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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. I wonder if Saul might work a "fugue state" somehow into his explanation to Lalo?
  2. I think Kim realized, while talking to Lalo, she'd made a huge mistake in going to him. I could see it in her eyes. Going to him was a gamble, and she knows she lost. She will certainly realize that it's a new, dangerous ballgame now and she may have to disappear from Albuquerque.
  3. Saul can do some very sharp things, but in this episode they made him out to look so stupid as to be a clown. (1) Agreeing to pick up the $7 million, knowing a cartel was involved. And way way out in the middle of nowhere. When $7M is involved it is quite possible there will be lowlife people finding out and going after it. It is inherently dangerous. (2) Not listening to Kim in telling him not to do it. And he thinks a reply of "I will be OK. I SWEAR!" (said it twice) means anything real? How the H does he know? When people say things like "I swear" or "trust me" about something they have no way of guaranteeing, it reflects badly on them, to me anyway. (3) Driving way way out to the middle of nowhere in an old, crappy Suzuki Esteem. He's getting $100K. Why not rent some other inexpensive model (inexpensive, since he is so keen on not attracting attention), but in excellent condition, with low mileage? (Yeah, that decision isn't what caused him the problems - but it could have.) (4) Dragging the money bags and not constantly checking to see how they are holding up. I mean like, duh!! Mike seemed stupid in not waiting till the guy got out of the car before shooting him -- unless he thought the guy was going to run Saul down, which could be the case. I'm not sure. But I doubt he would have run Saul down as he could have damaged or spread the money all around, or damaged the vehicle.
  4. As the series is nearing the end, I think an interesting ending would be the idiot President is on the verge of ordering nuking Pakistan and won't listen to reason. And Saul shoots him, to save hundreds of thousands of lives. Do we know who his veep is, who would then assume power? It would be funny then if that prez had picked Elizabeth Keane for his veep -- maybe she became hugely popular because of a sympathy backlash after her resignation and so Hayes picked her for a sign of unity in troubled times.
  5. This season was largely about otherwise intelligent, tough people who lost someone in their lives that were really lowlife people, and the loss of whom could easily be viewed as a relief. But they go insane with grief, I guess because of neediness or similar issues. Wyatt is at the beginning set up as a sharp, logical guy. When Ruth, in a manner of utmost sadness and respect for him tells him she was responsible for his father's death, he goes off into a mindless tantrum leading him to fall for a 60 year old woman. Ruth really barely knew Ben, and she was told he's a total nutcase when off med's in time for her to not get emotionally invested. She sees his insanity in action yet falls totally and madly in love with him. Then goes nuts when he's killed. Jonah barely knew Ben but also knew he was big trouble, yet goes totally insane when Ben is killed. And yet I haven't even gotten to Wendy and her distress over Ben.
  6. When a frozen chicken drops into boiling oil an explosion takes place. That's what Gus was doing with the chicken. But why did he strike two matches outside, as he's walking to his car?
  7. Still no smart, suspicious, committed opponent, which I had been hoping would emerge. Howard is close, but he has no solid proof of Jimmy's actions, and in this episode we saw no evidence he plans to *follow through* on anything. (Maybe he will, but still the show could go either way on that - it's left open.) At the very least, Jimmy's public eruption with hurling of insults could merit disciplinary action. Kim and Jimmy have outsmarted the bank clients (Paige had been presented as super sharp and tough!), Schweikart and his firm- a whole bunch of people who are supposed to be quite smart and tough. I don't like seeing them made into easy pushovers or patsies. Let's see someone come forth whose suspicions have been aroused and isn't easily fooled! Last couple episodes we saw glimmers that maybe Schweikart would not be hoodwinked. But now he seems to be back in line. Disappointing, but this season still has 3 episodes left.
  8. Seems like that hysterical, insane public behavior is so unprofessional it could be the basis for a disciplinary action, if Howard or any witness wanted to pursue it. And the fact that it comes so soon after his recent suspension and reinstatement would be an important consideration. How did Howard know Jimmy did those things (the bowling balls, prostitutes), I wonder? Just a very reasonable guess and he wanted to see Jimmy's reaction? I doubt he has any solid proof, but it's possible.
  9. Personality wise, could be. But in terms of politics, it's clearly Bolton. Miller has little to do with foreign policy advice. Others agree with me. But often these characters are composites of various people.
  10. Miller is more known for anti-immigration, not his foreign intervention stances. This guy though is a neo-con, like Bolton.
  11. That new adviser is like John Bolton on steroids! But, what do you all make of him asking that new lady to get "kompromat" on the deep staters? (Russian word for compromising material.) Is the term in common enough usage now in the US that its usage there means nothing significant, and is sort of a mild red herring. Or is that bearded adviser a Russian agent? Will we soon see a call between him and Yevgeny? Whoever shot down the plane needed info as to the prez's comings and goings. I bet it was the Russians who provided the info. And maybe Yevgeny got it from Carrie (who could have been brainwashed during her 6 month imprisonment) and passed it on. Maybe he's sticking with her to find the black box, then he'll seize it and run with it.
  12. Howard would be good. We know he has some spine and determination. Just haven't seen it lately. I'm sort of hoping to see more of that petite Chinese assistant of Kim, and that she will be involved. I know she's been pretty sharp in previous seasons. She had only one line this episode - an awkward reply to Saul's "How's it hangin?", which was pretty funny, actually. She seems too interesting a character to waste and maybe they have been low-keying her for a surprise emergence in coming episodes.
