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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. Nearing the end of season 2. The whole Carl Nash thing has been annoying. First, Bosch and Edgar had no suspicions about the guy from the beginning, and they are seasoned detectives? It jumped out to me right off the bat that this goof was acting a little too odd, and there was lots of phoniness. And inappropriately inserting himself too often. Second, a fat old guy who just cannot be caught and he has women falling for him right and left. Mo, for example. And that nice, pretty woman vet to go to who still has a thing for the miserable piece of sh..?? What's next? Bosch and the old man will get in a fist fight and the fat, wounded, old man will give him the fight of his life?
  2. The thinking in Hollywood these days is that people love to see other people puking. So they throw in unnecessary scenes of puking because this is what people want to see, they think. Well, yeah .... if the person is like an 11 year old boy. No one else wants to see puking, people!! get that through your heads!!
  3. I think they went in a wrong direction when they decided to throw in tons of unrealistic fight scenes, along the lines of Marvel Comics shows. People getting punched and banged in the head and all over with blows that in real life, would, if not kill, would cause detached retinas, broken facial bones, concussions, deviated septums. I grew weary of this nonsense in the Marvel stuff and I am disappointed to see it here. In the next season I hope Mike's hair is different and they don't make him wear that horrible black wig he had to wear this season.
  4. I love it when he calls them "little shits"! Such a heartwarming term of endearment.
  5. So we're supposed to believe that for the teenage girl, going to malls, shopping and acting goofy as H is *instinctive*. El had never seen a mall or gone shopping in her life and now she's instantly infatuated with it all. I guess her friendship and influence by the red headed girl could explain it a little, but the whole thing is preposterous.
  6. The whole boxing thing was ridiculous, unrealistic, boring FILLER.
  7. He said it would be poor people who never had a chance to go to college, paying the expenses of people who went to college. Warren's proposal to forgive college debt would be paid for with her wealth tax on rich people. Not by poor or middle people. And they would then be able to go to college too.
  8. I thought Bill's criticisms of Elizabeth Warren's college tuition proposal were among the most ignorant, out of touch with reality comments I have ever heard him make. It was just like some amusing (to him) thoughts, divorced from reality, popped into his head and he thought it sounded clever, so reality be damned!
  9. I have to watch the past few episodes again, paying more attention. Several different convoluted strategies going on. We are seeing how Chuck, and any person with sado-masochistic tendencies, likely has deep underlying psychological problems. This is why it is different from the ordinary "what people do behind closed doors is their business" attitude. I just cannot believe an American electorate in any jurisdiction would elect such a person to that high an office, even with all the stuff we have seen in recent years.
  10. It was obvious Seth Macfarland is familiar with all the nerdy discussions about the ramifications of time travel. I found that whole discussion sequence was quite humorous. If the Kaylons are going to be pursuing them every whipstitch and they don't have the power to defeat the Kaylons, they ought to just go back to earth and lay low till a plan is figured out. They barely escaped them this time.
  11. "Why Game of Thrones is easily the greatest show in TV history". I completely disagree with this article. I stopped watching mid season 3 because it is a weekly excursion into constant dreariness, misery, suffering, and sadistic actions going unpunished for way too long. Very dreary show and I don't like to immerse myself in dreariness.
  12. Yeah. When Axe and Wag were talking about someone with a meeting there must have done the plant, I thought of her. Then when she visited the offices, she left them to go get some ice, alone. She's still doing things there - Axe thinks he's won her over with his brilliance and charm, and she's playing along, while up to something.
  13. As to why they didn't short, it was as much as they could do to sell some 85% or whatever of their positions. There was little time to short on top of that. Plus they could barely find buyers for what they were trying to sell. It would have been difficult to sell short too. The idea of shorting should have been brought up on the show and Axe explain why not. Maybe it was but they edited it out. I wonder why a genius like him was so long on NG in the first place. It's been a dog for years because of oversupply.
  14. That would be the strongest argument - didn't give in to a blackmailer. If he had emphasized that to the hilt and if he had a weak opponent, then his win makes more sense. Still there is a fundamental weirdness and psychological problem with someone who likes people to hurt him. That makes it different from other things and tough for people to accept in a leader -- just a very difficult thing to understand..
  15. The whole episode with Anton was Twilight Zonish. Hannah is at a party filled with people, makes eye contact with Anton, and it's love at first sight! And it turns out that it is the same boy that her friend has been raving about how gorgeous he is and who also has a thing about him. This guy? Come on. I've noticed an obsession with interracial relationships in British series the past few years, but this is an American series. then I noticed the writer (David Farr) is British. That explains it - the British have an obsession in this area, for some psychological reasons.
  16. In that fictional world, Chuck's speech worked ... he won the election. I can't believe it would work in the real world. It conjures disgusting images one cannot get out of one's mind every time one sees him. And it is such a weird sort of thing one has to wonder what sort of other oddnesses lurk within him and whether he has the requisite frame of mind. And in the case of Chuck, with the things he's done, those fears are not off base. He's a weird guy in too many ways.
  17. If Wendy doesn't divorce Chuck after this I would be surprised. He promised the course that would not embarrass her and the family. She walked away, relaxed, trusting him, that he would take that course. Then he just unilaterally changes course, taking her by complete surprise, totally abusing her trust. How could she ever trust him again? Why should she not just be angry beyond measure and despise the idea of even being around him?
  18. I Google-Earthed it and that area looks like a mess. Roads very narrow with cars parked all along them. Lots of construction going on. Looks really junky. April 2018.
  19. What's with the accentuated sound of chewing in the eating scenes? There's a scene last ep where Chuck was eating a sandwich and chewing loudly while talking, for an extended period. Not talking while eating has been considered rude for centuries for a reason. It is annoying as hell!! Why do they think we want to hear this? And this ep., even while taking a pill, you hear Chuck chewing it loudly. At least no vomiting scenes. But i think that's coming. These people think annoying stuff is box office GOLD! The guys in Better Call Saul also last season started accentuating the chewing sounds and throwing in lots of eating scenes in which to do it. Is this some recent trend now. like vomiting was for a while?
  20. I view the Dubai stuff as boring filler, in that they are running out of ideas for interesting angles on the LA real estate deal process. And please .... no more education on the geography, history and dynamics of Dubai!!
  21. I think she should have hurt Hodel more - disable him at least - hit him in the crotch with that ball. She let him off too easy. and now he can hurt more people. I understand killing him would have opened a can of worms -- not really self defense, since he was down. But to just leave him there.... I thought for sure he'd get a second wind and cause her more trouble, like you see so often in movies where they don't kill the guy. I am so glad that tired old device wasn't used.
  22. Fauna's accent is so weird (and sometimes hard to understand) the actress would have been better just talking in her normal voice. I never understand people (like Jay) feeling guilty about having killed someone clearly in self defense. It was kill or be killed. I would be proud of myself having thwarted the attack.
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