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Pike Ludwell

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Everything posted by Pike Ludwell

  1. Saul came across as knowing what he's doing in the courtroom, but like a total A-H to others in other situations. A minor thing is walking into that nick nack store and immediately handling things and acting like a nut case. A decent person would realize the clerk would be concerned and say something to ease concerns. But that's a minor thing compared to the way he treated Howard, especially the incident at Howard's house. No issues there!! LOL As to the buying of the bowling balls at the beginning, the show sometimes shows flash forwards into the future to make us try to figure out how it gets to that point.
  2. Yeah, after they showed them walking through all the broken glass, and Kim uttered a tone of disgust about it, I knew she'd do it -- Even though Saul said something like "The apartment's maintenance will take care of it. That's what rent is for." Shows a difference in their personalities. Kyle looked pretty PO'd by the end of it.
  3. Ha! Maybe she added an unnoticed clause in her resignation that if a replacement shows incompetence within a year, the resignation is revoked and she assumes office again.
  4. As far as Carrie delaying things by insisting Max go after the black box - True. But I put more blame on the new prez, who stupidly delayed around 5 minutes, being unavailable and dithering in a situation where every second counted. What a pathetic loser that prez is. I hope something happens so they get a new prez - like their 4th one in about a year? LOL
  5. I said it's a misinterpreted thing and so I must defend myself and say I don't believe and would not support Jews being compared to Nazis in any sort of bad faith way. Chris explained why it was not bad faith. Many many many people would disagree with your interpretation of those comments and of the reaction that most people, including Jewish people, would have to those comments. Let's agree to disagree and move on.
  6. Ratings tanking would be the most likely reason. IMO because of his personality - e.g., constantly interrupting people is annoying, and the comments to or about women, over time. So many disagreed with the furor over the Sanders/Nazi thing that I don't think they'd fire him for that. Pretty minor and misinterpreted thing.
  7. I keep hoping MSNBC and Chris reach an agreement for him to return. I get the feeling that the decision was hasty and maybe if both sides had used a little diplomacy, things could have been worked out. NO ONE outside of the immediate parties knows how it really went down - we can only speculate right now, but I can envision the producers calling him to talk to him about adjusting some things and he got all offended and decided he didn't need to take it. I didn't watch his show much, but I liked him as a special commentator during elections and special news events. You never knew what sort of far out thing he'd say next - but often on the money, and usually entertaining. And who else corrects republicans who refer to the "Democrat Party".
  8. Bill made a big deal about not touching, and not shaking hands with the panel. So I'm thinking, good ... this time he won't be creepily touching the special guest, unless he truly can't control himself on that. So, he touches his special guest - Brian Cox. At least two times. It's creepy as Hell and he can't control himself on this.
  9. It's done to some extent, loosely. But if a good customer demands to sit on the that side, the most common thing would be just let them. Making a big thing of it like that guy would not be good for business. He way overdid it. And certainly, yelling "we need a doctor on the ugly side" is not any sort of common practice! LOL Also, on to a different business practice: though some restaurants may have assistants in the restrooms, it would be very very weird, and probably a sign of psychosis, if the attendant was fired for stepping out briefly *at a customer's request*. LOL Even if the manager was thinking "after all he did leave his post", that would be a psychotic basis to fire him.
  10. I know, but I don't think it can even be defended on basis of practice within the restaurant business, and I don't see any need to try to do so. Such a firing is a stupid move under any circumstance, I couldn''t see it happening in any viable restaurant, and one really has to push it to assert a defense for it.
  11. You're seriously defending the firing for leaving an unnecessary post when a customer requested it?
  12. As Max was walking to the helicopter it was clear he was having second thoughts and might decide to stay. I kept thinking "Don't do it Max. Don't stay. Go." But he did it - he stayed. I understand it's supposed to be a heroic thing - stand with your fellow troops, but that makes a lot more sense in the heat of real wars than in Max's situation. The sensible thing was to leave. Next ep., they're going to have to get a bunch of men down there fast - there's got to be a way. Get them down there. Spread bomb traps all over the place, napalm (or whatever) the area where the Taliban is approaching, and get the prez out of there fast. I don't know - there's got to be a way, and we'll see early next ep. I think that prez survives this.