  13. I think what is needed in the season's remaining episodes is a smart, suspicious opponent on the verge of discovering what they are doing, to create some good dramatic tension. Like Hank did in BB. Or was done throughout Dexter and many shows. Most likely it would be either Paige or Schweikart. As others have said Saul's bluff could have been called. Schweikart and Paige's caving seemed inconsistent with the intelligence and toughness they have shown, but more is to come, I'm sure. I'm just tired of seeing them out"smarting" everyone.
  14. One of these days they should have one of these millenials recognize the name Dave Clark, just for a laugh.
  15. The stunts with Howard have been totally uncalled for at this point and really contribute to making Saul into an unsympathetic character - a psychopath, basically.
  16. The general idea happens, but people obviously try to keep it subtle. What wasn't realistic about the restaurant scenes was stuff like the maitre d' yelling "We need assistance in the ugly section". Or making a huge scene with someone who wanted to sit at one of the empty tables there. Or firing a bathroom attendant who leaves the bathroom upon request of a customer, who's the only person in there. Funny, yes. Realistic? No - but that's fine - it's comedy, and it was all very funny!
  17. Larry's antics with the fire engines near the end seemed a tad overly stupid to a degree out of character, even for him. He should know there will be severe repercussions legally no matter what the case, and that the sirens could be legit this time. Too big a deal to mess around with, even for Larry. Like someone else, I too thought for sure it was setting up for the guy's big schlong to get cut off in that urinal. I'm sure LD must have thought about writing it in but decided against it for some reason.
  18. You mis-read my post as predicting a fairy tale ending. The throwing in of such an extreme goofball for prez just cries out for something happening to him. It's like a writers' device of a singled-out, especially bad villain where audiences are screaming for something to happen to him. In the ordinary course of the show something would happen this season. Being the final season, who knows what kind of goofball ending is in store. I don't think Carrie has been a russian agent all along. (I've seen some predicting it's a "No Way Out" sort of deal). But maybe since her 6 months detention in Russia. I saw one sign of some weird "control" vibe from the Russian resonating with Carrie, at one particular point. Could be a sort of Manchurian Candidate thing going on, from the 6-month imprisonment in Russia from last season.
  19. I so want that dumb A president removed. Hopefully something happens to him soon so that he is no longer in office. I can't believe they'd throw in a character like that unless they intend something to befall him.
  20. Schweikart can't prove his concerns about Kim yet. The most he could say is he's "just not buying it". So, when she angrily confronted him in front of everyone he couldn't exactly accuse her of something he has no direct proof of. He could only ask her to come into his office and talk quietly. When she refused, and continues making a scene, he tells her "If that's the way you want it." Meaning he's not giving up on this. I suspect he'll meet with Mesa Verde and carefully discuss the Kim situation. Maybe plant seeds in Kevin's head and have Kevin ask Schweikart for a different attorney. Then Schweikart fires Kim, for at the very least unprofessional conduct, creating a scene in the office, and humiliating him in front of everybody. At least I hope it plays out with Schweikart winning and Kim losing.
  21. Kim has really become a low-life sort of person. Because that old coot is on the wrong side of the law, has erroneous expectations, is rude and a total A-H and causing problems for everybody, the only things that can explain her necessity to help him out are issues from a childhood history of evictions or she just plain is super stubborn and she hates to lose . Neither gives me any sympathy for her ethics violations. And then she signs on to efforts to see about destroying her employer's reputation. Then when she is confronted in her office, she lies to the guy and makes a big scene, totally disrupting the office and embarrassing the guy. She could have and should have been fired right there for that: Making a big scene when politely being requested to talk calmly in the office. But I think things are really about to come to a head in that office. Schweikart is sharper than I had thought and he won't give up. By the way, it wasn't rocket science that Kim's indiscretions could be easily figured out. Her actions are just wrong on several levels.
  22. Come on. People love to see close ups of other people brushing and spitting. And also they love to hear the magnified eating and chewing sounds the BCS sound people throw in (never heard that on BB). Never mind that people have hated that for centuries. Now it is all the fashion! And in the meantime, we are due for some vomiting this season! People love seeing that stuff. NOT.
  23. What especially bugged me was at the end he needed to say a prayer for the A-H Nazi they just killed. That's a sort of "goodness" that really annoys me, and it is the reason he's nearly gotten himself killed and effed things up for the team. Suppose someone needed to say a prayer for Hitler when he died ... their thinking is really askew. Despite all the time the Pacino character took to explain things to him, it still hasn't sunk in. He should be on the team from now on only in the capacity of breaking codes.
  24. Yeah Jonah annoys the hell out of me too. What a pathetic lead character. Someone no one likes or respects. And then they throw in gratuitous vomiting scenes right and left. If there is any annoying practice Hollywood weirdly loves these days they throw it in. And the scenes where Pacino has his face right up to Jonah's, like two inches away talking intently at him, and his hands on his face. .. That is odd to me.
  25. Saul came across as knowing what he's doing in the courtroom, but like a total A-H to others in other situations. A minor thing is walking into that nick nack store and immediately handling things and acting like a nut case. A decent person would realize the clerk would be concerned and say something to ease concerns. But that's a minor thing compared to the way he treated Howard, especially the incident at Howard's house. No issues there!! LOL As to the buying of the bowling balls at the beginning, the show sometimes shows flash forwards into the future to make us try to figure out how it gets to that point.
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