take it when they can get it! And then educate the public if need be. Waiting for a perfect case on Trump is no good any more. And I don't buy the idea it will dilute further indictments. I think the cumulative impact of numerous indictments will hurt Trump exponentially. And also, we have not seen the massive gains for Trump that people were predicting. The weak links in Trumps support are those who are fed up with his circus. I'm seeing lots of reports that such repubs are more open than ever to a different candidate.
  8. Virtually everything Bill said in his "New Rules" segment about the Trump indictment was wrong. His big point about Dems not learning from the repubs' Clinton sex scandal treatment was just plain stupid. Apples and oranges. No, Bill, the Trump indictment isn't about the sex. It's about paying hush money to hide a story which coming right after the Access Hollywood story and within two weeks of the election, would very likely have cost him the election. It was a big deal for that reason, -- stealing an election -- not at all like Clinton's mere lying about sex. And instead of the ridiculously convoluted way Bill described the indictment, how about just "mere days before the election paying hush money and falsifying documents to steal the election". And so many more things Bill got just plain wrong. Just one more: lambasting them for bringing this when Trump has done so many worse things. Bill, you need to understand how the judicial system works. This was for various reasons the first that was ready to issue an indictment. The courts don't coordinate to determine "hmmm what should be the order of our indictments". This was the first to be ready. The others will come. Is the NY court supposed to just drop this crime because Trump did worse things? No. Bill is really losing it. He's still articulate and able to talk confidently and forcefully, but his thinking truly makes less and less sense. And he gets into these "things" about certain topics where he stubbornly persists, can't be persuaded he's wrong, and twists reality to support his "thing". He really needs to stick to comedy and not get into matters that are over his head.
  9. Not that great an episode. I wasn't impressed with the guests. So much wrong thinking. Either just logically wrong, poorly reasoned, factually inaccurate, apples and oranges comparisons, etc. Actually there were a few good things, especially when Bill jumped on Sununu about saying he'd vote for Trump (but unfortunately he let Sununu filibuster) and the other times he was harshly critical of Trump, and also the final "New Rule".
  10. I don't think his "affair" was free for him. I seriously doubt she did it for free. I say this based on what I seem to recall, but also from common sense.
  11. So Bill thought it extremely important to argue Stormy Daniels was not a prostitute?? Good God, Trump paid for a sexual encounter with her. This can't have been her first such thing. It is quite justifiable to argue she was a prostitute for wealthy men. I think he got those particular panelists because he knew they'd support his goofball argument that Trump should not be indicted by the NY DA. Seems like Bill used to differentiate himself from Dems on particular issues on reasonable grounds. Now it seems like he's moving away from (at least trying to be) being a rational independent to being irrational repub leaning, for irrational reasons. On other things he's irrational too, like the status of young men in America, he takes isolated incidents and greatly overgeneralizes them (men wear shorts on dates these days!!!) . Or kids in America- they're terrible these days because he's seen it on TV shows or movies!!! He's definitely losing it though he's still able to portray an image of a rational man, on the surface.
  12. I thought of that. Could be. He has such an extremely strong Welsh accent, any device he can come up with to lose it is helpful.
  13. One thing that annoyed me in The Americans was Rhys's halting, hesitating way of speaking. So I'm once again annoyed in this series - he speaks the same way. I wonder if that's just the way Rhys speaks in general or what. Anyway I'm not letting that stop me from enjoying this excellent show. I just re-watched Season 1 and had forgotten how good it was. This season looks to be at least as good. Last season he had a Perry Mason moment in Court in his imagination. I hope to see one this season for real!
  14. I don't think this LV deal is going to work out. Selling not yet existing property is difficult to begin with. But on top of that, a big development like that in the desert, with water shortages already a big concern?
  15. He had to make a living, you know. His rates were in line with other PIs in LA. He usually didn't get paid though or at least a greatly reduced amount and in a few episodes just genuinely laughs it off at the end. (E.g., see the ending of "The Four Pound Brick" - Season 1, ep. 20) He knew some clients were unlikely to pay but would do it anyway.
  16. Rockford Files too. That rundown trailer she was living in in episode 1 and her not placing too huge importance on money, is all very Rockford-like.
  17. Mace is actually a pretty irrational repub, even though she likes to pretend she's rational. She was on Meet the Press Sunday spouting one idiotic false equivalency after another. Bill could have had a line of questioning to expose this, but he kept it all soft and easy for her.
  18. When he's standing, doing his monologue, what's the deal with him always putting his right hand just an inch or so above his crotch with weirdly bent fingers. I started noticing it last year. Is this a thing he's always done and I just haven't noticed. It's just very weird and annoying as hell.
  19. This show has an excess of annoying/disturbing scenes. A prolonged mass vomiting scene. A prolonged painful childbirth scene. A prolonged whipping scene of a beloved character. Characters that act rather smart in some places and really inconsistently stupid elsewhere. 2016 characters so annoying that you just want to smack them. I didn't like the characters and only hung in there because I wanted to learn what the H was going on! But now I see they're gonna keep this thing going, with minimal reveals, sort of like Lost.
  20. Basically, it was a happy, upbeat ending for nearly everyone, other than the mass murder on the yacht and Tanya's death. Valentina has gotten herself pretty much together, and initially was polite to Giuseppe and Salvatore in giving them bad news, and only acted with rage when they started resisting and arguing. Her anger was appropriate, I thought, and I applauded her. Mia gets a job as the singer/piano player. Lucia got all those Euros. Portia and Albie got played, but it worked out ok and they learned lessons and may get together. Ethan and Harper seem to have worked things out, by hook or by crook. Domenic now has a chance with his ex-wife.
  21. I was glad that Valentina moved Salvatore out of the lobby area. In addition to the harassing, he was rather insubordinate and a bit of an a-h with a bad attitude.
  22. As to any Greg conspiracy, in the post-show interview Mike White said something like "we'll have to wait and see what happens", implying it could be addressed in Season 3. But that doesn't mean it really will be brought back.
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