  13. Very funny episode. I thought it was great. Are there really still bathroom attendants anywhere? I thought that went out decades ago, with elevator attendants. (Hey, there's an idea for a future show - Larry gets into an elevator, and there is an attendant to push the button for him - then as Larry's leaving the attendant acts offended Larry didn't give him a tip). The restaurant manager was a total kook: dividing the restaurant like that, firing the bathroom attendant for leaving his post - upon a customer's request, and then the crazy ending showing he must have been aware of the privacy issue all along, since he's rather neurotic about it himself. Crazier than most of the Curb "villains".
  14. Yeah I was pleasantly surprised at the way Bill and the others pretty much kept Sexton under control. He's one of those folks with stupid ideas, but 100% sure they are right, who think they are the king (or queen) of the panel and try to monopolize the whole thing, (And his idiotic, out of touch with reality smirks were annoying.) Only reason to have someone like that on is to immediately destroy his arguments and also keep on shutting him down, which they pretty much did. Bill started talking about people eating bats and then started saying that people ingesting horrible food is the reason for so many problems today. I was wondering do that many people eat bats? Then I realized he was talking about hamburgers and such and he was going off on one of his goofball "things". Then he asked if sugar is the most dangerous food today? The woman equivocated but she should have said sugar is fine, as are most foods, if eaten in moderation.
  15. Larry said Jeff hated the Caribbean though. Maybe Susie didn't know that.
  16. So, was Susie really was trying to kill Jeff with the surprise party? If she wasn't Larry wasn't exactly overly paranoid about it, because it did seem like a possibility. Her looking into a trip, soon, to the Bahamas fed into it. Kill her husband, get the money and head to the Caribbean to celebrate!
  17. And it's all for a cut, split several ways, of 50K a year (minus taxes, is what? a measly 36K??) Some real low level stuff.
  18. I knew they'd have to stretch this thing out, but, MAN, the filler in this episode is killing me. Who gives a rat's a.. that this horrible Jerry person died. Yet the whole family is reduced to tears, and the segment goes on and on. They should have all been relieved that this guy was out of their lives. Yeah, he was that dude's brother, but, dude, your brother was a total A-H.
  19. Here's what I read about that from someone in the media who's seen ahead:
  20. Yeah. I kept feeling offended almost that they would subject me to that degree of stupidity for so long. It was sort of along the lines of that "Windy" scene that opened an episode of BB, but that one worked. This one didn't.
  21. We know from BB Crazy 8 became a DEA informant. Maybe this is the time for it to happen. Maybe we'll see Hank in an episode soon!
  22. I bet it starts with a continuation of the Gene situation, as in every new season so far. Maybe that will go on a bit longer this time? Last time they left us with Gene being dropped off by that cab driver, who seemed to be acting truly suspicious, and also had that Albuquerque souvenir by his windshield. Was Gene being paranoid or was there something developing there?
  23. I'm close to finishing Season 2. Lots of weird things about it, but it's enjoyable enough I'll keep watching. They're painting Diane as somewhat of a flaky kook, which is unfortunate, it's hard to tell how much is due to her micro-dosing. And this Sully guy ... tell the kook to get lost and then stick with it. I think he's trouble and there's no real reason she should be interested in him. Maia is always either acting like a subdued, not too bright, person or becoming a manic teenage girl type. Low degree of professionalism. Thank God her parents are out of the picture - what a pair of absolutely hideous people. And the flashbacks of them being a loving family were painful to watch - so hard to believe and hokey. And her father as some sort of sex symbol, attracting gorgeous young women ... well, I guess money can do that for a person, but weird to watch. Still, the writing is good and the stories are and acting are good enough I like the series.
  24. I agree that the military, etc. would be on the side of the new prez, in the unlikely event... I think the candidate should throw red meat to the base and say something along the lines "I would hope it would be done without bloodshed, but if Trump or his SS agents draw, shots would have to be fired and there would be bloodshed. I would hope we could extricate Trump without too much physical damage to himself." Attention would be gotten, the reaction would be sympathetic. Win Win. Candidates should be having fun with it, not running scared to death, finger to the wind, or hyper cautious.
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